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class  ContentSharer
 Functions that allow sharing content between apps and devices. More...
class  DirectoryContentsDisplayComponent
 A base class for components that display a list of the files in a directory. More...
class  DirectoryContentsList
 A class to asynchronously scan for details about the files in a directory. More...
struct  DirectoryContentsList::FileInfo
 Contains cached information about one of the files in a DirectoryContentsList. More...
class  FileBrowserComponent
 A component for browsing and selecting a file or directory to open or save. More...
struct  FileBrowserComponent::LookAndFeelMethods
 This abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes to provide various file-browser layout and drawing methods. More...
class  FileBrowserListener
 A listener for user selection events in a file browser. More...
class  FileChooser
 Creates a dialog box to choose a file or directory to load or save. More...
class  FileChooserDialogBox
 A file open/save dialog box. More...
class  FileListComponent
 A component that displays the files in a directory as a listbox. More...
class  FilenameComponentListener
 Listens for events happening to a FilenameComponent. More...
class  FilenameComponent
 Shows a filename as an editable text box, with a 'browse' button and a drop-down list for recently selected files. More...
struct  FilenameComponent::LookAndFeelMethods
 This abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes. More...
class  FilePreviewComponent
 Base class for components that live inside a file chooser dialog box and show previews of the files that get selected. More...
class  FileSearchPathListComponent
 Shows a set of file paths in a list, allowing them to be added, removed or re-ordered. More...
class  FileTreeComponent
 A component that displays the files in a directory as a treeview. More...
class  ImagePreviewComponent
 A simple preview component that shows thumbnails of image files. More...

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