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class  AbstractFifo
 Encapsulates the logic required to implement a lock-free FIFO. More...
class  AbstractFifo::ScopedReadWrite< mode >
 Class for a scoped reader/writer. More...
class  Array< ElementType, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse, minimumAllocatedSize >
 Holds a resizable array of primitive or copy-by-value objects. More...
class  ArrayAllocationBase< ElementType, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >
 Implements some basic array storage allocation functions. More...
class  ArrayBase< ElementType, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >
 A basic object container. More...
class  DynamicObject
 Represents a dynamically implemented object. More...
class  DefaultElementComparator< ElementType >
 A simple ElementComparator class that can be used to sort an array of objects that support the '<' operator. More...
struct  Enumerated< Index, Value >
 Returned when dereferencing an EnumerateIterator. More...
class  EnumerateIterator< Iter, Index >
 An iterator that wraps some other iterator, keeping track of the relative position of that iterator based on calls to arithmetic operators such as operator++(), operator--(), operator+(), and operator-(). More...
class  IteratorPair< Begin, End >
 Wraps a pair of iterators, providing member begin() and end() functions that return those iterators. More...
class  FixedSizeFunction< len, Ret(Args...)>
 A type similar to std::function that holds a callable object. More...
struct  DefaultHashFunctions
 A simple class to generate hash functions for some primitive types, intended for use with the HashMap class. More...
class  HashMap< KeyType, ValueType, HashFunctionType, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >
 Holds a set of mappings between some key/value pairs. More...
struct  HashMap< KeyType, ValueType, HashFunctionType, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >::Iterator
 Iterates over the items in a HashMap. More...
class  LinkedListPointer< ObjectType >
 Helps to manipulate singly-linked lists of objects. More...
class  LinkedListPointer< ObjectType >::Appender
 Allows efficient repeated insertions into a list. More...
class  ListenerList< ListenerClass, ArrayType >
 Holds a set of objects and can invoke a member function callback on each object in the set with a single call. More...
struct  ListenerList< ListenerClass, ArrayType >::DummyBailOutChecker
 A dummy bail-out checker that always returns false. More...
class  LightweightListenerList< ListenerClass >
 A lightweight version of the ListenerList that doesn't provide any guarantees when mutating the list from a callback, but allows callbacks to be triggered concurrently without a mutex. More...
class  NamedValueSet
 Holds a set of named var objects. More...
struct  NamedValueSet::NamedValue
 Structure for a named var object. More...
class  Optional< Value >
 A simple optional type. More...
class  OwnedArray< ObjectClass, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >
 An array designed for holding objects. More...
class  PropertySet
 A set of named property values, which can be strings, integers, floating point, etc. More...
class  ReferenceCountedArray< ObjectClass, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >
 Holds a list of objects derived from ReferenceCountedObject, or which implement basic reference-count handling methods. More...
class  ScopedValueSetter< ValueType >
 Helper class providing an RAII-based mechanism for temporarily setting and then re-setting a value. More...
class  SingleThreadedAbstractFifo
 Encapsulates the logic for a single-threaded FIFO. More...
class  SortedSet< ElementType, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >
 Holds a set of unique primitive objects, such as ints or doubles. More...
class  Span< Value, Extent >
 A non-owning view over contiguous objects stored in an Array or vector or other similar container. More...
class  SparseSet< Type >
 Holds a set of primitive values, storing them as a set of ranges. More...
class  var
 A variant class, that can be used to hold a range of primitive values. More...
struct  var::NativeFunctionArgs
 This structure is passed to a NativeFunction callback, and contains invocation details about the function's arguments and context. More...


template<typename ListenerClass >
using ThreadSafeListenerList = ListenerList<ListenerClass, Array<ListenerClass*, CriticalSection>>
 A thread safe version of the ListenerList class.
using Nullopt = std::nullopt_t


template<typename Begin , typename End = Begin>
constexpr auto makeRange (Begin begin, End end)
 Given two iterators "begin" and "end", returns an IteratorPair with a member begin() and end() function.
template<typename Range , typename Index = detail::withAdlSize::AdlSignedSize<Range>>
constexpr auto enumerate (Range &&range, Index startingValue={})
 Given a range and an optional starting offset, returns an IteratorPair that holds EnumerateIterators wrapping the begin() and end() of the range.
template<size_t len, typename T >
bool operator!= (const FixedSizeFunction< len, T > &fn, std::nullptr_t)
template<size_t len, typename T >
bool operator!= (std::nullptr_t, const FixedSizeFunction< len, T > &fn)
template<size_t len, typename T >
bool operator== (const FixedSizeFunction< len, T > &fn, std::nullptr_t)
template<size_t len, typename T >
bool operator== (std::nullptr_t, const FixedSizeFunction< len, T > &fn)
template<typename Value >
Optional< std::decay_t< Value > > makeOptional (Value &&v)
template<typename T , typename End >
 Span (T, End) -> Span< std::remove_pointer_t< decltype(detail::toAddress(std::declval< T >()))> >
template<typename T , size_t N>
 Span (T(&)[N]) -> Span< T, N >
template<typename T , size_t N>
 Span (std::array< T, N > &) -> Span< T, N >
template<typename T , size_t N>
 Span (const std::array< T, N > &) -> Span< const T, N >
template<typename Range >
 Span (Range &&r) -> Span< std::remove_pointer_t< decltype(std::data(r))> >
JUCE_API bool operator== (const var &, const var &)
 Compares the values of two var objects, using the var::equals() comparison.
JUCE_API bool operator!= (const var &, const var &)
 Compares the values of two var objects, using the var::equals() comparison.
JUCE_API bool operator< (const var &, const var &)
 Compares the values of two var objects, using the var::equals() comparison.
JUCE_API bool operator<= (const var &, const var &)
 Compares the values of two var objects, using the var::equals() comparison.
JUCE_API bool operator> (const var &, const var &)
 Compares the values of two var objects, using the var::equals() comparison.
JUCE_API bool operator>= (const var &, const var &)
 Compares the values of two var objects, using the var::equals() comparison.
JUCE_API bool operator== (const var &, const String &)
JUCE_API bool operator!= (const var &, const String &)
JUCE_API bool operator== (const var &, const char *)
JUCE_API bool operator!= (const var &, const char *)
template<typename ElementComparator , typename TargetValueType >
int Array< ElementType, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse, minimumAllocatedSize >::indexOfSorted (ElementComparator &comparator, TargetValueType elementToLookFor) const
 Finds the index of an element in the array, assuming that the array is sorted.
template<class ElementComparator >
void Array< ElementType, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse, minimumAllocatedSize >::sort (ElementComparator &comparator, bool retainOrderOfEquivalentItems=false)
 Sorts the elements in the array.
template<class ElementComparator >
int OwnedArray< ObjectClass, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >::addSorted (ElementComparator &comparator, ObjectClass *newObject) noexcept
 Inserts a new object into the array assuming that the array is sorted.
template<typename ElementComparator >
int OwnedArray< ObjectClass, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >::indexOfSorted (ElementComparator &comparator, const ObjectClass *objectToLookFor) const noexcept
 Finds the index of an object in the array, assuming that the array is sorted.
template<class ElementComparator >
void OwnedArray< ObjectClass, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >::sort (ElementComparator &comparator, bool retainOrderOfEquivalentItems=false) noexcept
 Sorts the elements in the array.
template<class ElementComparator >
int ReferenceCountedArray< ObjectClass, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >::indexOfSorted (ElementComparator &comparator, const ObjectClass *objectToLookFor) const noexcept
 Finds the index of an object in the array, assuming that the array is sorted.
template<class ElementComparator >
void ReferenceCountedArray< ObjectClass, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >::sort (ElementComparator &comparator, bool retainOrderOfEquivalentItems=false) noexcept
 Sorts the elements in the array.


constexpr auto nullopt = std::nullopt
constexpr auto dynamicExtent = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()

Detailed Description

Typedef Documentation

◆ ThreadSafeListenerList

template<typename ListenerClass >
using ThreadSafeListenerList = ListenerList<ListenerClass, Array<ListenerClass*, CriticalSection>>

A thread safe version of the ListenerList class.

See also
ListenerList, LightweightListenerList

◆ Nullopt

using Nullopt = std::nullopt_t

Function Documentation

◆ makeRange()

template<typename Begin , typename End = Begin>
auto makeRange ( Begin begin,
End end )

Given two iterators "begin" and "end", returns an IteratorPair with a member begin() and end() function.

This pair can be used in contexts that expect an iterable range, the most significant of which is ranged-for loops. This automatically deduces the Begin and End types, so it is more concise to use than directly calling the IteratorPair constructor.

References begin(), and end().

◆ enumerate()

template<typename Range , typename Index = detail::withAdlSize::AdlSignedSize<Range>>
auto enumerate ( Range && range,
Index startingValue = {} )

Given a range and an optional starting offset, returns an IteratorPair that holds EnumerateIterators wrapping the begin() and end() of the range.

This is useful in situations where you need to iterate some range, but also query the position of each item in the range.

A simple usage might look like this:

std::list<int> elements { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 };
for (const auto pair : enumerate (elements))
std::cout << pair.index << ' ' << pair.value << ' ';
// output: 0 10 1 20 2 30 3 40 4 50
constexpr auto enumerate(Range &&range, Index startingValue={})
Given a range and an optional starting offset, returns an IteratorPair that holds EnumerateIterators ...
Definition juce_Enumerate.h:434

You can also use structured bindings to concisely destructure each Enumerated instance:

for (const auto [index, value] : enumerate (elements))
std::cout << index << ' ' << value << ' ';

Note that the Enumerated instance is returned by value. This is because each Enumerated instance is created on-demand when the iterator is dereferenced. As a result, the following will result in a dangling reference, and will probably trigger a compiler warning:

// BAD IDEA: creating a reference to a temporary Enumerated instance
for (auto& [index, value] : enumerate (elements))

The 'value' member of Enumerated automatically assumes the same type as dereferencing the wrapped iterator, which is normally a reference to an element of a container. In the following snippet, the type of '[index, value]' is 'const Enumerated<ptrdiff_t, int&>', the type of 'index' is 'ptrdiff_t', and the type of 'value' is 'int&'.

std::vector<int> elements { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 };
for (const auto [index, value] : enumerate (elements))

By default, the constness of pair.value will match the constness of the range passed to enumerate. If you pass a mutable lvalue reference to enumerate, then each value will also be mutable. If you pass a constant lvalue reference to enumerate, then each value will be const. If you know that you don't need the iterated elements to be mutable, it's good practice to wrap the range with std::as_const before passing it to enumerate:

for (const auto [index, value] : enumerate (std::as_const (elements)))
// value is immutable here

◆ operator!=() [1/5]

template<size_t len, typename T >
bool operator!= ( const FixedSizeFunction< len, T > & fn,
std::nullptr_t  )

◆ operator!=() [2/5]

template<size_t len, typename T >
bool operator!= ( std::nullptr_t ,
const FixedSizeFunction< len, T > & fn )

◆ operator==() [1/5]

template<size_t len, typename T >
bool operator== ( const FixedSizeFunction< len, T > & fn,
std::nullptr_t  )

◆ operator==() [2/5]

template<size_t len, typename T >
bool operator== ( std::nullptr_t ,
const FixedSizeFunction< len, T > & fn )

◆ makeOptional()

template<typename Value >
Optional< std::decay_t< Value > > makeOptional ( Value && v)

◆ Span() [1/5]

template<typename T , typename End >
Span ( T ,
End  ) -> Span< std::remove_pointer_t< decltype(detail::toAddress(std::declval< T >()))> >

◆ Span() [2/5]

template<typename T , size_t N>
Span ( T(&) [N]) -> Span< T, N >

◆ Span() [3/5]

template<typename T , size_t N>
Span ( std::array< T, N > & ) -> Span< T, N >

◆ Span() [4/5]

template<typename T , size_t N>
Span ( const std::array< T, N > & ) -> Span< const T, N >

◆ Span() [5/5]

template<typename Range >
Span ( Range && r) -> Span< std::remove_pointer_t< decltype(std::data(r))> >

◆ operator==() [3/5]

JUCE_API bool operator== ( const var & ,
const var &  )

Compares the values of two var objects, using the var::equals() comparison.

◆ operator!=() [3/5]

JUCE_API bool operator!= ( const var & ,
const var &  )

Compares the values of two var objects, using the var::equals() comparison.

◆ operator<()

JUCE_API bool operator< ( const var & ,
const var &  )

Compares the values of two var objects, using the var::equals() comparison.

Referenced by ColourGradient::operator>=().

◆ operator<=()

JUCE_API bool operator<= ( const var & ,
const var &  )

Compares the values of two var objects, using the var::equals() comparison.

◆ operator>()

JUCE_API bool operator> ( const var & ,
const var &  )

Compares the values of two var objects, using the var::equals() comparison.

◆ operator>=()

JUCE_API bool operator>= ( const var & ,
const var &  )

Compares the values of two var objects, using the var::equals() comparison.

◆ operator==() [4/5]

JUCE_API bool operator== ( const var & ,
const String &  )

◆ operator!=() [4/5]

JUCE_API bool operator!= ( const var & ,
const String &  )

◆ operator==() [5/5]

JUCE_API bool operator== ( const var & ,
const char *  )

◆ operator!=() [5/5]

JUCE_API bool operator!= ( const var & ,
const char *  )

◆ indexOfSorted() [1/3]

template<typename ElementType , typename TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse , int minimumAllocatedSize>
template<typename ElementComparator , typename TargetValueType >
int Array< ElementType, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse, minimumAllocatedSize >::indexOfSorted ( ElementComparator & comparator,
TargetValueType elementToLookFor ) const

Finds the index of an element in the array, assuming that the array is sorted.

This will use a comparator to do a binary-chop to find the index of the given element, if it exists. If the array isn't sorted, the behaviour of this method will be unpredictable.

comparatorthe comparator to use to compare the elements - see the sort() method for details about the form this object should take
elementToLookForthe element to search for
the index of the element, or -1 if it's not found
See also
addSorted, sort

References ArrayBase< ElementType, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >::size().

◆ sort() [1/3]

template<typename ElementType , typename TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse , int minimumAllocatedSize>
template<class ElementComparator >
void Array< ElementType, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse, minimumAllocatedSize >::sort ( ElementComparator & comparator,
bool retainOrderOfEquivalentItems = false )

Sorts the elements in the array.

This will use a comparator object to sort the elements into order. The object passed must have a method of the form:

int compareElements (ElementType first, ElementType second);

..and this method must return:

  • a value of < 0 if the first comes before the second
  • a value of 0 if the two objects are equivalent
  • a value of > 0 if the second comes before the first

To improve performance, the compareElements() method can be declared as static or const.

comparatorthe comparator to use for comparing elements.
retainOrderOfEquivalentItemsif this is true, then items which the comparator says are equivalent will be kept in the order in which they currently appear in the array. This is slower to perform, but may be important in some cases. If it's false, a faster algorithm is used, but equivalent elements may be rearranged.
See also
addSorted, indexOfSorted, sortArray

References ArrayBase< ElementType, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >::begin().

◆ addSorted()

template<class ObjectClass , class TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >
template<class ElementComparator >
int OwnedArray< ObjectClass, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >::addSorted ( ElementComparator & comparator,
ObjectClass * newObject )

Inserts a new object into the array assuming that the array is sorted.

This will use a comparator to find the position at which the new object should go. If the array isn't sorted, the behaviour of this method will be unpredictable.

comparatorthe comparator to use to compare the elements - see the sort method for details about this object's structure
newObjectthe new object to insert to the array
the index at which the new object was added
See also
add, sort, indexOfSorted

References ArrayBase< ElementType, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >::begin(), OwnedArray< ObjectClass, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >::getLock(), OwnedArray< ObjectClass, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >::insert(), and ArrayBase< ElementType, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >::size().

◆ indexOfSorted() [2/3]

template<class ObjectClass , class TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >
template<typename ElementComparator >
int OwnedArray< ObjectClass, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >::indexOfSorted ( ElementComparator & comparator,
const ObjectClass * objectToLookFor ) const

Finds the index of an object in the array, assuming that the array is sorted.

This will use a comparator to do a binary-chop to find the index of the given element, if it exists. If the array isn't sorted, the behaviour of this method will be unpredictable.

comparatorthe comparator to use to compare the elements - see the sort() method for details about the form this object should take
objectToLookForthe object to search for
the index of the element, or -1 if it's not found
See also
addSorted, sort

References OwnedArray< ObjectClass, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >::getLock(), and ArrayBase< ElementType, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >::size().

◆ sort() [2/3]

template<class ObjectClass , class TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >
template<typename ElementComparator >
void OwnedArray< ObjectClass, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >::sort ( ElementComparator & comparator,
bool retainOrderOfEquivalentItems = false )

Sorts the elements in the array.

This will use a comparator object to sort the elements into order. The object passed must have a method of the form:

int compareElements (ElementType* first, ElementType* second);

..and this method must return:

  • a value of < 0 if the first comes before the second
  • a value of 0 if the two objects are equivalent
  • a value of > 0 if the second comes before the first

To improve performance, the compareElements() method can be declared as static or const.

comparatorthe comparator to use for comparing elements.
retainOrderOfEquivalentItemsif this is true, then items which the comparator says are equivalent will be kept in the order in which they currently appear in the array. This is slower to perform, but may be important in some cases. If it's false, a faster algorithm is used, but equivalent elements may be rearranged.
See also
sortArray, indexOfSorted

References ArrayBase< ElementType, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >::begin(), OwnedArray< ObjectClass, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >::getLock(), and OwnedArray< ObjectClass, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >::size().

Referenced by ValueTree::sort().

◆ indexOfSorted() [3/3]

template<class ObjectClass , class TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >
template<class ElementComparator >
int ReferenceCountedArray< ObjectClass, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >::indexOfSorted ( ElementComparator & comparator,
const ObjectClass * objectToLookFor ) const

Finds the index of an object in the array, assuming that the array is sorted.

This will use a comparator to do a binary-chop to find the index of the given element, if it exists. If the array isn't sorted, the behaviour of this method will be unpredictable.

comparatorthe comparator to use to compare the elements - see the sort() method for details about the form this object should take
objectToLookForthe object to search for
the index of the element, or -1 if it's not found
See also
addSorted, sort

References ArrayBase< ElementType, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >::size().

◆ sort() [3/3]

template<class ObjectClass , class TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >
template<class ElementComparator >
void ReferenceCountedArray< ObjectClass, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >::sort ( ElementComparator & comparator,
bool retainOrderOfEquivalentItems = false )

Sorts the elements in the array.

This will use a comparator object to sort the elements into order. The object passed must have a method of the form:

int compareElements (ElementType first, ElementType second);

..and this method must return:

  • a value of < 0 if the first comes before the second
  • a value of 0 if the two objects are equivalent
  • a value of > 0 if the second comes before the first

To improve performance, the compareElements() method can be declared as static or const.

comparatorthe comparator to use for comparing elements.
retainOrderOfEquivalentItemsif this is true, then items which the comparator says are equivalent will be kept in the order in which they currently appear in the array. This is slower to perform, but may be important in some cases. If it's false, a faster algorithm is used, but equivalent elements may be rearranged.
See also

References ArrayBase< ElementType, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >::begin(), and ArrayBase< ElementType, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >::size().

Variable Documentation

◆ nullopt

auto nullopt = std::nullopt

◆ dynamicExtent

auto dynamicExtent = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()
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