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class  IPAddress
 Represents an IP address. More...
class  MACAddress
 Represents a MAC network card adapter address ID. More...
class  NamedPipe
 A cross-process pipe that can have data written to and read from it. More...
class  SocketOptions
 Options used for the configuration of the underlying system socket in the StreamingSocket and DatagramSocket classes. More...
class  StreamingSocket
 A wrapper for a streaming (TCP) socket. More...
class  DatagramSocket
 A wrapper for a datagram (UDP) socket. More...
class  URL
 Represents a URL and has a bunch of useful functions to manipulate it. More...
class  URL::InputStreamOptions
 Class used to create a set of options to pass to the createInputStream() method. More...
struct  URL::DownloadTaskListener
 Used to receive callbacks for download progress. More...
class  URL::DownloadTaskOptions
 Holds options that can be specified when starting a new download with downloadToFile(). More...
class  URL::DownloadTask
 Represents a download task. More...
class  WebInputStream
 An InputStream which can be used to read from a given URL. More...
class  WebInputStream::Listener
 Used to receive callbacks for POST data send progress. More...

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