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class  AudioPluginInstance
 Base class for an active instance of a plugin. More...
struct  AudioPluginInstance::Parameter
 Structure used to describe plugin parameters. More...
class  AudioProcessor
 Base class for audio processing classes or plugins. More...
struct  AudioProcessor::BusesLayout
 Represents the bus layout state of a plug-in. More...
class  AudioProcessor::Bus
 Describes the layout and properties of an audio bus. More...
struct  AudioProcessor::CurveData
 Some plug-ins support sharing response curve data with the host so that it can display this curve on a console or in the mixer panel. More...
struct  AudioProcessor::TrackProperties
 A struct containing information about the DAW track inside which your AudioProcessor is loaded. More...
struct  AudioProcessor::BusProperties
 Structure used for AudioProcessor Callbacks. More...
struct  AudioProcessor::BusesProperties
 Structure used for AudioProcessor Callbacks. More...
class  AudioProcessorEditor
 Base class for the component that acts as the GUI for an AudioProcessor. More...
struct  AudioProcessorEditor::ParameterControlHighlightInfo
 Used by the setParameterHighlighting() method. More...
struct  HostProvidedContextMenu
 This wraps a context menu for a specific parameter, as provided by the host. More...
struct  AudioProcessorEditorHostContext
 Calling AudioProcessorEditor::getHostContext() may return a pointer to an instance of this class. More...
class  AudioProcessorGraph
 A type of AudioProcessor which plays back a graph of other AudioProcessors. More...
struct  AudioProcessorGraph::NodeID
 Each node in the graph has a UID of this type. More...
class  AudioProcessorGraph::NodeAndChannel
 Represents an input or output channel of a node in an AudioProcessorGraph. More...
class  AudioProcessorGraph::Node
 Represents one of the nodes, or processors, in an AudioProcessorGraph. More...
struct  AudioProcessorGraph::Connection
 Represents a connection between two channels of two nodes in an AudioProcessorGraph. More...
class  AudioProcessorGraph::AudioGraphIOProcessor
 A special type of AudioProcessor that can live inside an AudioProcessorGraph in order to use the audio that comes into and out of the graph itself. More...
class  AudioProcessorListener
 Base class for listeners that want to know about changes to an AudioProcessor. More...
struct  AudioProcessorListener::ChangeDetails
 Provides details about aspects of an AudioProcessor which have changed. More...
class  AudioProcessorParameter
 An abstract base class for parameter objects that can be added to an AudioProcessor. More...
class  AudioProcessorParameter::Listener
 A base class for listeners that want to know about changes to an AudioProcessorParameter. More...
class  AudioProcessorParameterGroup
 A class encapsulating a group of AudioProcessorParameters and nested AudioProcessorParameterGroups. More...
class  AudioProcessorParameterGroup::AudioProcessorParameterNode
 A child of an AudioProcessorParameterGroup. More...
class  GenericAudioProcessorEditor
 A type of UI component that displays the parameters of an AudioProcessor as a simple list of sliders, combo boxes and switches. More...
struct  HostedAudioProcessorParameter
 A parameter with functions that are useful for plugin hosts. More...
class  PluginDescription
 A small class to represent some facts about a particular type of plug-in. More...

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