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URL Class Reference

Represents a URL and has a bunch of useful functions to manipulate it. More...

#include <juce_URL.h>


class  DownloadTask
 Represents a download task. More...
struct  DownloadTaskListener
 Used to receive callbacks for download progress. More...
class  DownloadTaskOptions
 Holds options that can be specified when starting a new download with downloadToFile(). More...
class  InputStreamOptions
 Class used to create a set of options to pass to the createInputStream() method. More...

Public Types

enum class  ParameterHandling { inAddress , inPostData }

Public Member Functions

 URL ()
 Creates an empty URL.
 URL (const String &url)
 Creates a URL from a string.
 URL (File localFile)
 Creates URL referring to a local file on your disk using the file:// scheme.
bool operator== (const URL &) const
 Compares two URLs.
bool operator!= (const URL &) const
String toString (bool includeGetParameters) const
 Returns a string version of the URL.
bool isEmpty () const noexcept
 Returns true if the URL is an empty string.
bool isWellFormed () const
 True if it seems to be valid.
String getDomain () const
 Returns just the domain part of the URL.
String getSubPath (bool includeGetParameters=false) const
 Returns the path part of the URL.
String getQueryString () const
 If any parameters are set, returns these URL-encoded, including the "?" prefix.
String getAnchorString () const
 If any anchor is set, returns URL-encoded anchor, including the "#" prefix.
String getScheme () const
 Returns the scheme of the URL.
bool isLocalFile () const
 Returns true if this URL refers to a local file.
File getLocalFile () const
 Returns the file path of the local file to which this URL refers to.
String getFileName () const
 Returns the file name.
int getPort () const
 Attempts to read a port number from the URL.
String getOrigin () const
 Returns the origin of a resource reachable on this URL.
URL withNewDomainAndPath (const String &newFullPath) const
 Returns a new version of this URL with a different domain and path.
URL withNewSubPath (const String &newPath) const
 Returns a new version of this URL with a different sub-path.
URL getParentURL () const
 Attempts to return a URL which is the parent folder containing this URL.
URL getChildURL (const String &subPath) const
 Returns a new URL that refers to a sub-path relative to this one.
URL withParameter (const String &parameterName, const String &parameterValue) const
 Returns a copy of this URL, with a GET or POST parameter added to the end.
URL withParameters (const StringPairArray &parametersToAdd) const
 Returns a copy of this URL, with a set of GET or POST parameters added.
URL withAnchor (const String &anchor) const
 Returns a copy of this URL, with an anchor added to the end of the URL.
URL withFileToUpload (const String &parameterName, const File &fileToUpload, const String &mimeType) const
 Returns a copy of this URL, with a file-upload type parameter added to it.
URL withDataToUpload (const String &parameterName, const String &filename, const MemoryBlock &fileContentToUpload, const String &mimeType) const
 Returns a copy of this URL, with a file-upload type parameter added to it.
const StringArraygetParameterNames () const noexcept
 Returns an array of the names of all the URL's parameters.
const StringArraygetParameterValues () const noexcept
 Returns an array of the values of all the URL's parameters.
URL withPOSTData (const String &postData) const
 Returns a copy of this URL, with a block of data to send as the POST data.
URL withPOSTData (const MemoryBlock &postData) const
 Returns a copy of this URL, with a block of data to send as the POST data.
String getPostData () const
 Returns the data that was set using withPOSTData().
const MemoryBlockgetPostDataAsMemoryBlock () const noexcept
 Returns the data that was set using withPOSTData() as a MemoryBlock.
bool launchInDefaultBrowser () const
 Tries to launch the system's default browser to open the URL.
std::unique_ptr< InputStreamcreateInputStream (const InputStreamOptions &options) const
 Attempts to open a stream that can read from this URL.
std::unique_ptr< OutputStreamcreateOutputStream () const
 Attempts to open an output stream to a URL for writing.
std::unique_ptr< DownloadTaskdownloadToFile (const File &targetLocation, String extraHeaders=String(), DownloadTaskListener *listener=nullptr, bool usePostCommand=false)
 This function is replaced by a new overload accepting a DownloadTaskOptions argument.
std::unique_ptr< DownloadTaskdownloadToFile (const File &targetLocation, const DownloadTaskOptions &options)
 Download the URL to a file.
bool readEntireBinaryStream (MemoryBlock &destData, bool usePostCommand=false) const
 Tries to download the entire contents of this URL into a binary data block.
String readEntireTextStream (bool usePostCommand=false) const
 Tries to download the entire contents of this URL as a string.
std::unique_ptr< XmlElementreadEntireXmlStream (bool usePostCommand=false) const
 Tries to download the entire contents of this URL and parse it as XML.

Static Public Member Functions

static bool isProbablyAWebsiteURL (const String &possibleURL)
 Takes a guess as to whether a string might be a valid website address.
static bool isProbablyAnEmailAddress (const String &possibleEmailAddress)
 Takes a guess as to whether a string might be a valid email address.
static String addEscapeChars (const String &stringToAddEscapeCharsTo, bool isParameter, bool roundBracketsAreLegal=true)
 Adds escape sequences to a string to encode any characters that aren't legal in a URL.
static String removeEscapeChars (const String &stringToRemoveEscapeCharsFrom)
 Replaces any escape character sequences in a string with their original character codes.
static URL createWithoutParsing (const String &url)
 Returns a URL without attempting to remove any embedded parameters from the string.

Detailed Description

Represents a URL and has a bunch of useful functions to manipulate it.

This class can be used to launch URLs in browsers, and also to create InputStreams that can read from remote HTTP or FTP sources.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ParameterHandling


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ URL() [1/3]

URL::URL ( )

Creates an empty URL.

◆ URL() [2/3]

URL::URL ( const String & url)

Creates a URL from a string.

This will parse any embedded parameters after a '?' character and store them in the list (see getParameterNames etc). If you don't want this to happen, you can use createWithoutParsing().

◆ URL() [3/3]

URL::URL ( File localFile)

Creates URL referring to a local file on your disk using the file:// scheme.

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator==()

bool URL::operator== ( const URL & ) const

Compares two URLs.

All aspects of the URLs must be identical for them to match, including any parameters, upload files, etc.

◆ operator!=()

bool URL::operator!= ( const URL & ) const

◆ toString()

String URL::toString ( bool includeGetParameters) const

Returns a string version of the URL.

includeGetParametersif this is true and any parameters have been set with the withParameter() method, then the string will have these appended on the end and URL-encoded.
See also

◆ isEmpty()

bool URL::isEmpty ( ) const

Returns true if the URL is an empty string.

◆ isWellFormed()

bool URL::isWellFormed ( ) const

True if it seems to be valid.

◆ getDomain()

String URL::getDomain ( ) const

Returns just the domain part of the URL.

e.g. for "http://www.xyz.com/foobar", this will return "www.xyz.com".

◆ getSubPath()

String URL::getSubPath ( bool includeGetParameters = false) const

Returns the path part of the URL.

e.g. for "http://www.xyz.com/foo/bar?x=1", this will return "foo/bar".

includeGetParametersif this is true and any parameters have been set with the withParameter() method, then the string will have these appended on the end and URL-encoded.
See also

◆ getQueryString()

String URL::getQueryString ( ) const

If any parameters are set, returns these URL-encoded, including the "?" prefix.

◆ getAnchorString()

String URL::getAnchorString ( ) const

If any anchor is set, returns URL-encoded anchor, including the "#" prefix.

◆ getScheme()

String URL::getScheme ( ) const

Returns the scheme of the URL.

e.g. for "http://www.xyz.com/foobar", this will return "http" (it won't include the colon).

◆ isLocalFile()

bool URL::isLocalFile ( ) const

Returns true if this URL refers to a local file.

◆ getLocalFile()

File URL::getLocalFile ( ) const

Returns the file path of the local file to which this URL refers to.

If the URL does not represent a local file URL (i.e. the URL's scheme is not 'file') then this method will assert.

This method also supports converting Android's content:// URLs to local file paths.

See also

◆ getFileName()

String URL::getFileName ( ) const

Returns the file name.

For all but Android's content:// scheme, it will simply return the last segment of the URL, e.g. for "http://www.xyz.com/foo/bar.txt", this will return "bar.txt".

For Android's content:// scheme, it will attempt to resolve the filename located under the URL.

◆ getPort()

int URL::getPort ( ) const

Attempts to read a port number from the URL.

the port number, or 0 if none is explicitly specified.

◆ getOrigin()

String URL::getOrigin ( ) const

Returns the origin of a resource reachable on this URL.

In the context of cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) a script downloaded from this URL would only be allowed to reach resources from the returned origin.

◆ withNewDomainAndPath()

URL URL::withNewDomainAndPath ( const String & newFullPath) const

Returns a new version of this URL with a different domain and path.

e.g. if the URL is "http://www.xyz.com/foo?x=1" and you call this with "abc.com/zzz", it'll return "http://abc.com/zzz?x=1".

See also

◆ withNewSubPath()

URL URL::withNewSubPath ( const String & newPath) const

Returns a new version of this URL with a different sub-path.

e.g. if the URL is "http://www.xyz.com/foo?x=1" and you call this with "bar", it'll return "http://www.xyz.com/bar?x=1".

See also

◆ getParentURL()

URL URL::getParentURL ( ) const

Attempts to return a URL which is the parent folder containing this URL.

If there isn't a parent, this method will just return a copy of this URL.

◆ getChildURL()

URL URL::getChildURL ( const String & subPath) const

Returns a new URL that refers to a sub-path relative to this one.

e.g. if the URL is "http://www.xyz.com/foo" and you call this with "bar", it'll return "http://www.xyz.com/foo/bar".

Note that there's no way for this method to know whether the original URL is a file or directory, so it's up to you to make sure it's a directory. It also won't attempt to be smart about the content of the childPath string, so if this string is an absolute URL, it'll still just get bolted onto the end of the path.

See also

◆ withParameter()

URL URL::withParameter ( const String & parameterName,
const String & parameterValue ) const

Returns a copy of this URL, with a GET or POST parameter added to the end.

Any control characters in the value will be URL-encoded.

e.g. calling "withParameter ("amount", "some fish") for the url "www.fish.com" would produce a new url whose <tt>toString (true)</tt> method would return "www.fish.com?amount=some+fish".

See also
getParameterNames, getParameterValues

◆ withParameters()

URL URL::withParameters ( const StringPairArray & parametersToAdd) const

Returns a copy of this URL, with a set of GET or POST parameters added.

This is a convenience method, equivalent to calling withParameter for each value.

See also

◆ withAnchor()

URL URL::withAnchor ( const String & anchor) const

Returns a copy of this URL, with an anchor added to the end of the URL.

◆ withFileToUpload()

URL URL::withFileToUpload ( const String & parameterName,
const File & fileToUpload,
const String & mimeType ) const

Returns a copy of this URL, with a file-upload type parameter added to it.

When performing a POST where one of your parameters is a binary file, this lets you specify the file.

Note that the filename is stored, but the file itself won't actually be read until this URL is later used to create a network input stream. If you want to upload data from memory, use withDataToUpload().

See also

◆ withDataToUpload()

URL URL::withDataToUpload ( const String & parameterName,
const String & filename,
const MemoryBlock & fileContentToUpload,
const String & mimeType ) const

Returns a copy of this URL, with a file-upload type parameter added to it.

When performing a POST where one of your parameters is a binary file, this lets you specify the file content.

Note that the filename parameter should not be a full path, it's just the last part of the filename.

See also

◆ getParameterNames()

const StringArray & URL::getParameterNames ( ) const

Returns an array of the names of all the URL's parameters.

e.g. for the url "www.fish.com?type=haddock&amount=some+fish", this array would contain two items: "type" and "amount".

You can call getParameterValues() to get the corresponding value of each parameter. Note that the list can contain multiple parameters with the same name.

See also
getParameterValues, withParameter

◆ getParameterValues()

const StringArray & URL::getParameterValues ( ) const

Returns an array of the values of all the URL's parameters.

e.g. for the url "www.fish.com?type=haddock&amount=some+fish", this array would contain two items: "haddock" and "some fish".

The values returned will have been cleaned up to remove any escape characters.

You can call getParameterNames() to get the corresponding name of each parameter. Note that the list can contain multiple parameters with the same name.

See also
getParameterNames, withParameter

◆ withPOSTData() [1/2]

URL URL::withPOSTData ( const String & postData) const

Returns a copy of this URL, with a block of data to send as the POST data.

If the URL already contains some POST data, this will replace it, rather than being appended to it.

If no HTTP command is set when calling createInputStream() to read from this URL and some data has been set, it will do a POST request.

◆ withPOSTData() [2/2]

URL URL::withPOSTData ( const MemoryBlock & postData) const

Returns a copy of this URL, with a block of data to send as the POST data.

If the URL already contains some POST data, this will replace it, rather than being appended to it.

If no HTTP command is set when calling createInputStream() to read from this URL and some data has been set, it will do a POST request.

◆ getPostData()

String URL::getPostData ( ) const

Returns the data that was set using withPOSTData().

◆ getPostDataAsMemoryBlock()

const MemoryBlock & URL::getPostDataAsMemoryBlock ( ) const

Returns the data that was set using withPOSTData() as a MemoryBlock.

◆ launchInDefaultBrowser()

bool URL::launchInDefaultBrowser ( ) const

Tries to launch the system's default browser to open the URL.

true if this seems to have worked.

◆ isProbablyAWebsiteURL()

static bool URL::isProbablyAWebsiteURL ( const String & possibleURL)

Takes a guess as to whether a string might be a valid website address.

This isn't foolproof!

◆ isProbablyAnEmailAddress()

static bool URL::isProbablyAnEmailAddress ( const String & possibleEmailAddress)

Takes a guess as to whether a string might be a valid email address.

This isn't foolproof!

◆ createInputStream()

std::unique_ptr< InputStream > URL::createInputStream ( const InputStreamOptions & options) const

Attempts to open a stream that can read from this URL.

Note that this method will block until the first byte of data has been received or an error has occurred.

Note that on some platforms (Android, for example) it's not permitted to do any network action from the message thread, so you must only call it from a background thread.

Unless the URL represents a local file, this method returns an instance of a WebInputStream. You can use dynamic_cast to cast the return value to a WebInputStream which allows you more fine-grained control of the transfer process.

If the URL represents a local file, then this method simply returns a FileInputStream.

optionsa set of options that will be used when opening the stream.
a valid input stream, or nullptr if there was an error trying to open it.

◆ createOutputStream()

std::unique_ptr< OutputStream > URL::createOutputStream ( ) const

Attempts to open an output stream to a URL for writing.

This method can only be used for certain scheme types such as local files and content:// URIs on Android.

◆ downloadToFile() [1/2]

std::unique_ptr< DownloadTask > URL::downloadToFile ( const File & targetLocation,
String extraHeaders = String(),
DownloadTaskListener * listener = nullptr,
bool usePostCommand = false )

This function is replaced by a new overload accepting a DownloadTaskOptions argument.

◆ downloadToFile() [2/2]

std::unique_ptr< DownloadTask > URL::downloadToFile ( const File & targetLocation,
const DownloadTaskOptions & options )

Download the URL to a file.

This method attempts to download the URL to a given file location.

Using this method to download files on mobile is less flexible but more reliable than using createInputStream or WebInputStreams as it will attempt to download the file using a native OS background network task. Such tasks automatically deal with network re-connections and continuing your download while your app is suspended.

◆ readEntireBinaryStream()

bool URL::readEntireBinaryStream ( MemoryBlock & destData,
bool usePostCommand = false ) const

Tries to download the entire contents of this URL into a binary data block.

If it succeeds, this will return true and append the data it read onto the end of the memory block.

Note that on some platforms (Android, for example) it's not permitted to do any network action from the message thread, so you must only call it from a background thread.

destDatathe memory block to append the new data to.
usePostCommandwhether to use a POST command to get the data (uses a GET command if this is false).
See also
readEntireTextStream, readEntireXmlStream

◆ readEntireTextStream()

String URL::readEntireTextStream ( bool usePostCommand = false) const

Tries to download the entire contents of this URL as a string.

If it fails, this will return an empty string, otherwise it will return the contents of the downloaded file. If you need to distinguish between a read operation that fails and one that returns an empty string, you'll need to use a different method, such as readEntireBinaryStream().

Note that on some platforms (Android, for example) it's not permitted to do any network action from the message thread, so you must only call it from a background thread.

usePostCommandwhether to use a POST command to get the data (uses a GET command if this is false).
See also
readEntireBinaryStream, readEntireXmlStream

◆ readEntireXmlStream()

std::unique_ptr< XmlElement > URL::readEntireXmlStream ( bool usePostCommand = false) const

Tries to download the entire contents of this URL and parse it as XML.

If it fails, or if the text that it reads can't be parsed as XML, this will return nullptr.

Note that on some platforms (Android, for example) it's not permitted to do any network action from the message thread, so you must only call it from a background thread.

usePostCommandwhether to use a POST command to get the data (uses a GET command if this is false).
See also
readEntireBinaryStream, readEntireTextStream

◆ addEscapeChars()

static String URL::addEscapeChars ( const String & stringToAddEscapeCharsTo,
bool isParameter,
bool roundBracketsAreLegal = true )

Adds escape sequences to a string to encode any characters that aren't legal in a URL.

E.g. any spaces will be replaced with "%20".

This is the opposite of removeEscapeChars().

stringToAddEscapeCharsTothe string to escape.
isParameterif true then the string is going to be used as a parameter, so it also encodes '$' and ',' (which would otherwise be legal in a URL.
roundBracketsAreLegaltechnically round brackets are ok in URLs, however, some servers (like AWS) also want round brackets to be escaped.
See also

◆ removeEscapeChars()

static String URL::removeEscapeChars ( const String & stringToRemoveEscapeCharsFrom)

Replaces any escape character sequences in a string with their original character codes.

E.g. any instances of "%20" will be replaced by a space.

This is the opposite of addEscapeChars().

See also

◆ createWithoutParsing()

static URL URL::createWithoutParsing ( const String & url)

Returns a URL without attempting to remove any embedded parameters from the string.

This may be necessary if you need to create a request that involves both POST parameters and parameters which are embedded in the URL address itself.

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