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namespace  AnimatedPositionBehaviours
 Contains classes for different types of physics behaviours - these classes are used as template parameters for the AnimatedPosition class.


class  AnimatedPosition< Behaviour >
 Models a 1-dimensional position that can be dragged around by the user, and which will then continue moving with a customisable physics behaviour when released. More...
class  AnimatedPosition< Behaviour >::Listener
 Implement this class if you need to receive callbacks when the value of an AnimatedPosition changes. More...
struct  AnimatedPositionBehaviours::ContinuousWithMomentum
 A non-snapping behaviour that allows the content to be freely flicked in either direction, with momentum based on the velocity at which it was released, and variable friction to make it come to a halt. More...
struct  AnimatedPositionBehaviours::SnapToPageBoundaries
 A behaviour that gravitates an AnimatedPosition object towards the nearest integer position when released. More...
class  BorderedComponentBoundsConstrainer
 A ComponentBoundsConstrainer that can be used to add a constant border onto another ComponentBoundsConstrainer. More...
class  ComponentAnimator
 This class has been superseded, it is now recommended you use the Animator class in the juce_animation module. More...
class  ComponentBoundsConstrainer
 A class that imposes restrictions on a Component's size or position. More...
class  ComponentBuilder
 Loads and maintains a tree of Components from a ValueTree that represents them. More...
class  ComponentBuilder::TypeHandler
 The class is a base class for objects that manage the loading of a type of component from a ValueTree. More...
class  ComponentBuilder::ImageProvider
 This class is used when references to images need to be stored in ValueTrees. More...
class  ComponentMovementWatcher
 An object that watches for any movement of a component or any of its parent components. More...
class  ConcertinaPanel
 A panel which holds a vertical stack of components which can be expanded and contracted. More...
struct  ConcertinaPanel::LookAndFeelMethods
 This abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes. More...
class  FlexBox
 Represents a FlexBox container, which contains and manages the layout of a set of FlexItem objects. More...
class  FlexItem
 Describes the properties of an item inside a FlexBox container. More...
struct  FlexItem::Margin
 Represents a margin. More...
class  Grid
 Container that handles geometry for grid layouts (fixed columns and rows) using a set of declarative rules. More...
struct  Grid::Px
 A size in pixels. More...
struct  Grid::Fr
 A fractional ratio integer. More...
struct  Grid::TrackInfo
 Represents a track. More...
class  GridItem
 Defines an item in a Grid. More...
struct  GridItem::Span
 Represents a span. More...
struct  GridItem::Property
 Represents a property. More...
struct  GridItem::StartAndEndProperty
 Represents start and end properties. More...
struct  GridItem::Margin
 Represents a margin. More...
class  GroupComponent
 A component that draws an outline around itself and has an optional title at the top, for drawing an outline around a group of controls. More...
struct  GroupComponent::LookAndFeelMethods
 This abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes. More...
class  MultiDocumentPanelWindow
 This is a derivative of DocumentWindow that is used inside a MultiDocumentPanel component. More...
class  MultiDocumentPanel
 A component that contains a set of other components either in floating windows or tabs. More...
class  ResizableBorderComponent
 A component that resizes its parent component when dragged. More...
class  ResizableBorderComponent::Zone
 Represents the different sections of a resizable border, which allow it to resized in different ways. More...
class  ResizableCornerComponent
 A component that resizes a parent component when dragged. More...
class  ResizableEdgeComponent
 A component that resizes its parent component when dragged. More...
class  ScrollBar
 A scrollbar component. More...
class  ScrollBar::Listener
 A class for receiving events from a ScrollBar. More...
struct  ScrollBar::LookAndFeelMethods
 This abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes to provide scrollbar-drawing functionality. More...
class  SidePanel
 A component that is positioned on either the left- or right-hand side of its parent, containing a header and some content. More...
struct  SidePanel::LookAndFeelMethods
 This abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes to provide SidePanel drawing functionality. More...
class  StretchableLayoutManager
 For laying out a set of components, where the components have preferred sizes and size limits, but where they are allowed to stretch to fill the available space. More...
class  StretchableLayoutResizerBar
 A component that acts as one of the vertical or horizontal bars you see being used to resize panels in a window. More...
struct  StretchableLayoutResizerBar::LookAndFeelMethods
 This abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes. More...
class  StretchableObjectResizer
 A utility class for fitting a set of objects whose sizes can vary between a minimum and maximum size, into a space. More...
class  TabBarButton
 In a TabbedButtonBar, this component is used for each of the buttons. More...
class  TabbedButtonBar
 A vertical or horizontal bar containing tabs that you can select. More...
struct  TabbedButtonBar::LookAndFeelMethods
 This abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes to provide window drawing functionality. More...
class  TabbedComponent
 A component with a TabbedButtonBar along one of its sides. More...
class  Viewport
 A Viewport is used to contain a larger child component, and allows the child to be automatically scrolled around. More...


constexpr Grid::Px operator""_px (long double px)
constexpr Grid::Px operator""_px (unsigned long long px)
constexpr Grid::Fr operator""_fr (unsigned long long fr)

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ operator""_px() [1/2]

constexpr Grid::Px operator""_px ( long double px)

◆ operator""_px() [2/2]

constexpr Grid::Px operator""_px ( unsigned long long px)

◆ operator""_fr()

constexpr Grid::Fr operator""_fr ( unsigned long long fr)
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