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var Class Reference

A variant class, that can be used to hold a range of primitive values. More...

#include <juce_Variant.h>


struct  NativeFunctionArgs
 This structure is passed to a NativeFunction callback, and contains invocation details about the function's arguments and context. More...

Public Types

using NativeFunction = std::function<var (const NativeFunctionArgs&)>

Public Member Functions

 var () noexcept
 Creates a void variant.
 ~var () noexcept
 var (const var &valueToCopy)
 var (int value) noexcept
 var (int64 value) noexcept
 var (bool value) noexcept
 var (double value) noexcept
 var (const char *value)
 var (const wchar_t *value)
 var (const String &value)
 var (const Array< var > &value)
 var (const StringArray &value)
 var (ReferenceCountedObject *object)
 var (NativeFunction method) noexcept
 var (const void *binaryData, size_t dataSize)
 var (const MemoryBlock &binaryData)
varoperator= (const var &valueToCopy)
varoperator= (int value)
varoperator= (int64 value)
varoperator= (bool value)
varoperator= (double value)
varoperator= (const char *value)
varoperator= (const wchar_t *value)
varoperator= (const String &value)
varoperator= (const MemoryBlock &value)
varoperator= (const Array< var > &value)
varoperator= (ReferenceCountedObject *object)
varoperator= (NativeFunction method)
 var (var &&) noexcept
 var (String &&)
 var (MemoryBlock &&)
 var (Array< var > &&)
varoperator= (var &&) noexcept
varoperator= (String &&)
void swapWith (var &other) noexcept
 operator int () const noexcept
 operator int64 () const noexcept
 operator bool () const noexcept
 operator float () const noexcept
 operator double () const noexcept
 operator String () const
String toString () const
Array< var > * getArray () const noexcept
 If this variant holds an array, this provides access to it.
MemoryBlockgetBinaryData () const noexcept
 If this variant holds a memory block, this provides access to it.
ReferenceCountedObjectgetObject () const noexcept
DynamicObjectgetDynamicObject () const noexcept
bool isVoid () const noexcept
bool isUndefined () const noexcept
bool isInt () const noexcept
bool isInt64 () const noexcept
bool isBool () const noexcept
bool isDouble () const noexcept
bool isString () const noexcept
bool isObject () const noexcept
bool isArray () const noexcept
bool isBinaryData () const noexcept
bool isMethod () const noexcept
bool equals (const var &other) const noexcept
 Returns true if this var has the same value as the one supplied.
bool equalsWithSameType (const var &other) const noexcept
 Returns true if this var has the same value and type as the one supplied.
bool hasSameTypeAs (const var &other) const noexcept
 Returns true if this var has the same type as the one supplied.
var clone () const noexcept
 Returns a deep copy of this object.
int size () const
 If the var is an array, this returns the number of elements.
const varoperator[] (int arrayIndex) const
 If the var is an array, this can be used to return one of its elements.
varoperator[] (int arrayIndex)
 If the var is an array, this can be used to return one of its elements.
void append (const var &valueToAppend)
 Appends an element to the var, converting it to an array if it isn't already one.
void insert (int index, const var &value)
 Inserts an element to the var, converting it to an array if it isn't already one.
void remove (int index)
 If the var is an array, this removes one of its elements.
void resize (int numArrayElementsWanted)
 Treating the var as an array, this resizes it to contain the specified number of elements.
int indexOf (const var &value) const
 If the var is an array, this searches it for the first occurrence of the specified value, and returns its index.
const varoperator[] (const Identifier &propertyName) const
 If this variant is an object, this returns one of its properties.
const varoperator[] (const char *propertyName) const
 If this variant is an object, this returns one of its properties.
var getProperty (const Identifier &propertyName, const var &defaultReturnValue) const
 If this variant is an object, this returns one of its properties, or a default fallback value if the property is not set.
bool hasProperty (const Identifier &propertyName) const noexcept
 Returns true if this variant is an object and if it has the given property.
var call (const Identifier &method) const
 Invokes a named method call with no arguments.
var call (const Identifier &method, const var &arg1) const
 Invokes a named method call with one argument.
var call (const Identifier &method, const var &arg1, const var &arg2) const
 Invokes a named method call with 2 arguments.
var call (const Identifier &method, const var &arg1, const var &arg2, const var &arg3)
 Invokes a named method call with 3 arguments.
var call (const Identifier &method, const var &arg1, const var &arg2, const var &arg3, const var &arg4) const
 Invokes a named method call with 4 arguments.
var call (const Identifier &method, const var &arg1, const var &arg2, const var &arg3, const var &arg4, const var &arg5) const
 Invokes a named method call with 5 arguments.
var invoke (const Identifier &method, const var *arguments, int numArguments) const
 Invokes a named method call with a list of arguments.
NativeFunction getNativeFunction () const
 If this object is a method, this returns the function pointer.
void writeToStream (OutputStream &output) const
 Writes a binary representation of this value to a stream.

Static Public Member Functions

static var undefined () noexcept
 Returns a var object that can be used where you need the javascript "undefined" value.
static var readFromStream (InputStream &input)
 Reads back a stored binary representation of a value.

Detailed Description

A variant class, that can be used to hold a range of primitive values.

A var object can hold a range of simple primitive values, strings, or any kind of ReferenceCountedObject. The var class is intended to act like the kind of values used in dynamic scripting languages.

You can save/load var objects either in a small, proprietary binary format using writeToStream()/readFromStream(), or as JSON by using the JSON class.

See also
JSON, DynamicObject

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ NativeFunction

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ var() [1/19]

var::var ( )

Creates a void variant.

◆ ~var()

var::~var ( )


◆ var() [2/19]

var::var ( const var & valueToCopy)

◆ var() [3/19]

var::var ( int value)

◆ var() [4/19]

var::var ( int64 value)

◆ var() [5/19]

var::var ( bool value)

◆ var() [6/19]

var::var ( double value)

◆ var() [7/19]

var::var ( const char * value)

◆ var() [8/19]

var::var ( const wchar_t * value)

◆ var() [9/19]

var::var ( const String & value)

◆ var() [10/19]

var::var ( const Array< var > & value)

◆ var() [11/19]

var::var ( const StringArray & value)

◆ var() [12/19]

var::var ( ReferenceCountedObject * object)

◆ var() [13/19]

var::var ( NativeFunction method)

◆ var() [14/19]

var::var ( const void * binaryData,
size_t dataSize )

◆ var() [15/19]

var::var ( const MemoryBlock & binaryData)

◆ var() [16/19]

var::var ( var && )

◆ var() [17/19]

var::var ( String && )

◆ var() [18/19]

var::var ( MemoryBlock && )

◆ var() [19/19]

var::var ( Array< var > && )

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator=() [1/14]

var & var::operator= ( const var & valueToCopy)

◆ operator=() [2/14]

var & var::operator= ( int value)

◆ operator=() [3/14]

var & var::operator= ( int64 value)

◆ operator=() [4/14]

var & var::operator= ( bool value)

◆ operator=() [5/14]

var & var::operator= ( double value)

◆ operator=() [6/14]

var & var::operator= ( const char * value)

◆ operator=() [7/14]

var & var::operator= ( const wchar_t * value)

◆ operator=() [8/14]

var & var::operator= ( const String & value)

◆ operator=() [9/14]

var & var::operator= ( const MemoryBlock & value)

◆ operator=() [10/14]

var & var::operator= ( const Array< var > & value)

◆ operator=() [11/14]

var & var::operator= ( ReferenceCountedObject * object)

◆ operator=() [12/14]

var & var::operator= ( NativeFunction method)

◆ operator=() [13/14]

var & var::operator= ( var && )

◆ operator=() [14/14]

var & var::operator= ( String && )

◆ swapWith()

void var::swapWith ( var & other)

◆ undefined()

static var var::undefined ( )

Returns a var object that can be used where you need the javascript "undefined" value.

◆ operator int()

var::operator int ( ) const

◆ operator int64()

var::operator int64 ( ) const

◆ operator bool()

var::operator bool ( ) const

◆ operator float()

var::operator float ( ) const

◆ operator double()

var::operator double ( ) const

◆ operator String()

var::operator String ( ) const

◆ toString()

String var::toString ( ) const

◆ getArray()

Array< var > * var::getArray ( ) const

If this variant holds an array, this provides access to it.

NOTE: Beware when you use this - the array pointer is only valid for the lifetime of the variant that returned it, so be very careful not to call this method on temporary var objects that are the return-value of a function, and which may go out of scope before you use the array!

Referenced by ValueTreePropertyWithDefault::setValue().

◆ getBinaryData()

MemoryBlock * var::getBinaryData ( ) const

If this variant holds a memory block, this provides access to it.

NOTE: Beware when you use this - the MemoryBlock pointer is only valid for the lifetime of the variant that returned it, so be very careful not to call this method on temporary var objects that are the return-value of a function, and which may go out of scope before you use the MemoryBlock!

◆ getObject()

ReferenceCountedObject * var::getObject ( ) const

◆ getDynamicObject()

DynamicObject * var::getDynamicObject ( ) const

◆ isVoid()

bool var::isVoid ( ) const

◆ isUndefined()

bool var::isUndefined ( ) const

◆ isInt()

bool var::isInt ( ) const

◆ isInt64()

bool var::isInt64 ( ) const

◆ isBool()

bool var::isBool ( ) const

◆ isDouble()

bool var::isDouble ( ) const

◆ isString()

bool var::isString ( ) const

◆ isObject()

bool var::isObject ( ) const

◆ isArray()

bool var::isArray ( ) const

◆ isBinaryData()

bool var::isBinaryData ( ) const

◆ isMethod()

bool var::isMethod ( ) const

◆ equals()

bool var::equals ( const var & other) const

Returns true if this var has the same value as the one supplied.

Note that this ignores the type, so a string var "123" and an integer var with the value 123 are considered to be equal.

Note that equality checking depends on the "wrapped" type of the object on which equals() is called. That means the following code will convert the right-hand-side argument to a string and compare the string values, because the object on the left-hand-side was initialised from a string:

var ("123").equals (var (123))
A variant class, that can be used to hold a range of primitive values.
Definition juce_Variant.h:57
var() noexcept
Creates a void variant.

However, the following code will convert the right-hand-side argument to a double and compare the values as doubles, because the object on the left-hand-side was initialised from a double:

var (45.6).equals ("45.6000")
See also

◆ equalsWithSameType()

bool var::equalsWithSameType ( const var & other) const

Returns true if this var has the same value and type as the one supplied.

This differs from equals() because e.g. "123" and 123 will be considered different.

See also

◆ hasSameTypeAs()

bool var::hasSameTypeAs ( const var & other) const

Returns true if this var has the same type as the one supplied.

◆ clone()

var var::clone ( ) const

Returns a deep copy of this object.

For simple types this just returns a copy, but if the object contains any arrays or DynamicObjects, they will be cloned (recursively).

◆ size()

int var::size ( ) const

If the var is an array, this returns the number of elements.

If the var isn't actually an array, this will return 0.

◆ operator[]() [1/4]

const var & var::operator[] ( int arrayIndex) const

If the var is an array, this can be used to return one of its elements.

To call this method, you must make sure that the var is actually an array, and that the index is a valid number. If these conditions aren't met, behaviour is undefined. For more control over the array's contents, you can call getArray() and manipulate it directly as an Array<var>.

◆ operator[]() [2/4]

var & var::operator[] ( int arrayIndex)

If the var is an array, this can be used to return one of its elements.

To call this method, you must make sure that the var is actually an array, and that the index is a valid number. If these conditions aren't met, behaviour is undefined. For more control over the array's contents, you can call getArray() and manipulate it directly as an Array<var>.

◆ append()

void var::append ( const var & valueToAppend)

Appends an element to the var, converting it to an array if it isn't already one.

If the var isn't an array, it will be converted to one, and if its value was non-void, this value will be kept as the first element of the new array. The parameter value will then be appended to it. For more control over the array's contents, you can call getArray() and manipulate it directly as an Array<var>.

◆ insert()

void var::insert ( int index,
const var & value )

Inserts an element to the var, converting it to an array if it isn't already one.

If the var isn't an array, it will be converted to one, and if its value was non-void, this value will be kept as the first element of the new array. The parameter value will then be inserted into it. For more control over the array's contents, you can call getArray() and manipulate it directly as an Array<var>.

◆ remove()

void var::remove ( int index)

If the var is an array, this removes one of its elements.

If the index is out-of-range or the var isn't an array, nothing will be done. For more control over the array's contents, you can call getArray() and manipulate it directly as an Array<var>.

◆ resize()

void var::resize ( int numArrayElementsWanted)

Treating the var as an array, this resizes it to contain the specified number of elements.

If the var isn't an array, it will be converted to one, and if its value was non-void, this value will be kept as the first element of the new array before resizing. For more control over the array's contents, you can call getArray() and manipulate it directly as an Array<var>.

◆ indexOf()

int var::indexOf ( const var & value) const

If the var is an array, this searches it for the first occurrence of the specified value, and returns its index.

If the var isn't an array, or if the value isn't found, this returns -1.

◆ operator[]() [3/4]

const var & var::operator[] ( const Identifier & propertyName) const

If this variant is an object, this returns one of its properties.

◆ operator[]() [4/4]

const var & var::operator[] ( const char * propertyName) const

If this variant is an object, this returns one of its properties.

◆ getProperty()

var var::getProperty ( const Identifier & propertyName,
const var & defaultReturnValue ) const

If this variant is an object, this returns one of its properties, or a default fallback value if the property is not set.

◆ hasProperty()

bool var::hasProperty ( const Identifier & propertyName) const

Returns true if this variant is an object and if it has the given property.

◆ call() [1/6]

var var::call ( const Identifier & method) const

Invokes a named method call with no arguments.

◆ call() [2/6]

var var::call ( const Identifier & method,
const var & arg1 ) const

Invokes a named method call with one argument.

◆ call() [3/6]

var var::call ( const Identifier & method,
const var & arg1,
const var & arg2 ) const

Invokes a named method call with 2 arguments.

◆ call() [4/6]

var var::call ( const Identifier & method,
const var & arg1,
const var & arg2,
const var & arg3 )

Invokes a named method call with 3 arguments.

◆ call() [5/6]

var var::call ( const Identifier & method,
const var & arg1,
const var & arg2,
const var & arg3,
const var & arg4 ) const

Invokes a named method call with 4 arguments.

◆ call() [6/6]

var var::call ( const Identifier & method,
const var & arg1,
const var & arg2,
const var & arg3,
const var & arg4,
const var & arg5 ) const

Invokes a named method call with 5 arguments.

◆ invoke()

var var::invoke ( const Identifier & method,
const var * arguments,
int numArguments ) const

Invokes a named method call with a list of arguments.

◆ getNativeFunction()

NativeFunction var::getNativeFunction ( ) const

If this object is a method, this returns the function pointer.

◆ writeToStream()

void var::writeToStream ( OutputStream & output) const

Writes a binary representation of this value to a stream.

The data can be read back later using readFromStream().

See also

◆ readFromStream()

static var var::readFromStream ( InputStream & input)

Reads back a stored binary representation of a value.

The data in the stream must have been written using writeToStream(), or this will have unpredictable results.

See also

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