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Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs


namespace  ValueSmoothingTypes
 A namespace containing a set of types used for specifying the smoothing behaviour of the SmoothedValue class.


class  ADSR
 A very simple ADSR envelope class. More...
struct  ADSR::Parameters
 Holds the parameters being used by an ADSR object. More...
class  WorkgroupToken
 Created by AudioWorkgroup to join the calling thread to a workgroup. More...
class  AudioWorkgroup
 A handle to an audio workgroup, which is a collection of realtime threads working together to produce audio by a common deadline. More...
class  Decibels
 This class contains some helpful static methods for dealing with decibel values. More...
class  GenericInterpolator< InterpolatorTraits, memorySize >
 An interpolator base class for resampling streams of floats. More...
class  IIRCoefficients
 A set of coefficients for use in an IIRFilter object. More...
class  IIRFilterBase< Mutex >
 An IIR filter that can perform low, high, or band-pass filtering on an audio signal. More...
class  IIRFilter
 An IIR filter that can perform low, high, or band-pass filtering on an audio signal, and which attempts to implement basic thread-safety. More...
class  SingleThreadedIIRFilter
 An IIR filter that can perform low, high, or band-pass filtering on an audio signal, with no thread-safety guarantees. More...
class  Interpolators
 A collection of different interpolators for resampling streams of floats. More...
class  Reverb
 Performs a simple reverb effect on a stream of audio data. More...
struct  Reverb::Parameters
 Holds the parameters being used by a Reverb object. More...
class  SmoothedValueBase< SmoothedValueType >
 A base class for the smoothed value classes. More...
class  SmoothedValue< FloatType, SmoothingType >
 A utility class for values that need smoothing to avoid audio glitches. More...


using WindowedSincInterpolator = Interpolators::WindowedSinc
 An interpolator for resampling a stream of floats using high order windowed (hann) sinc interpolation, recommended for high quality resampling.
using LagrangeInterpolator = Interpolators::Lagrange
 An interpolator for resampling a stream of floats using 4-point lagrange interpolation.
using CatmullRomInterpolator = Interpolators::CatmullRom
 An interpolator for resampling a stream of floats using Catmull-Rom interpolation.
using LinearInterpolator = Interpolators::Linear
 An interpolator for resampling a stream of floats using linear interpolation.
using ZeroOrderHoldInterpolator = Interpolators::ZeroOrderHold
 An interpolator for resampling a stream of floats using zero order hold interpolation.
template<typename FloatType >
using LinearSmoothedValue = SmoothedValue <FloatType, ValueSmoothingTypes::Linear>

Detailed Description

Typedef Documentation

◆ WindowedSincInterpolator

An interpolator for resampling a stream of floats using high order windowed (hann) sinc interpolation, recommended for high quality resampling.

Note that the resampler is stateful, so when there's a break in the continuity of the input stream you're feeding it, you should call reset() before feeding it any new data. And like with any other stateful filter, if you're resampling multiple channels, make sure each one uses its own WindowedSincInterpolator object.

See also
LagrangeInterpolator, CatmullRomInterpolator, LinearInterpolator, ZeroOrderHoldInterpolator

◆ LagrangeInterpolator

An interpolator for resampling a stream of floats using 4-point lagrange interpolation.

Note that the resampler is stateful, so when there's a break in the continuity of the input stream you're feeding it, you should call reset() before feeding it any new data. And like with any other stateful filter, if you're resampling multiple channels, make sure each one uses its own LagrangeInterpolator object.

See also
CatmullRomInterpolator, WindowedSincInterpolator, LinearInterpolator, ZeroOrderHoldInterpolator

◆ CatmullRomInterpolator

An interpolator for resampling a stream of floats using Catmull-Rom interpolation.

Note that the resampler is stateful, so when there's a break in the continuity of the input stream you're feeding it, you should call reset() before feeding it any new data. And like with any other stateful filter, if you're resampling multiple channels, make sure each one uses its own CatmullRomInterpolator object.

See also
LagrangeInterpolator, WindowedSincInterpolator, LinearInterpolator, ZeroOrderHoldInterpolator

◆ LinearInterpolator

An interpolator for resampling a stream of floats using linear interpolation.

Note that the resampler is stateful, so when there's a break in the continuity of the input stream you're feeding it, you should call reset() before feeding it any new data. And like with any other stateful filter, if you're resampling multiple channels, make sure each one uses its own LinearInterpolator object.

See also
LagrangeInterpolator, CatmullRomInterpolator, WindowedSincInterpolator, ZeroOrderHoldInterpolator

◆ ZeroOrderHoldInterpolator

An interpolator for resampling a stream of floats using zero order hold interpolation.

Note that the resampler is stateful, so when there's a break in the continuity of the input stream you're feeding it, you should call reset() before feeding it any new data. And like with any other stateful filter, if you're resampling multiple channels, make sure each one uses its own ZeroOrderHoldInterpolator object.

See also
LagrangeInterpolator, CatmullRomInterpolator, WindowedSincInterpolator, LinearInterpolator

◆ LinearSmoothedValue

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