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Classes | Macros | Typedefs


class  ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation
 This class contains the customisation points for the JUCE provided ARA document controller implementation. More...
class  ARAInputStream
 Used to read persisted ARA archives - see doRestoreObjectsFromStream() for details. More...
class  ARAOutputStream
 Used to write persistent ARA archives - see doStoreObjectsToStream() for details. More...
class  ARAListenableModelClass< ListenerType >
 Base class used by the JUCE ARA model objects to provide listenable interfaces. More...
class  ARAObjectVisitor
 Create a derived implementation of this class and pass it to ARAObject::visit() to retrieve the concrete type of a model object. More...
class  ARAObject
 Common base class for all JUCE ARA model objects to aid with the discovery and traversal of the entire ARA model graph. More...
class  ARADocumentListener
 A base class for listeners that want to know about changes to an ARADocument object. More...
class  ARADocument
 Base class representing an ARA document. More...
class  ARAMusicalContextListener
 A base class for listeners that want to know about changes to an ARAMusicalContext object. More...
class  ARAMusicalContext
 Base class representing an ARA musical context. More...
class  ARAPlaybackRegionListener
 A base class for listeners that want to know about changes to an ARAPlaybackRegion object. More...
class  ARAPlaybackRegion
 Base class representing an ARA playback region. More...
class  ARARegionSequenceListener
 A base class for listeners that want to know about changes to an ARARegionSequence object. More...
class  ARARegionSequence
 Base class representing an ARA region sequence. More...
class  ARAAudioSourceListener
 A base class for listeners that want to know about changes to an ARAAudioSource object. More...
class  ARAAudioSource
 Base class representing an ARA audio source. More...
class  ARAAudioModificationListener
 A base class for listeners that want to know about changes to an ARAAudioModification object. More...
class  ARAAudioModification
 Base class representing an ARA audio modification. More...
class  ARARenderer
 Base class for a renderer fulfilling either the ARAPlaybackRenderer or the ARAEditorRenderer role. More...
class  ARAPlaybackRenderer
 Base class for a renderer fulfilling the ARAPlaybackRenderer role as described in the ARA SDK. More...
class  ARAEditorRenderer
 Base class for a renderer fulfilling the ARAEditorRenderer role as described in the ARA SDK. More...
class  ARAEditorView
 Base class for fulfilling the ARAEditorView role as described in the ARA SDK. More...
class  ARAEditorView::Listener
 A base class for listeners that want to know about changes to an ARAEditorView object. More...
class  AudioProcessorARAExtension
 Extension class meant to be subclassed by the plugin's implementation of. More...
class  AudioProcessorEditorARAExtension
 Extension class meant to be subclassed by the plugin's implementation of. More...
struct  AAXClientExtensions
 An interface to allow an AudioProcessor to implement extended AAX-specific functionality. More...
class  AudioParameterBoolAttributes
 Properties of an AudioParameterBool. More...
class  AudioParameterBool
 Provides a class of AudioProcessorParameter that can be used as a boolean value. More...
class  AudioParameterChoiceAttributes
 Properties of an AudioParameterChoice. More...
class  AudioParameterChoice
 Provides a class of AudioProcessorParameter that can be used to select an indexed, named choice from a list. More...
class  AudioParameterFloatAttributes
 Properties of an AudioParameterFloat. More...
class  AudioParameterFloat
 A subclass of AudioProcessorParameter that provides an easy way to create a parameter which maps onto a given NormalisableRange. More...
class  AudioParameterIntAttributes
 Properties of an AudioParameterInt. More...
class  AudioParameterInt
 Provides a class of AudioProcessorParameter that can be used as an integer value with a given range. More...
class  ParameterID
 Combines a parameter ID and a version hint. More...
class  AudioProcessorParameterWithIDAttributes
 An instance of this class may be passed to the constructor of an AudioProcessorParameterWithID to set optional characteristics of that parameter. More...
class  AudioProcessorParameterWithID
 This abstract base class is used by some AudioProcessorParameter helper classes. More...
class  AudioProcessorValueTreeStateParameterAttributes
 Advanced properties of an AudioProcessorValueTreeState::Parameter. More...
class  AudioProcessorValueTreeState
 This class contains a ValueTree that is used to manage an AudioProcessor's entire state. More...
class  AudioProcessorValueTreeState::ParameterLayout
 A class to contain a set of RangedAudioParameters and AudioProcessorParameterGroups containing RangedAudioParameters. More...
struct  AudioProcessorValueTreeState::Listener
 A listener class that can be attached to an AudioProcessorValueTreeState. More...
class  AudioProcessorValueTreeState::Parameter
 A parameter class that maintains backwards compatibility with deprecated AudioProcessorValueTreeState functionality. More...
class  AudioProcessorValueTreeState::SliderAttachment
 An object of this class maintains a connection between a Slider and a parameter in an AudioProcessorValueTreeState. More...
class  AudioProcessorValueTreeState::ComboBoxAttachment
 An object of this class maintains a connection between a ComboBox and a parameter in an AudioProcessorValueTreeState. More...
class  AudioProcessorValueTreeState::ButtonAttachment
 An object of this class maintains a connection between a Button and a parameter in an AudioProcessorValueTreeState. More...
struct  ExtensionsVisitor
 Create a derived implementation of this class and pass it to AudioPluginInstance::getExtensions() to retrieve format-specific information about a plugin instance. More...
struct  ExtensionsVisitor::VST3Client
 Can be used to retrieve information about a VST3 that is wrapped by an AudioProcessor. More...
struct  ExtensionsVisitor::AudioUnitClient
 Can be used to retrieve information about an AudioUnit that is wrapped by an AudioProcessor. More...
struct  ExtensionsVisitor::VSTClient
 Can be used to retrieve information about a VST that is wrapped by an AudioProcessor. More...
struct  ExtensionsVisitor::ARAClient
 Can be used to retrieve information about a plugin that provides ARA extensions. More...
class  ParameterAttachment
 Used to implement 'attachments' or 'controllers' that link a plug-in parameter to a UI element. More...
class  SliderParameterAttachment
 An object of this class maintains a connection between a Slider and a plug-in parameter. More...
class  ComboBoxParameterAttachment
 An object of this class maintains a connection between a ComboBox and a plug-in parameter. More...
class  ButtonParameterAttachment
 An object of this class maintains a connection between a Button and a plug-in parameter. More...
class  WebSliderParameterAttachment
 An object of this class maintains a connection between a WebSliderRelay and a plug-in parameter. More...
class  WebToggleButtonParameterAttachment
 An object of this class maintains a connection between a WebToggleButtonRelay and a plug-in parameter. More...
class  WebComboBoxParameterAttachment
 An object of this class maintains a connection between a WebComboBoxRelay and a plug-in parameter. More...
class  PluginHostType
 A useful utility class to determine the host or DAW in which your plugin is loaded. More...
class  RangedAudioParameterAttributes< Derived, Value >
class  RangedAudioParameter
 This abstract base class is used by some AudioProcessorParameter helper classes. More...
struct  VST2ClientExtensions
 An interface to allow an AudioProcessor to implement extended VST2-specific functionality. More...
struct  VST3ClientExtensions
 An interface to allow an AudioProcessor to implement extended VST3-specific functionality. More...


#define JUCE_API


typedef struct ComponentInstanceRecordAudioComponentInstance
typedef AudioComponentInstance AudioUnit

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation


#define JUCE_API

Typedef Documentation

◆ AudioComponentInstance

◆ AudioUnit

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