A base class for a component that goes in a PropertyPanel and displays one of an item's properties. More...
#include <juce_PropertyComponent.h>
Classes | |
struct | LookAndFeelMethods |
This abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes. More... | |
Public Types | |
enum | ColourIds { backgroundColourId = 0x1008300 , labelTextColourId = 0x1008301 } |
A set of colour IDs to use to change the colour of various aspects of the combo box. More... | |
![]() | |
enum class | WindowControlKind { client , caption , minimise , maximise , close , sizeTop , sizeLeft , sizeRight , sizeBottom , sizeTopLeft , sizeTopRight , sizeBottomLeft , sizeBottomRight } |
Types of control that are commonly found in windows, especially title-bars. More... | |
enum class | FocusContainerType { none , focusContainer , keyboardFocusContainer } |
A focus container type that can be passed to setFocusContainerType(). More... | |
enum | FocusChangeType { focusChangedByMouseClick , focusChangedByTabKey , focusChangedDirectly } |
Enumeration used by the focusGained() and focusLost() methods. More... | |
enum class | FocusChangeDirection { unknown , forward , backward } |
Enumeration used by the focusGainedWithDirection() method. More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
PropertyComponent (const String &propertyName, int preferredHeight=25) | |
Creates a PropertyComponent. | |
~PropertyComponent () override | |
Destructor. | |
int | getPreferredHeight () const noexcept |
Returns this item's preferred height. | |
void | setPreferredHeight (int newHeight) noexcept |
virtual void | refresh ()=0 |
Updates the property component if the item it refers to has changed. | |
void | paint (Graphics &) override |
The default paint method fills the background and draws a label for the item's name. | |
void | resized () override |
The default resize method positions any child component to the right of this one, based on the look and feel's default label size. | |
void | enablementChanged () override |
By default, this just repaints the component. | |
![]() | |
Component () noexcept | |
Creates a component. | |
~Component () override | |
Destructor. | |
Component (const String &componentName) noexcept | |
Creates a component, setting its name at the same time. | |
String | getName () const noexcept |
Returns the name of this component. | |
virtual void | setName (const String &newName) |
Sets the name of this component. | |
String | getComponentID () const noexcept |
Returns the ID string that was set by setComponentID(). | |
void | setComponentID (const String &newID) |
Sets the component's ID string. | |
virtual void | setVisible (bool shouldBeVisible) |
Makes the component visible or invisible. | |
bool | isVisible () const noexcept |
Tests whether the component is visible or not. | |
virtual void | visibilityChanged () |
Called when this component's visibility changes. | |
bool | isShowing () const |
Tests whether this component and all its parents are visible. | |
virtual void | addToDesktop (int windowStyleFlags, void *nativeWindowToAttachTo=nullptr) |
Makes this component appear as a window on the desktop. | |
void | removeFromDesktop () |
If the component is currently showing on the desktop, this will hide it. | |
bool | isOnDesktop () const noexcept |
Returns true if this component is currently showing on the desktop. | |
ComponentPeer * | getPeer () const |
Returns the heavyweight window that contains this component. | |
virtual void | userTriedToCloseWindow () |
For components on the desktop, this is called if the system wants to close the window. | |
virtual void | minimisationStateChanged (bool isNowMinimised) |
Called for a desktop component which has just been minimised or un-minimised. | |
virtual float | getDesktopScaleFactor () const |
Returns the default scale factor to use for this component when it is placed on the desktop. | |
void | toFront (bool shouldAlsoGainKeyboardFocus) |
Brings the component to the front of its siblings. | |
void | toBack () |
Changes this component's z-order to be at the back of all its siblings. | |
void | toBehind (Component *other) |
Changes this component's z-order so that it's just behind another component. | |
void | setAlwaysOnTop (bool shouldStayOnTop) |
Sets whether the component should always be kept at the front of its siblings. | |
bool | isAlwaysOnTop () const noexcept |
Returns true if this component is set to always stay in front of its siblings. | |
int | getX () const noexcept |
Returns the x coordinate of the component's left edge. | |
int | getY () const noexcept |
Returns the y coordinate of the top of this component. | |
int | getWidth () const noexcept |
Returns the component's width in pixels. | |
int | getHeight () const noexcept |
Returns the component's height in pixels. | |
int | getRight () const noexcept |
Returns the x coordinate of the component's right-hand edge. | |
Point< int > | getPosition () const noexcept |
Returns the component's top-left position as a Point. | |
int | getBottom () const noexcept |
Returns the y coordinate of the bottom edge of this component. | |
Rectangle< int > | getBounds () const noexcept |
Returns this component's bounding box. | |
Rectangle< int > | getLocalBounds () const noexcept |
Returns the component's bounds, relative to its own origin. | |
Rectangle< int > | getBoundsInParent () const noexcept |
Returns the area of this component's parent which this component covers. | |
int | getScreenX () const |
Returns this component's x coordinate relative the screen's top-left origin. | |
int | getScreenY () const |
Returns this component's y coordinate relative the screen's top-left origin. | |
Point< int > | getScreenPosition () const |
Returns the position of this component's top-left corner relative to the screen's top-left. | |
Rectangle< int > | getScreenBounds () const |
Returns the bounds of this component, relative to the screen's top-left. | |
Point< int > | getLocalPoint (const Component *sourceComponent, Point< int > pointRelativeToSourceComponent) const |
Converts a point to be relative to this component's coordinate space. | |
Point< float > | getLocalPoint (const Component *sourceComponent, Point< float > pointRelativeToSourceComponent) const |
Converts a point to be relative to this component's coordinate space. | |
Rectangle< int > | getLocalArea (const Component *sourceComponent, Rectangle< int > areaRelativeToSourceComponent) const |
Converts a rectangle to be relative to this component's coordinate space. | |
Rectangle< float > | getLocalArea (const Component *sourceComponent, Rectangle< float > areaRelativeToSourceComponent) const |
Converts a rectangle to be relative to this component's coordinate space. | |
Point< int > | localPointToGlobal (Point< int > localPoint) const |
Converts a point relative to this component's top-left into a screen coordinate. | |
Point< float > | localPointToGlobal (Point< float > localPoint) const |
Converts a point relative to this component's top-left into a screen coordinate. | |
Rectangle< int > | localAreaToGlobal (Rectangle< int > localArea) const |
Converts a rectangle from this component's coordinate space to a screen coordinate. | |
Rectangle< float > | localAreaToGlobal (Rectangle< float > localArea) const |
Converts a rectangle from this component's coordinate space to a screen coordinate. | |
void | setTopLeftPosition (int x, int y) |
Moves the component to a new position. | |
void | setTopLeftPosition (Point< int > newTopLeftPosition) |
Moves the component to a new position. | |
void | setTopRightPosition (int x, int y) |
Moves the component to a new position. | |
void | setSize (int newWidth, int newHeight) |
Changes the size of the component. | |
void | setBounds (int x, int y, int width, int height) |
Changes the component's position and size. | |
void | setBounds (Rectangle< int > newBounds) |
Changes the component's position and size. | |
void | setBoundsRelative (float proportionalX, float proportionalY, float proportionalWidth, float proportionalHeight) |
Changes the component's position and size in terms of fractions of its parent's size. | |
void | setBoundsRelative (Rectangle< float > proportionalArea) |
Changes the component's position and size in terms of fractions of its parent's size. | |
void | setBoundsInset (BorderSize< int > borders) |
Changes the component's position and size based on the amount of space to leave around it. | |
void | setBoundsToFit (Rectangle< int > targetArea, Justification justification, bool onlyReduceInSize) |
Positions the component within a given rectangle, keeping its proportions unchanged. | |
void | setCentrePosition (int x, int y) |
Changes the position of the component's centre. | |
void | setCentrePosition (Point< int > newCentrePosition) |
Changes the position of the component's centre. | |
void | setCentreRelative (float x, float y) |
Changes the position of the component's centre. | |
void | centreWithSize (int width, int height) |
Changes the component's size and centres it within its parent. | |
void | setTransform (const AffineTransform &transform) |
Sets a transform matrix to be applied to this component. | |
AffineTransform | getTransform () const |
Returns the transform that is currently being applied to this component. | |
bool | isTransformed () const noexcept |
Returns true if a non-identity transform is being applied to this component. | |
int | proportionOfWidth (float proportion) const noexcept |
Returns a proportion of the component's width. | |
int | proportionOfHeight (float proportion) const noexcept |
Returns a proportion of the component's height. | |
int | getParentWidth () const noexcept |
Returns the width of the component's parent. | |
int | getParentHeight () const noexcept |
Returns the height of the component's parent. | |
Rectangle< int > | getParentMonitorArea () const |
Returns the screen coordinates of the monitor that contains this component. | |
int | getNumChildComponents () const noexcept |
Returns the number of child components that this component contains. | |
Component * | getChildComponent (int index) const noexcept |
Returns one of this component's child components, by it index. | |
int | getIndexOfChildComponent (const Component *child) const noexcept |
Returns the index of this component in the list of child components. | |
const Array< Component * > & | getChildren () const noexcept |
Provides access to the underlying array of child components. | |
Component * | findChildWithID (StringRef componentID) const noexcept |
Looks for a child component with the specified ID. | |
void | addChildComponent (Component *child, int zOrder=-1) |
Adds a child component to this one. | |
void | addChildComponent (Component &child, int zOrder=-1) |
Adds a child component to this one. | |
void | addAndMakeVisible (Component *child, int zOrder=-1) |
Adds a child component to this one, and also makes the child visible if it isn't already. | |
void | addAndMakeVisible (Component &child, int zOrder=-1) |
Adds a child component to this one, and also makes the child visible if it isn't already. | |
void | addChildAndSetID (Component *child, const String &componentID) |
Adds a child component to this one, makes it visible, and sets its component ID. | |
void | removeChildComponent (Component *childToRemove) |
Removes one of this component's child-components. | |
Component * | removeChildComponent (int childIndexToRemove) |
Removes one of this component's child-components by index. | |
void | removeAllChildren () |
Removes all this component's children. | |
void | deleteAllChildren () |
Removes and deletes all of this component's children. | |
Component * | getParentComponent () const noexcept |
Returns the component which this component is inside. | |
template<class TargetClass > | |
TargetClass * | findParentComponentOfClass () const |
Searches the parent components for a component of a specified class. | |
Component * | getTopLevelComponent () const noexcept |
Returns the highest-level component which contains this one or its parents. | |
bool | isParentOf (const Component *possibleChild) const noexcept |
Checks whether a component is anywhere inside this component or its children. | |
virtual void | parentHierarchyChanged () |
Called to indicate that the component's parents have changed. | |
virtual void | childrenChanged () |
Subclasses can use this callback to be told when children are added or removed, or when their z-order changes. | |
virtual bool | hitTest (int x, int y) |
Tests whether a given point is inside the component. | |
virtual WindowControlKind | findControlAtPoint (Point< float >) const |
For components that are added to the desktop, this may be called to determine what kind of control is at particular locations in the window. | |
virtual void | windowControlClickedClose () |
For components that are added to the desktop, this may be called to indicate that the mouse was clicked inside the area of the "close" control. | |
virtual void | windowControlClickedMinimise () |
For components that are added to the desktop, this may be called to indicate that the mouse was clicked inside the area of the "minimise" control. | |
virtual void | windowControlClickedMaximise () |
For components that are added to the desktop, this may be called to indicate that the mouse was clicked inside the area of the "maximise" control. | |
void | setInterceptsMouseClicks (bool allowClicksOnThisComponent, bool allowClicksOnChildComponents) noexcept |
Changes the default return value for the hitTest() method. | |
void | getInterceptsMouseClicks (bool &allowsClicksOnThisComponent, bool &allowsClicksOnChildComponents) const noexcept |
Retrieves the current state of the mouse-click interception flags. | |
bool | contains (Point< int > localPoint) |
Returns true if a given point lies within this component or one of its children. | |
bool | contains (Point< float > localPoint) |
Returns true if a given point lies within this component or one of its children. | |
bool | reallyContains (Point< int > localPoint, bool returnTrueIfWithinAChild) |
Returns true if a given point lies in this component, taking any overlapping siblings into account. | |
bool | reallyContains (Point< float > localPoint, bool returnTrueIfWithinAChild) |
Returns true if a given point lies in this component, taking any overlapping siblings into account. | |
Component * | getComponentAt (int x, int y) |
Returns the component at a certain point within this one. | |
Component * | getComponentAt (Point< int > position) |
Returns the component at a certain point within this one. | |
Component * | getComponentAt (Point< float > position) |
Returns the component at a certain point within this one. | |
void | repaint () |
Marks the whole component as needing to be redrawn. | |
void | repaint (int x, int y, int width, int height) |
Marks a subsection of this component as needing to be redrawn. | |
void | repaint (Rectangle< int > area) |
Marks a subsection of this component as needing to be redrawn. | |
void | setBufferedToImage (bool shouldBeBuffered) |
Makes the component use an internal buffer to optimise its redrawing. | |
Image | createComponentSnapshot (Rectangle< int > areaToGrab, bool clipImageToComponentBounds=true, float scaleFactor=1.0f) |
Generates a snapshot of part of this component. | |
void | paintEntireComponent (Graphics &context, bool ignoreAlphaLevel) |
Draws this component and all its subcomponents onto the specified graphics context. | |
void | setPaintingIsUnclipped (bool shouldPaintWithoutClipping) noexcept |
This allows you to indicate that this component doesn't require its graphics context to be clipped when it is being painted. | |
bool | isPaintingUnclipped () const noexcept |
Returns true if this component doesn't require its graphics context to be clipped when it is being painted. | |
void | setComponentEffect (ImageEffectFilter *newEffect) |
Adds an effect filter to alter the component's appearance. | |
ImageEffectFilter * | getComponentEffect () const noexcept |
Returns the current component effect. | |
LookAndFeel & | getLookAndFeel () const noexcept |
Finds the appropriate look-and-feel to use for this component. | |
void | setLookAndFeel (LookAndFeel *newLookAndFeel) |
Sets the look and feel to use for this component. | |
FontOptions | withDefaultMetrics (FontOptions opt) const |
Returns a copy of the FontOptions with the default metrics kind from the component's LookAndFeel. | |
virtual void | lookAndFeelChanged () |
Called to let the component react to a change in the look-and-feel setting. | |
void | sendLookAndFeelChange () |
Calls the methods repaint(), lookAndFeelChanged(), and colourChanged() in this component and all its children recursively. | |
void | setOpaque (bool shouldBeOpaque) |
Indicates whether any parts of the component might be transparent. | |
bool | isOpaque () const noexcept |
Returns true if no parts of this component are transparent. | |
void | setBroughtToFrontOnMouseClick (bool shouldBeBroughtToFront) noexcept |
Indicates whether the component should be brought to the front when clicked. | |
bool | isBroughtToFrontOnMouseClick () const noexcept |
Indicates whether the component should be brought to the front when clicked-on. | |
void | setExplicitFocusOrder (int newFocusOrderIndex) |
Sets the focus order of this component. | |
int | getExplicitFocusOrder () const |
Returns the focus order of this component, if one has been specified. | |
void | setFocusContainerType (FocusContainerType containerType) noexcept |
Sets whether this component is a container for components that can have their focus traversed, and the type of focus traversal that it supports. | |
bool | isFocusContainer () const noexcept |
Returns true if this component has been marked as a focus container. | |
bool | isKeyboardFocusContainer () const noexcept |
Returns true if this component has been marked as a keyboard focus container. | |
Component * | findFocusContainer () const |
Returns the focus container for this component. | |
Component * | findKeyboardFocusContainer () const |
Returns the keyboard focus container for this component. | |
void | setWantsKeyboardFocus (bool wantsFocus) noexcept |
Sets a flag to indicate whether this component wants keyboard focus or not. | |
bool | getWantsKeyboardFocus () const noexcept |
Returns true if the component is interested in getting keyboard focus. | |
void | setMouseClickGrabsKeyboardFocus (bool shouldGrabFocus) |
Chooses whether a click on this component automatically grabs the focus. | |
bool | getMouseClickGrabsKeyboardFocus () const noexcept |
Returns the last value set with setMouseClickGrabsKeyboardFocus(). | |
void | grabKeyboardFocus () |
Tries to give keyboard focus to this component. | |
void | giveAwayKeyboardFocus () |
If this component or any of its children currently have the keyboard focus, this will defocus it, send a focus change notification, and try to pass the focus to the next component. | |
bool | hasKeyboardFocus (bool trueIfChildIsFocused) const |
Returns true if this component currently has the keyboard focus. | |
void | moveKeyboardFocusToSibling (bool moveToNext) |
Tries to move the keyboard focus to one of this component's siblings. | |
virtual std::unique_ptr< ComponentTraverser > | createFocusTraverser () |
Creates a ComponentTraverser object to determine the logic by which focus should be passed from this component. | |
virtual std::unique_ptr< ComponentTraverser > | createKeyboardFocusTraverser () |
Creates a ComponentTraverser object to use to determine the logic by which keyboard focus should be passed from this component. | |
void | setHasFocusOutline (bool hasFocusOutline) noexcept |
Use this to indicate that the component should have an outline drawn around it when it has keyboard focus. | |
bool | hasFocusOutline () const noexcept |
Returns true if this component should have a focus outline. | |
bool | isEnabled () const noexcept |
Returns true if the component (and all its parents) are enabled. | |
void | setEnabled (bool shouldBeEnabled) |
Enables or disables this component. | |
float | getAlpha () const noexcept |
Returns the component's current transparency level. | |
void | setAlpha (float newAlpha) |
Changes the transparency of this component. | |
virtual void | alphaChanged () |
Called when setAlpha() is used to change the alpha value of this component. | |
void | setMouseCursor (const MouseCursor &cursorType) |
Changes the mouse cursor shape to use when the mouse is over this component. | |
virtual MouseCursor | getMouseCursor () |
Returns the mouse cursor shape to use when the mouse is over this component. | |
void | updateMouseCursor () const |
Forces the current mouse cursor to be updated. | |
virtual void | paintOverChildren (Graphics &g) |
Components can override this method to draw over the top of their children. | |
void | mouseMove (const MouseEvent &event) override |
Called when the mouse moves inside a component. | |
void | mouseEnter (const MouseEvent &event) override |
Called when the mouse first enters a component. | |
void | mouseExit (const MouseEvent &event) override |
Called when the mouse moves out of a component. | |
void | mouseDown (const MouseEvent &event) override |
Called when a mouse button is pressed. | |
void | mouseDrag (const MouseEvent &event) override |
Called when the mouse is moved while a button is held down. | |
void | mouseUp (const MouseEvent &event) override |
Called when a mouse button is released. | |
void | mouseDoubleClick (const MouseEvent &event) override |
Called when a mouse button has been double-clicked on a component. | |
void | mouseWheelMove (const MouseEvent &event, const MouseWheelDetails &wheel) override |
Called when the mouse-wheel is moved. | |
void | mouseMagnify (const MouseEvent &event, float scaleFactor) override |
Called when a pinch-to-zoom mouse-gesture is used. | |
void | setRepaintsOnMouseActivity (bool shouldRepaint) noexcept |
Causes automatic repaints when the mouse enters or exits this component. | |
void | addMouseListener (MouseListener *newListener, bool wantsEventsForAllNestedChildComponents) |
Registers a listener to be told when mouse events occur in this component. | |
void | removeMouseListener (MouseListener *listenerToRemove) |
Deregisters a mouse listener. | |
void | addKeyListener (KeyListener *newListener) |
Adds a listener that wants to hear about keypresses that this component receives. | |
void | removeKeyListener (KeyListener *listenerToRemove) |
Removes a previously-registered key listener. | |
virtual bool | keyPressed (const KeyPress &key) |
Called when a key is pressed. | |
virtual bool | keyStateChanged (bool isKeyDown) |
Called when a key is pressed or released. | |
virtual void | modifierKeysChanged (const ModifierKeys &modifiers) |
Called when a modifier key is pressed or released. | |
virtual void | focusGained (FocusChangeType cause) |
Called to indicate that this component has just acquired the keyboard focus. | |
virtual void | focusGainedWithDirection (FocusChangeType cause, FocusChangeDirection direction) |
Called to indicate that this component has just acquired the keyboard focus. | |
virtual void | focusLost (FocusChangeType cause) |
Called to indicate that this component has just lost the keyboard focus. | |
virtual void | focusOfChildComponentChanged (FocusChangeType cause) |
Called to indicate a change in whether or not this component is the parent of the currently-focused component. | |
bool | isMouseOver (bool includeChildren=false) const |
Returns true if the mouse is currently over this component. | |
bool | isMouseButtonDown (bool includeChildren=false) const |
Returns true if the mouse button is currently held down in this component. | |
bool | isMouseOverOrDragging (bool includeChildren=false) const |
True if the mouse is over this component, or if it's being dragged in this component. | |
Point< int > | getMouseXYRelative () const |
Returns the mouse's current position, relative to this component. | |
virtual void | moved () |
Called when this component's position has been changed. | |
virtual void | childBoundsChanged (Component *child) |
Called when one of this component's children is moved or resized. | |
virtual void | parentSizeChanged () |
Called when this component's immediate parent has been resized. | |
virtual void | broughtToFront () |
Called when this component has been moved to the front of its siblings. | |
void | addComponentListener (ComponentListener *newListener) |
Adds a listener to be told about changes to the component hierarchy or position. | |
void | removeComponentListener (ComponentListener *listenerToRemove) |
Removes a component listener. | |
void | postCommandMessage (int commandId) |
Dispatches a numbered message to this component. | |
virtual void | handleCommandMessage (int commandId) |
Called to handle a command that was sent by postCommandMessage(). | |
int | runModalLoop () |
Runs a component modally, waiting until the loop terminates. | |
void | enterModalState (bool takeKeyboardFocus=true, ModalComponentManager::Callback *callback=nullptr, bool deleteWhenDismissed=false) |
Puts the component into a modal state. | |
void | exitModalState (int returnValue=0) |
Ends a component's modal state. | |
bool | isCurrentlyModal (bool onlyConsiderForemostModalComponent=true) const noexcept |
Returns true if this component is the modal one. | |
bool | isCurrentlyBlockedByAnotherModalComponent () const |
Checks whether there's a modal component somewhere that's stopping this one from receiving messages. | |
virtual bool | canModalEventBeSentToComponent (const Component *targetComponent) |
When a component is modal, this callback allows it to choose which other components can still receive events. | |
virtual void | inputAttemptWhenModal () |
Called when the user tries to click on a component that is blocked by another modal component. | |
NamedValueSet & | getProperties () noexcept |
Returns the set of properties that belong to this component. | |
const NamedValueSet & | getProperties () const noexcept |
Returns the set of properties that belong to this component. | |
Colour | findColour (int colourID, bool inheritFromParent=false) const |
Looks for a colour that has been registered with the given colour ID number. | |
void | setColour (int colourID, Colour newColour) |
Registers a colour to be used for a particular purpose. | |
void | removeColour (int colourID) |
If a colour has been set with setColour(), this will remove it. | |
bool | isColourSpecified (int colourID) const |
Returns true if the specified colour ID has been explicitly set for this component using the setColour() method. | |
void | copyAllExplicitColoursTo (Component &target) const |
This looks for any colours that have been specified for this component, and copies them to the specified target component. | |
virtual void | colourChanged () |
This method is called when a colour is changed by the setColour() method, or when the look-and-feel is changed by the setLookAndFeel() or sendLookAndFeelChanged() methods. | |
void * | getWindowHandle () const |
Returns the underlying native window handle for this component. | |
Positioner * | getPositioner () const noexcept |
Returns the Positioner object that has been set for this component. | |
void | setPositioner (Positioner *newPositioner) |
Sets a new Positioner object for this component. | |
void | setCachedComponentImage (CachedComponentImage *newCachedImage) |
Gives the component a CachedComponentImage that should be used to buffer its painting. | |
CachedComponentImage * | getCachedComponentImage () const noexcept |
Returns the object that was set by setCachedComponentImage(). | |
void | setViewportIgnoreDragFlag (bool ignoreDrag) noexcept |
Sets a flag to indicate whether mouse drag events on this Component should be ignored when it is inside a Viewport with drag-to-scroll functionality enabled. | |
bool | getViewportIgnoreDragFlag () const noexcept |
Retrieves the current state of the Viewport drag-to-scroll functionality flag. | |
String | getTitle () const noexcept |
Returns the title text for this component. | |
void | setTitle (const String &newTitle) |
Sets the title for this component. | |
String | getDescription () const noexcept |
Returns the description for this component. | |
void | setDescription (const String &newDescription) |
Sets the description for this component. | |
String | getHelpText () const noexcept |
Returns the help text for this component. | |
void | setHelpText (const String &newHelpText) |
Sets the help text for this component. | |
void | setAccessible (bool shouldBeAccessible) |
Sets whether this component and its children are visible to accessibility clients. | |
bool | isAccessible () const noexcept |
Returns true if this component and its children are visible to accessibility clients. | |
AccessibilityHandler * | getAccessibilityHandler () |
Returns the accessibility handler for this component, or nullptr if this component is not accessible. | |
void | invalidateAccessibilityHandler () |
Invalidates the AccessibilityHandler that is currently being used for this component. | |
virtual std::unique_ptr< AccessibilityHandler > | createAccessibilityHandler () |
Override this method to return a custom AccessibilityHandler for this component. | |
![]() | |
virtual | ~MouseListener ()=default |
Destructor. | |
![]() | |
~SettableTooltipClient () override=default | |
Destructor. | |
virtual void | setTooltip (const String &newTooltip) |
Assigns a new tooltip to this object. | |
String | getTooltip () override |
Returns the tooltip assigned to this object. | |
![]() | |
virtual | ~TooltipClient ()=default |
Destructor. | |
Protected Attributes | |
int | preferredHeight |
Used by the PropertyPanel to determine how high this component needs to be. | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static float JUCE_CALLTYPE | getApproximateScaleFactorForComponent (const Component *targetComponent) |
Returns the approximate scale factor for a given component by traversing its parent hierarchy and applying each transform and finally scaling this by the global scale factor. | |
static Component *JUCE_CALLTYPE | getCurrentlyFocusedComponent () noexcept |
Returns the component that currently has the keyboard focus. | |
static void JUCE_CALLTYPE | unfocusAllComponents () |
If any component has keyboard focus, this will defocus it. | |
static void JUCE_CALLTYPE | beginDragAutoRepeat (int millisecondsBetweenCallbacks) |
Ensures that a non-stop stream of mouse-drag events will be sent during the current mouse-drag operation. | |
static bool JUCE_CALLTYPE | isMouseButtonDownAnywhere () noexcept |
Returns true if a mouse button is currently down. | |
static int JUCE_CALLTYPE | getNumCurrentlyModalComponents () noexcept |
Returns the number of components that are currently in a modal state. | |
static Component *JUCE_CALLTYPE | getCurrentlyModalComponent (int index=0) noexcept |
Returns one of the components that are currently modal. | |
![]() | |
SettableTooltipClient ()=default | |
A base class for a component that goes in a PropertyPanel and displays one of an item's properties.
Subclasses of this are used to display a property in various forms, e.g. a ChoicePropertyComponent shows its value as a combo box; a SliderPropertyComponent shows its value as a slider; a TextPropertyComponent as a text box, etc.
A subclass must implement the refresh() method which will be called to tell the component to update itself, and is also responsible for calling this it when the item that it refers to is changed.
A set of colour IDs to use to change the colour of various aspects of the combo box.
These constants can be used either via the Component::setColour(), or LookAndFeel::setColour() methods.
Enumerator | |
backgroundColourId | The background colour to fill the component with. |
labelTextColourId | The colour for the property's label text. |
PropertyComponent::PropertyComponent | ( | const String & | propertyName, |
int | preferredHeight = 25 ) |
Creates a PropertyComponent.
propertyName | the name is stored as this component's name, and is used as the name displayed next to this component in a property panel |
preferredHeight | the height that the component should be given - some items may need to be larger than a normal row height. This value can also be set if a subclass changes the preferredHeight member variable. |
override |
noexcept |
Returns this item's preferred height.
This value is specified either in the constructor or by a subclass changing the preferredHeight member variable.
noexcept |
pure virtual |
Updates the property component if the item it refers to has changed.
A subclass must implement this method, and other objects may call it to force it to refresh itself.
The subclass should be economical in the amount of work is done, so for example it should check whether it really needs to do a repaint rather than just doing one every time this method is called, as it may be called when the value being displayed hasn't actually changed.
Implemented in BooleanPropertyComponent, ButtonPropertyComponent, ChoicePropertyComponent, MultiChoicePropertyComponent, SliderPropertyComponent, and TextPropertyComponent.
overridevirtual |
The default paint method fills the background and draws a label for the item's name.
Reimplemented from Component.
overridevirtual |
The default resize method positions any child component to the right of this one, based on the look and feel's default label size.
Reimplemented from Component.
overridevirtual |
By default, this just repaints the component.
Reimplemented from Component.
protected |
Used by the PropertyPanel to determine how high this component needs to be.
A subclass can update this value in its constructor but shouldn't alter it later as changes won't necessarily be picked up.