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No Matches
MidiMessage Class Reference

Encapsulates a MIDI message. More...

#include <juce_MidiMessage.h>


struct  VariableLengthValue
 Holds information about a variable-length value which was parsed from a stream of bytes. More...

Public Types

enum  SmpteTimecodeType { fps24 = 0 , fps25 = 1 , fps30drop = 2 , fps30 = 3 }
 SMPTE timecode types. More...
enum  MidiMachineControlCommand {
  mmc_stop = 1 , mmc_play = 2 , mmc_deferredplay = 3 , mmc_fastforward = 4 ,
  mmc_rewind = 5 , mmc_recordStart = 6 , mmc_recordStop = 7 , mmc_pause = 9
 Types of MMC command. More...

Public Member Functions

 MidiMessage (int byte1, int byte2, int byte3, double timeStamp=0) noexcept
 Creates a 3-byte short midi message.
 MidiMessage (int byte1, int byte2, double timeStamp=0) noexcept
 Creates a 2-byte short midi message.
 MidiMessage (int byte1, double timeStamp=0) noexcept
 Creates a 1-byte short midi message.
template<typename... Data>
 MidiMessage (int byte1, int byte2, int byte3, Data... otherBytes)
 Creates a midi message from a list of bytes.
 MidiMessage (const void *data, int numBytes, double timeStamp=0)
 Creates a midi message from a block of data.
 MidiMessage (const void *data, int maxBytesToUse, int &numBytesUsed, uint8 lastStatusByte, double timeStamp=0, bool sysexHasEmbeddedLength=true)
 Reads the next midi message from some data.
 MidiMessage () noexcept
 Creates an empty sysex message.
 MidiMessage (const MidiMessage &)
 Creates a copy of another midi message.
 MidiMessage (const MidiMessage &, double newTimeStamp)
 Creates a copy of another midi message, with a different timestamp.
 ~MidiMessage () noexcept
MidiMessageoperator= (const MidiMessage &other)
 Copies this message from another one.
 MidiMessage (MidiMessage &&) noexcept
 Move constructor.
MidiMessageoperator= (MidiMessage &&) noexcept
 Move assignment operator.
const uint8getRawData () const noexcept
 Returns a pointer to the raw midi data.
int getRawDataSize () const noexcept
 Returns the number of bytes of data in the message.
String getDescription () const
 Returns a human-readable description of the midi message as a string, for example "Note On C#3 Velocity 120 Channel 1".
double getTimeStamp () const noexcept
 Returns the timestamp associated with this message.
void setTimeStamp (double newTimestamp) noexcept
 Changes the message's associated timestamp.
void addToTimeStamp (double delta) noexcept
 Adds a value to the message's timestamp.
MidiMessage withTimeStamp (double newTimestamp) const
 Return a copy of this message with a new timestamp.
int getChannel () const noexcept
 Returns the midi channel associated with the message.
bool isForChannel (int channelNumber) const noexcept
 Returns true if the message applies to the given midi channel.
void setChannel (int newChannelNumber) noexcept
 Changes the message's midi channel.
bool isSysEx () const noexcept
 Returns true if this is a system-exclusive message.
const uint8getSysExData () const noexcept
 Returns a pointer to the sysex data inside the message.
int getSysExDataSize () const noexcept
 Returns the size of the sysex data.
Span< const std::byte > getSysExDataSpan () const noexcept
 Returns a span that bounds the sysex body bytes contained in this message.
bool isNoteOn (bool returnTrueForVelocity0=false) const noexcept
 Returns true if this message is a 'key-down' event.
bool isNoteOff (bool returnTrueForNoteOnVelocity0=true) const noexcept
 Returns true if this message is a 'key-up' event.
bool isNoteOnOrOff () const noexcept
 Returns true if this message is a 'key-down' or 'key-up' event.
int getNoteNumber () const noexcept
 Returns the midi note number for note-on and note-off messages.
void setNoteNumber (int newNoteNumber) noexcept
 Changes the midi note number of a note-on or note-off message.
uint8 getVelocity () const noexcept
 Returns the velocity of a note-on or note-off message.
float getFloatVelocity () const noexcept
 Returns the velocity of a note-on or note-off message.
void setVelocity (float newVelocity) noexcept
 Changes the velocity of a note-on or note-off message.
void multiplyVelocity (float scaleFactor) noexcept
 Multiplies the velocity of a note-on or note-off message by a given amount.
bool isSustainPedalOn () const noexcept
 Returns true if this message is a 'sustain pedal down' controller message.
bool isSustainPedalOff () const noexcept
 Returns true if this message is a 'sustain pedal up' controller message.
bool isSostenutoPedalOn () const noexcept
 Returns true if this message is a 'sostenuto pedal down' controller message.
bool isSostenutoPedalOff () const noexcept
 Returns true if this message is a 'sostenuto pedal up' controller message.
bool isSoftPedalOn () const noexcept
 Returns true if this message is a 'soft pedal down' controller message.
bool isSoftPedalOff () const noexcept
 Returns true if this message is a 'soft pedal up' controller message.
bool isProgramChange () const noexcept
 Returns true if the message is a program (patch) change message.
int getProgramChangeNumber () const noexcept
 Returns the new program number of a program change message.
bool isPitchWheel () const noexcept
 Returns true if the message is a pitch-wheel move.
int getPitchWheelValue () const noexcept
 Returns the pitch wheel position from a pitch-wheel move message.
bool isAftertouch () const noexcept
 Returns true if the message is an aftertouch event.
int getAfterTouchValue () const noexcept
 Returns the amount of aftertouch from an aftertouch messages.
bool isChannelPressure () const noexcept
 Returns true if the message is a channel-pressure change event.
int getChannelPressureValue () const noexcept
 Returns the pressure from a channel pressure change message.
bool isController () const noexcept
 Returns true if this is a midi controller message.
int getControllerNumber () const noexcept
 Returns the controller number of a controller message.
int getControllerValue () const noexcept
 Returns the controller value from a controller message.
bool isControllerOfType (int controllerType) const noexcept
 Returns true if this message is a controller message and if it has the specified controller type.
bool isAllNotesOff () const noexcept
 Checks whether this message is an all-notes-off message.
bool isAllSoundOff () const noexcept
 Checks whether this message is an all-sound-off message.
bool isResetAllControllers () const noexcept
 Checks whether this message is a reset all controllers message.
bool isMetaEvent () const noexcept
 Returns true if this event is a meta-event.
int getMetaEventType () const noexcept
 Returns a meta-event's type number.
const uint8getMetaEventData () const noexcept
 Returns a pointer to the data in a meta-event.
int getMetaEventLength () const noexcept
 Returns the length of the data for a meta-event.
bool isTrackMetaEvent () const noexcept
 Returns true if this is a 'track' meta-event.
bool isEndOfTrackMetaEvent () const noexcept
 Returns true if this is an 'end-of-track' meta-event.
bool isTrackNameEvent () const noexcept
 Returns true if this is an 'track name' meta-event.
bool isTextMetaEvent () const noexcept
 Returns true if this is a 'text' meta-event.
String getTextFromTextMetaEvent () const
 Returns the text from a text meta-event.
bool isTempoMetaEvent () const noexcept
 Returns true if this is a 'tempo' meta-event.
double getTempoMetaEventTickLength (short timeFormat) const noexcept
 Returns the tick length from a tempo meta-event.
double getTempoSecondsPerQuarterNote () const noexcept
 Calculates the seconds-per-quarter-note from a tempo meta-event.
bool isTimeSignatureMetaEvent () const noexcept
 Returns true if this is a 'time-signature' meta-event.
void getTimeSignatureInfo (int &numerator, int &denominator) const noexcept
 Returns the time-signature values from a time-signature meta-event.
bool isKeySignatureMetaEvent () const noexcept
 Returns true if this is a 'key-signature' meta-event.
int getKeySignatureNumberOfSharpsOrFlats () const noexcept
 Returns the key from a key-signature meta-event.
bool isKeySignatureMajorKey () const noexcept
 Returns true if this key-signature event is major, or false if it's minor.
bool isMidiChannelMetaEvent () const noexcept
 Returns true if this is a 'channel' meta-event.
int getMidiChannelMetaEventChannel () const noexcept
 Returns the channel number from a channel meta-event.
bool isActiveSense () const noexcept
 Returns true if this is an active-sense message.
bool isMidiStart () const noexcept
 Returns true if this is a midi start event.
bool isMidiContinue () const noexcept
 Returns true if this is a midi continue event.
bool isMidiStop () const noexcept
 Returns true if this is a midi stop event.
bool isMidiClock () const noexcept
 Returns true if this is a midi clock event.
bool isSongPositionPointer () const noexcept
 Returns true if this is a song-position-pointer message.
int getSongPositionPointerMidiBeat () const noexcept
 Returns the midi beat-number of a song-position-pointer message.
bool isQuarterFrame () const noexcept
 Returns true if this is a quarter-frame midi timecode message.
int getQuarterFrameSequenceNumber () const noexcept
 Returns the sequence number of a quarter-frame midi timecode message.
int getQuarterFrameValue () const noexcept
 Returns the value from a quarter-frame message.
bool isFullFrame () const noexcept
 Returns true if this is a full-frame midi timecode message.
void getFullFrameParameters (int &hours, int &minutes, int &seconds, int &frames, SmpteTimecodeType &timecodeType) const noexcept
 Extracts the timecode information from a full-frame midi timecode message.
bool isMidiMachineControlMessage () const noexcept
 Checks whether this is an MMC message.
MidiMachineControlCommand getMidiMachineControlCommand () const noexcept
 For an MMC message, this returns its type.
bool isMidiMachineControlGoto (int &hours, int &minutes, int &seconds, int &frames) const noexcept
 Checks whether this is an MMC "goto" message.

Static Public Member Functions

static MidiMessage noteOn (int channel, int noteNumber, float velocity) noexcept
 Creates a key-down message (using a floating-point velocity).
static MidiMessage noteOn (int channel, int noteNumber, uint8 velocity) noexcept
 Creates a key-down message (using an integer velocity).
static MidiMessage noteOff (int channel, int noteNumber, float velocity) noexcept
 Creates a key-up message.
static MidiMessage noteOff (int channel, int noteNumber, uint8 velocity) noexcept
 Creates a key-up message.
static MidiMessage noteOff (int channel, int noteNumber) noexcept
 Creates a key-up message.
static MidiMessage programChange (int channel, int programNumber) noexcept
 Creates a program-change message.
static MidiMessage pitchWheel (int channel, int position) noexcept
 Creates a pitch-wheel move message.
static MidiMessage aftertouchChange (int channel, int noteNumber, int aftertouchAmount) noexcept
 Creates an aftertouch message.
static MidiMessage channelPressureChange (int channel, int pressure) noexcept
 Creates a channel-pressure change event.
static MidiMessage controllerEvent (int channel, int controllerType, int value) noexcept
 Creates a controller message.
static MidiMessage allNotesOff (int channel) noexcept
 Creates an all-notes-off message.
static MidiMessage allSoundOff (int channel) noexcept
 Creates an all-sound-off message.
static MidiMessage allControllersOff (int channel) noexcept
 Creates an all-controllers-off message.
static MidiMessage endOfTrack () noexcept
 Creates an end-of-track meta-event.
static MidiMessage textMetaEvent (int type, StringRef text)
 Creates a text meta-event.
static MidiMessage tempoMetaEvent (int microsecondsPerQuarterNote) noexcept
 Creates a tempo meta-event.
static MidiMessage timeSignatureMetaEvent (int numerator, int denominator)
 Creates a time-signature meta-event.
static MidiMessage keySignatureMetaEvent (int numberOfSharpsOrFlats, bool isMinorKey)
 Creates a key-signature meta-event.
static MidiMessage midiChannelMetaEvent (int channel) noexcept
 Creates a midi channel meta-event.
static MidiMessage midiStart () noexcept
 Creates a midi start event.
static MidiMessage midiContinue () noexcept
 Creates a midi continue event.
static MidiMessage midiStop () noexcept
 Creates a midi stop event.
static MidiMessage midiClock () noexcept
 Creates a midi clock event.
static MidiMessage songPositionPointer (int positionInMidiBeats) noexcept
 Creates a song-position-pointer message.
static MidiMessage quarterFrame (int sequenceNumber, int value) noexcept
 Creates a quarter-frame MTC message.
static MidiMessage fullFrame (int hours, int minutes, int seconds, int frames, SmpteTimecodeType timecodeType)
 Creates a full-frame MTC message.
static MidiMessage midiMachineControlCommand (MidiMachineControlCommand command)
 Creates an MMC message.
static MidiMessage midiMachineControlGoto (int hours, int minutes, int seconds, int frames)
 Creates an MMC "goto" message.
static MidiMessage masterVolume (float volume)
 Creates a master-volume change message.
static MidiMessage createSysExMessage (const void *sysexData, int dataSize)
 Creates a system-exclusive message.
static MidiMessage createSysExMessage (Span< const std::byte > data)
 Creates a system-exclusive message.
static VariableLengthValue readVariableLengthValue (const uint8 *data, int maxBytesToUse) noexcept
 Reads a midi variable-length integer, with protection against buffer overflow.
static int getMessageLengthFromFirstByte (uint8 firstByte) noexcept
 Based on the first byte of a short midi message, this uses a lookup table to return the message length (either 1, 2, or 3 bytes).
static String getMidiNoteName (int noteNumber, bool useSharps, bool includeOctaveNumber, int octaveNumForMiddleC)
 Returns the name of a midi note number.
static double getMidiNoteInHertz (int noteNumber, double frequencyOfA=440.0) noexcept
 Returns the frequency of a midi note number.
static bool isMidiNoteBlack (int noteNumber) noexcept
 Returns true if the given midi note number is a black key.
static const char * getGMInstrumentName (int midiInstrumentNumber)
 Returns the standard name of a GM instrument, or nullptr if unknown for this index.
static const char * getGMInstrumentBankName (int midiBankNumber)
 Returns the name of a bank of GM instruments, or nullptr if unknown for this bank number.
static const char * getRhythmInstrumentName (int midiNoteNumber)
 Returns the standard name of a channel 10 percussion sound, or nullptr if unknown for this note number.
static const char * getControllerName (int controllerNumber)
 Returns the name of a controller type number, or nullptr if unknown for this controller number.
static uint8 floatValueToMidiByte (float valueBetween0and1) noexcept
 Converts a floating-point value between 0 and 1 to a MIDI 7-bit value between 0 and 127.
static uint16 pitchbendToPitchwheelPos (float pitchbendInSemitones, float pitchbendRangeInSemitones) noexcept
 Converts a pitchbend value in semitones to a MIDI 14-bit pitchwheel position value.

Detailed Description

Encapsulates a MIDI message.

See also
MidiMessageSequence, MidiOutput, MidiInput

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ SmpteTimecodeType

SMPTE timecode types.

Used by the getFullFrameParameters() and fullFrame() methods.


◆ MidiMachineControlCommand

Types of MMC command.

See also
isMidiMachineControlMessage, getMidiMachineControlCommand, midiMachineControlCommand

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MidiMessage() [1/10]

MidiMessage::MidiMessage ( int byte1,
int byte2,
int byte3,
double timeStamp = 0 )

Creates a 3-byte short midi message.

byte1message byte 1
byte2message byte 2
byte3message byte 3
timeStampthe time to give the midi message - this value doesn't use any particular units, so will be application-specific

◆ MidiMessage() [2/10]

MidiMessage::MidiMessage ( int byte1,
int byte2,
double timeStamp = 0 )

Creates a 2-byte short midi message.

byte1message byte 1
byte2message byte 2
timeStampthe time to give the midi message - this value doesn't use any particular units, so will be application-specific

◆ MidiMessage() [3/10]

MidiMessage::MidiMessage ( int byte1,
double timeStamp = 0 )

Creates a 1-byte short midi message.

byte1message byte 1
timeStampthe time to give the midi message - this value doesn't use any particular units, so will be application-specific

◆ MidiMessage() [4/10]

template<typename... Data>
MidiMessage::MidiMessage ( int byte1,
int byte2,
int byte3,
Data... otherBytes )

Creates a midi message from a list of bytes.

References jassert.

◆ MidiMessage() [5/10]

MidiMessage::MidiMessage ( const void * data,
int numBytes,
double timeStamp = 0 )

Creates a midi message from a block of data.

◆ MidiMessage() [6/10]

MidiMessage::MidiMessage ( const void * data,
int maxBytesToUse,
int & numBytesUsed,
uint8 lastStatusByte,
double timeStamp = 0,
bool sysexHasEmbeddedLength = true )

Reads the next midi message from some data.

This will read as many bytes from a data stream as it needs to make a complete message, and will return the number of bytes it used. This lets you read a sequence of midi messages from a file or stream.

datathe data to read from
maxBytesToUsethe maximum number of bytes it's allowed to read
numBytesUsedreturns the number of bytes that were actually needed
lastStatusBytein a sequence of midi messages, the initial byte can be dropped from a message if it's the same as the first byte of the previous message, so this lets you supply the byte to use if the first byte of the message has in fact been dropped.
timeStampthe time to give the midi message - this value doesn't use any particular units, so will be application-specific
sysexHasEmbeddedLengthwhen reading sysexes, this flag indicates whether to expect the data to begin with a variable-length field indicating its size

◆ MidiMessage() [7/10]

MidiMessage::MidiMessage ( )

Creates an empty sysex message.

Since the MidiMessage has to contain a valid message, this default constructor just initialises it with an empty sysex message.

◆ MidiMessage() [8/10]

MidiMessage::MidiMessage ( const MidiMessage & )

Creates a copy of another midi message.

◆ MidiMessage() [9/10]

MidiMessage::MidiMessage ( const MidiMessage & ,
double newTimeStamp )

Creates a copy of another midi message, with a different timestamp.

◆ ~MidiMessage()

MidiMessage::~MidiMessage ( )


◆ MidiMessage() [10/10]

MidiMessage::MidiMessage ( MidiMessage && )

Move constructor.

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator=() [1/2]

MidiMessage & MidiMessage::operator= ( const MidiMessage & other)

Copies this message from another one.

◆ operator=() [2/2]

MidiMessage & MidiMessage::operator= ( MidiMessage && )

Move assignment operator.

◆ getRawData()

const uint8 * MidiMessage::getRawData ( ) const

Returns a pointer to the raw midi data.

See also

◆ getRawDataSize()

int MidiMessage::getRawDataSize ( ) const

Returns the number of bytes of data in the message.

See also

◆ getDescription()

String MidiMessage::getDescription ( ) const

Returns a human-readable description of the midi message as a string, for example "Note On C#3 Velocity 120 Channel 1".

◆ getTimeStamp()

double MidiMessage::getTimeStamp ( ) const

Returns the timestamp associated with this message.

The exact meaning of this time and its units will vary, as messages are used in a variety of different contexts.

If you're getting the message from a midi file, this could be a time in seconds, or a number of ticks - see MidiFile::convertTimestampTicksToSeconds().

If the message is being used in a MidiBuffer, it might indicate the number of audio samples from the start of the buffer.

If the message was created by a MidiInput, see MidiInputCallback::handleIncomingMidiMessage() for details of the way that it initialises this value.

See also
setTimeStamp, addToTimeStamp

◆ setTimeStamp()

void MidiMessage::setTimeStamp ( double newTimestamp)

Changes the message's associated timestamp.

The units for the timestamp will be application-specific - see the notes for getTimeStamp().

See also
addToTimeStamp, getTimeStamp

◆ addToTimeStamp()

void MidiMessage::addToTimeStamp ( double delta)

Adds a value to the message's timestamp.

The units for the timestamp will be application-specific.

◆ withTimeStamp()

MidiMessage MidiMessage::withTimeStamp ( double newTimestamp) const

Return a copy of this message with a new timestamp.

The units for the timestamp will be application-specific - see the notes for getTimeStamp().

◆ getChannel()

int MidiMessage::getChannel ( ) const

Returns the midi channel associated with the message.

a value 1 to 16 if the message has a channel, or 0 if it hasn't (e.g. if it's a sysex)
See also
isForChannel, setChannel

◆ isForChannel()

bool MidiMessage::isForChannel ( int channelNumber) const

Returns true if the message applies to the given midi channel.

channelNumberthe channel number to look for, in the range 1 to 16
See also
getChannel, setChannel

◆ setChannel()

void MidiMessage::setChannel ( int newChannelNumber)

Changes the message's midi channel.

This won't do anything for non-channel messages like sysexes.

newChannelNumberthe channel number to change it to, in the range 1 to 16

◆ isSysEx()

bool MidiMessage::isSysEx ( ) const

Returns true if this is a system-exclusive message.

◆ getSysExData()

const uint8 * MidiMessage::getSysExData ( ) const

Returns a pointer to the sysex data inside the message.

If this event isn't a sysex event, it'll return 0.

See also

◆ getSysExDataSize()

int MidiMessage::getSysExDataSize ( ) const

Returns the size of the sysex data.

This value excludes the 0xf0 header byte and the 0xf7 at the end.

See also

◆ getSysExDataSpan()

Span< const std::byte > MidiMessage::getSysExDataSpan ( ) const

Returns a span that bounds the sysex body bytes contained in this message.

◆ isNoteOn()

bool MidiMessage::isNoteOn ( bool returnTrueForVelocity0 = false) const

Returns true if this message is a 'key-down' event.

returnTrueForVelocity0if true, then if this event is a note-on with velocity 0, it will still be considered to be a note-on and the method will return true. If returnTrueForVelocity0 is false, then if this is a note-on event with velocity 0, it'll be regarded as a note-off, and the method will return false
See also
isNoteOff, getNoteNumber, getVelocity, noteOn

◆ noteOn() [1/2]

static MidiMessage MidiMessage::noteOn ( int channel,
int noteNumber,
float velocity )

Creates a key-down message (using a floating-point velocity).

channelthe midi channel, in the range 1 to 16
noteNumberthe key number, 0 to 127
velocityin the range 0 to 1.0
See also

◆ noteOn() [2/2]

static MidiMessage MidiMessage::noteOn ( int channel,
int noteNumber,
uint8 velocity )

Creates a key-down message (using an integer velocity).

channelthe midi channel, in the range 1 to 16
noteNumberthe key number, 0 to 127
velocityin the range 0 to 127
See also

◆ isNoteOff()

bool MidiMessage::isNoteOff ( bool returnTrueForNoteOnVelocity0 = true) const

Returns true if this message is a 'key-up' event.

If returnTrueForNoteOnVelocity0 is true, then his will also return true for a note-on event with a velocity of 0.

See also
isNoteOn, getNoteNumber, getVelocity, noteOff

◆ noteOff() [1/3]

static MidiMessage MidiMessage::noteOff ( int channel,
int noteNumber,
float velocity )

Creates a key-up message.

channelthe midi channel, in the range 1 to 16
noteNumberthe key number, 0 to 127
velocityin the range 0 to 1.0
See also

◆ noteOff() [2/3]

static MidiMessage MidiMessage::noteOff ( int channel,
int noteNumber,
uint8 velocity )

Creates a key-up message.

channelthe midi channel, in the range 1 to 16
noteNumberthe key number, 0 to 127
velocityin the range 0 to 127
See also

◆ noteOff() [3/3]

static MidiMessage MidiMessage::noteOff ( int channel,
int noteNumber )

Creates a key-up message.

channelthe midi channel, in the range 1 to 16
noteNumberthe key number, 0 to 127
See also

◆ isNoteOnOrOff()

bool MidiMessage::isNoteOnOrOff ( ) const

Returns true if this message is a 'key-down' or 'key-up' event.

See also
isNoteOn, isNoteOff

◆ getNoteNumber()

int MidiMessage::getNoteNumber ( ) const

Returns the midi note number for note-on and note-off messages.

If the message isn't a note-on or off, the value returned is undefined.

See also
isNoteOff, getMidiNoteName, getMidiNoteInHertz, setNoteNumber

◆ setNoteNumber()

void MidiMessage::setNoteNumber ( int newNoteNumber)

Changes the midi note number of a note-on or note-off message.

If the message isn't a note on or off, this will do nothing.

◆ getVelocity()

uint8 MidiMessage::getVelocity ( ) const

Returns the velocity of a note-on or note-off message.

The value returned will be in the range 0 to 127. If the message isn't a note-on or off event, it will return 0.

See also

◆ getFloatVelocity()

float MidiMessage::getFloatVelocity ( ) const

Returns the velocity of a note-on or note-off message.

The value returned will be in the range 0 to 1.0 If the message isn't a note-on or off event, it will return 0.

See also
getVelocity, setVelocity

◆ setVelocity()

void MidiMessage::setVelocity ( float newVelocity)

Changes the velocity of a note-on or note-off message.

If the message isn't a note on or off, this will do nothing.

newVelocitythe new velocity, in the range 0 to 1.0
See also
getFloatVelocity, multiplyVelocity

◆ multiplyVelocity()

void MidiMessage::multiplyVelocity ( float scaleFactor)

Multiplies the velocity of a note-on or note-off message by a given amount.

If the message isn't a note on or off, this will do nothing.

scaleFactorthe value by which to multiply the velocity
See also

◆ isSustainPedalOn()

bool MidiMessage::isSustainPedalOn ( ) const

Returns true if this message is a 'sustain pedal down' controller message.

◆ isSustainPedalOff()

bool MidiMessage::isSustainPedalOff ( ) const

Returns true if this message is a 'sustain pedal up' controller message.

◆ isSostenutoPedalOn()

bool MidiMessage::isSostenutoPedalOn ( ) const

Returns true if this message is a 'sostenuto pedal down' controller message.

◆ isSostenutoPedalOff()

bool MidiMessage::isSostenutoPedalOff ( ) const

Returns true if this message is a 'sostenuto pedal up' controller message.

◆ isSoftPedalOn()

bool MidiMessage::isSoftPedalOn ( ) const

Returns true if this message is a 'soft pedal down' controller message.

◆ isSoftPedalOff()

bool MidiMessage::isSoftPedalOff ( ) const

Returns true if this message is a 'soft pedal up' controller message.

◆ isProgramChange()

bool MidiMessage::isProgramChange ( ) const

Returns true if the message is a program (patch) change message.

See also
getProgramChangeNumber, getGMInstrumentName

◆ getProgramChangeNumber()

int MidiMessage::getProgramChangeNumber ( ) const

Returns the new program number of a program change message.

If the message isn't a program change, the value returned is undefined.

See also
isProgramChange, getGMInstrumentName

◆ programChange()

static MidiMessage MidiMessage::programChange ( int channel,
int programNumber )

Creates a program-change message.

channelthe midi channel, in the range 1 to 16
programNumberthe midi program number, 0 to 127
See also
isProgramChange, getGMInstrumentName

◆ isPitchWheel()

bool MidiMessage::isPitchWheel ( ) const

Returns true if the message is a pitch-wheel move.

See also
getPitchWheelValue, pitchWheel

◆ getPitchWheelValue()

int MidiMessage::getPitchWheelValue ( ) const

Returns the pitch wheel position from a pitch-wheel move message.

The value returned is a 14-bit number from 0 to 0x3fff, indicating the wheel position. If called for messages which aren't pitch wheel events, the number returned will be nonsense.

See also

◆ pitchWheel()

static MidiMessage MidiMessage::pitchWheel ( int channel,
int position )

Creates a pitch-wheel move message.

channelthe midi channel, in the range 1 to 16
positionthe wheel position, in the range 0 to 16383
See also

◆ isAftertouch()

bool MidiMessage::isAftertouch ( ) const

Returns true if the message is an aftertouch event.

For aftertouch events, use the getNoteNumber() method to find out the key that it applies to, and getAfterTouchValue() to find out the amount. Use getChannel() to find out the channel.

See also
getAftertouchValue, getNoteNumber

◆ getAfterTouchValue()

int MidiMessage::getAfterTouchValue ( ) const

Returns the amount of aftertouch from an aftertouch messages.

The value returned is in the range 0 to 127, and will be nonsense for messages other than aftertouch messages.

See also

◆ aftertouchChange()

static MidiMessage MidiMessage::aftertouchChange ( int channel,
int noteNumber,
int aftertouchAmount )

Creates an aftertouch message.

channelthe midi channel, in the range 1 to 16
noteNumberthe key number, 0 to 127
aftertouchAmountthe amount of aftertouch, 0 to 127
See also

◆ isChannelPressure()

bool MidiMessage::isChannelPressure ( ) const

Returns true if the message is a channel-pressure change event.

This is like aftertouch, but common to the whole channel rather than a specific note. Use getChannelPressureValue() to find out the pressure, and getChannel() to find out the channel.

See also

◆ getChannelPressureValue()

int MidiMessage::getChannelPressureValue ( ) const

Returns the pressure from a channel pressure change message.

the pressure, in the range 0 to 127
See also
isChannelPressure, channelPressureChange

◆ channelPressureChange()

static MidiMessage MidiMessage::channelPressureChange ( int channel,
int pressure )

Creates a channel-pressure change event.

channelthe midi channel: 1 to 16
pressurethe pressure, 0 to 127
See also

◆ isController()

bool MidiMessage::isController ( ) const

Returns true if this is a midi controller message.

See also
getControllerNumber, getControllerValue, controllerEvent

◆ getControllerNumber()

int MidiMessage::getControllerNumber ( ) const

Returns the controller number of a controller message.

The name of the controller can be looked up using the getControllerName() method. Note that the value returned is invalid for messages that aren't controller changes.

See also
isController, getControllerName, getControllerValue

◆ getControllerValue()

int MidiMessage::getControllerValue ( ) const

Returns the controller value from a controller message.

A value 0 to 127 is returned to indicate the new controller position. Note that the value returned is invalid for messages that aren't controller changes.

See also
isController, getControllerNumber

◆ isControllerOfType()

bool MidiMessage::isControllerOfType ( int controllerType) const

Returns true if this message is a controller message and if it has the specified controller type.

◆ controllerEvent()

static MidiMessage MidiMessage::controllerEvent ( int channel,
int controllerType,
int value )

Creates a controller message.

channelthe midi channel, in the range 1 to 16
controllerTypethe type of controller
valuethe controller value
See also

◆ isAllNotesOff()

bool MidiMessage::isAllNotesOff ( ) const

Checks whether this message is an all-notes-off message.

See also

◆ isAllSoundOff()

bool MidiMessage::isAllSoundOff ( ) const

Checks whether this message is an all-sound-off message.

See also

◆ isResetAllControllers()

bool MidiMessage::isResetAllControllers ( ) const

Checks whether this message is a reset all controllers message.

See also

◆ allNotesOff()

static MidiMessage MidiMessage::allNotesOff ( int channel)

Creates an all-notes-off message.

channelthe midi channel, in the range 1 to 16
See also

◆ allSoundOff()

static MidiMessage MidiMessage::allSoundOff ( int channel)

Creates an all-sound-off message.

channelthe midi channel, in the range 1 to 16
See also

◆ allControllersOff()

static MidiMessage MidiMessage::allControllersOff ( int channel)

Creates an all-controllers-off message.

channelthe midi channel, in the range 1 to 16

◆ isMetaEvent()

bool MidiMessage::isMetaEvent ( ) const

Returns true if this event is a meta-event.

Meta-events are things like tempo changes, track names, etc.

See also
getMetaEventType, isTrackMetaEvent, isEndOfTrackMetaEvent, isTextMetaEvent, isTrackNameEvent, isTempoMetaEvent, isTimeSignatureMetaEvent, isKeySignatureMetaEvent, isMidiChannelMetaEvent

◆ getMetaEventType()

int MidiMessage::getMetaEventType ( ) const

Returns a meta-event's type number.

If the message isn't a meta-event, this will return -1.

See also
isMetaEvent, isTrackMetaEvent, isEndOfTrackMetaEvent, isTextMetaEvent, isTrackNameEvent, isTempoMetaEvent, isTimeSignatureMetaEvent, isKeySignatureMetaEvent, isMidiChannelMetaEvent

◆ getMetaEventData()

const uint8 * MidiMessage::getMetaEventData ( ) const

Returns a pointer to the data in a meta-event.

See also
isMetaEvent, getMetaEventLength

◆ getMetaEventLength()

int MidiMessage::getMetaEventLength ( ) const

Returns the length of the data for a meta-event.

See also
isMetaEvent, getMetaEventData

◆ isTrackMetaEvent()

bool MidiMessage::isTrackMetaEvent ( ) const

Returns true if this is a 'track' meta-event.

◆ isEndOfTrackMetaEvent()

bool MidiMessage::isEndOfTrackMetaEvent ( ) const

Returns true if this is an 'end-of-track' meta-event.

◆ endOfTrack()

static MidiMessage MidiMessage::endOfTrack ( )

Creates an end-of-track meta-event.

See also

◆ isTrackNameEvent()

bool MidiMessage::isTrackNameEvent ( ) const

Returns true if this is an 'track name' meta-event.

You can use the getTextFromTextMetaEvent() method to get the track's name.

◆ isTextMetaEvent()

bool MidiMessage::isTextMetaEvent ( ) const

Returns true if this is a 'text' meta-event.

See also

◆ getTextFromTextMetaEvent()

String MidiMessage::getTextFromTextMetaEvent ( ) const

Returns the text from a text meta-event.

See also

◆ textMetaEvent()

static MidiMessage MidiMessage::textMetaEvent ( int type,
StringRef text )

Creates a text meta-event.

◆ isTempoMetaEvent()

bool MidiMessage::isTempoMetaEvent ( ) const

Returns true if this is a 'tempo' meta-event.

See also
getTempoMetaEventTickLength, getTempoSecondsPerQuarterNote

◆ getTempoMetaEventTickLength()

double MidiMessage::getTempoMetaEventTickLength ( short timeFormat) const

Returns the tick length from a tempo meta-event.

timeFormatthe 16-bit time format value from the midi file's header.
the tick length (in seconds).
See also

◆ getTempoSecondsPerQuarterNote()

double MidiMessage::getTempoSecondsPerQuarterNote ( ) const

Calculates the seconds-per-quarter-note from a tempo meta-event.

See also
isTempoMetaEvent, getTempoMetaEventTickLength

◆ tempoMetaEvent()

static MidiMessage MidiMessage::tempoMetaEvent ( int microsecondsPerQuarterNote)

Creates a tempo meta-event.

See also

◆ isTimeSignatureMetaEvent()

bool MidiMessage::isTimeSignatureMetaEvent ( ) const

Returns true if this is a 'time-signature' meta-event.

See also

◆ getTimeSignatureInfo()

void MidiMessage::getTimeSignatureInfo ( int & numerator,
int & denominator ) const

Returns the time-signature values from a time-signature meta-event.

See also

◆ timeSignatureMetaEvent()

static MidiMessage MidiMessage::timeSignatureMetaEvent ( int numerator,
int denominator )

Creates a time-signature meta-event.

See also

◆ isKeySignatureMetaEvent()

bool MidiMessage::isKeySignatureMetaEvent ( ) const

Returns true if this is a 'key-signature' meta-event.

See also
getKeySignatureNumberOfSharpsOrFlats, isKeySignatureMajorKey

◆ getKeySignatureNumberOfSharpsOrFlats()

int MidiMessage::getKeySignatureNumberOfSharpsOrFlats ( ) const

Returns the key from a key-signature meta-event.

This method must only be called if isKeySignatureMetaEvent() is true. A positive number here indicates the number of sharps in the key signature, and a negative number indicates a number of flats. So e.g. 3 = F# + C# + G#, -2 = Bb + Eb

See also
isKeySignatureMetaEvent, isKeySignatureMajorKey

◆ isKeySignatureMajorKey()

bool MidiMessage::isKeySignatureMajorKey ( ) const

Returns true if this key-signature event is major, or false if it's minor.

This method must only be called if isKeySignatureMetaEvent() is true.

◆ keySignatureMetaEvent()

static MidiMessage MidiMessage::keySignatureMetaEvent ( int numberOfSharpsOrFlats,
bool isMinorKey )

Creates a key-signature meta-event.

numberOfSharpsOrFlatsif positive, this indicates the number of sharps in the key; if negative, the number of flats
isMinorKeyif true, the key is minor; if false, it is major
See also

◆ isMidiChannelMetaEvent()

bool MidiMessage::isMidiChannelMetaEvent ( ) const

Returns true if this is a 'channel' meta-event.

A channel meta-event specifies the midi channel that should be used for subsequent meta-events.

See also

◆ getMidiChannelMetaEventChannel()

int MidiMessage::getMidiChannelMetaEventChannel ( ) const

Returns the channel number from a channel meta-event.

the channel, in the range 1 to 16.
See also

◆ midiChannelMetaEvent()

static MidiMessage MidiMessage::midiChannelMetaEvent ( int channel)

Creates a midi channel meta-event.

channelthe midi channel, in the range 1 to 16
See also

◆ isActiveSense()

bool MidiMessage::isActiveSense ( ) const

Returns true if this is an active-sense message.

◆ isMidiStart()

bool MidiMessage::isMidiStart ( ) const

Returns true if this is a midi start event.

See also

◆ midiStart()

static MidiMessage MidiMessage::midiStart ( )

Creates a midi start event.

◆ isMidiContinue()

bool MidiMessage::isMidiContinue ( ) const

Returns true if this is a midi continue event.

See also

◆ midiContinue()

static MidiMessage MidiMessage::midiContinue ( )

Creates a midi continue event.

◆ isMidiStop()

bool MidiMessage::isMidiStop ( ) const

Returns true if this is a midi stop event.

See also

◆ midiStop()

static MidiMessage MidiMessage::midiStop ( )

Creates a midi stop event.

◆ isMidiClock()

bool MidiMessage::isMidiClock ( ) const

Returns true if this is a midi clock event.

See also
midiClock, songPositionPointer

◆ midiClock()

static MidiMessage MidiMessage::midiClock ( )

Creates a midi clock event.

◆ isSongPositionPointer()

bool MidiMessage::isSongPositionPointer ( ) const

Returns true if this is a song-position-pointer message.

See also
getSongPositionPointerMidiBeat, songPositionPointer

◆ getSongPositionPointerMidiBeat()

int MidiMessage::getSongPositionPointerMidiBeat ( ) const

Returns the midi beat-number of a song-position-pointer message.

See also
isSongPositionPointer, songPositionPointer

◆ songPositionPointer()

static MidiMessage MidiMessage::songPositionPointer ( int positionInMidiBeats)

Creates a song-position-pointer message.

The position is a number of midi beats from the start of the song, where 1 midi beat is 6 midi clocks, and there are 24 midi clocks in a quarter-note. So there are 4 midi beats in a quarter-note.

See also
isSongPositionPointer, getSongPositionPointerMidiBeat

◆ isQuarterFrame()

bool MidiMessage::isQuarterFrame ( ) const

Returns true if this is a quarter-frame midi timecode message.

See also
quarterFrame, getQuarterFrameSequenceNumber, getQuarterFrameValue

◆ getQuarterFrameSequenceNumber()

int MidiMessage::getQuarterFrameSequenceNumber ( ) const

Returns the sequence number of a quarter-frame midi timecode message.

This will be a value between 0 and 7.

See also
isQuarterFrame, getQuarterFrameValue, quarterFrame

◆ getQuarterFrameValue()

int MidiMessage::getQuarterFrameValue ( ) const

Returns the value from a quarter-frame message.

This will be the lower nybble of the message's data-byte, a value between 0 and 15

◆ quarterFrame()

static MidiMessage MidiMessage::quarterFrame ( int sequenceNumber,
int value )

Creates a quarter-frame MTC message.

sequenceNumbera value 0 to 7 for the upper nybble of the message's data byte
valuea value 0 to 15 for the lower nybble of the message's data byte

◆ isFullFrame()

bool MidiMessage::isFullFrame ( ) const

Returns true if this is a full-frame midi timecode message.

◆ getFullFrameParameters()

void MidiMessage::getFullFrameParameters ( int & hours,
int & minutes,
int & seconds,
int & frames,
SmpteTimecodeType & timecodeType ) const

Extracts the timecode information from a full-frame midi timecode message.

You should only call this on messages where you've used isFullFrame() to check that they're the right kind.

◆ fullFrame()

static MidiMessage MidiMessage::fullFrame ( int hours,
int minutes,
int seconds,
int frames,
SmpteTimecodeType timecodeType )

Creates a full-frame MTC message.

◆ isMidiMachineControlMessage()

bool MidiMessage::isMidiMachineControlMessage ( ) const

Checks whether this is an MMC message.

If it is, you can use the getMidiMachineControlCommand() to find out its type.

◆ getMidiMachineControlCommand()

MidiMachineControlCommand MidiMessage::getMidiMachineControlCommand ( ) const

For an MMC message, this returns its type.

Make sure it's actually an MMC message with isMidiMachineControlMessage() before calling this method.

◆ midiMachineControlCommand()

static MidiMessage MidiMessage::midiMachineControlCommand ( MidiMachineControlCommand command)

Creates an MMC message.

◆ isMidiMachineControlGoto()

bool MidiMessage::isMidiMachineControlGoto ( int & hours,
int & minutes,
int & seconds,
int & frames ) const

Checks whether this is an MMC "goto" message.

If it is, the parameters passed-in are set to the time that the message contains.

See also

◆ midiMachineControlGoto()

static MidiMessage MidiMessage::midiMachineControlGoto ( int hours,
int minutes,
int seconds,
int frames )

Creates an MMC "goto" message.

This messages tells the device to go to a specific frame.

See also

◆ masterVolume()

static MidiMessage MidiMessage::masterVolume ( float volume)

Creates a master-volume change message.

volumethe volume, 0 to 1.0

◆ createSysExMessage() [1/2]

static MidiMessage MidiMessage::createSysExMessage ( const void * sysexData,
int dataSize )

Creates a system-exclusive message.

The data passed in is wrapped with header and tail bytes of 0xf0 and 0xf7.

◆ createSysExMessage() [2/2]

static MidiMessage MidiMessage::createSysExMessage ( Span< const std::byte > data)

Creates a system-exclusive message.

The data passed in is wrapped with header and tail bytes of 0xf0 and 0xf7.

◆ readVariableLengthValue()

static VariableLengthValue MidiMessage::readVariableLengthValue ( const uint8 * data,
int maxBytesToUse )

Reads a midi variable-length integer, with protection against buffer overflow.

datathe data to read the number from
maxBytesToUsethe number of bytes in the region following data
a struct containing the parsed value, and the number of bytes that were read. If parsing fails, both the value and bytesUsed fields will be set to 0 and isValid() will return false

◆ getMessageLengthFromFirstByte()

static int MidiMessage::getMessageLengthFromFirstByte ( uint8 firstByte)

Based on the first byte of a short midi message, this uses a lookup table to return the message length (either 1, 2, or 3 bytes).

The value passed in must be 0x80 or higher.

Referenced by MidiDataConcatenator::pushMidiData().

◆ getMidiNoteName()

static String MidiMessage::getMidiNoteName ( int noteNumber,
bool useSharps,
bool includeOctaveNumber,
int octaveNumForMiddleC )

Returns the name of a midi note number.

E.g "C", "D#", etc.

noteNumberthe midi note number, 0 to 127
useSharpsif true, sharpened notes are used, e.g. "C#", otherwise they'll be flattened, e.g. "Db"
includeOctaveNumberif true, the octave number will be appended to the string, e.g. "C#4"
octaveNumForMiddleCif an octave number is being appended, this indicates the number that will be used for middle C's octave
See also

◆ getMidiNoteInHertz()

static double MidiMessage::getMidiNoteInHertz ( int noteNumber,
double frequencyOfA = 440.0 )

Returns the frequency of a midi note number.

The frequencyOfA parameter is an optional frequency for 'A', normally 440-444Hz for concert pitch.

See also

◆ isMidiNoteBlack()

static bool MidiMessage::isMidiNoteBlack ( int noteNumber)

Returns true if the given midi note number is a black key.

◆ getGMInstrumentName()

static const char * MidiMessage::getGMInstrumentName ( int midiInstrumentNumber)

Returns the standard name of a GM instrument, or nullptr if unknown for this index.

midiInstrumentNumberthe program number 0 to 127
See also

◆ getGMInstrumentBankName()

static const char * MidiMessage::getGMInstrumentBankName ( int midiBankNumber)

Returns the name of a bank of GM instruments, or nullptr if unknown for this bank number.

midiBankNumberthe bank, 0 to 15

◆ getRhythmInstrumentName()

static const char * MidiMessage::getRhythmInstrumentName ( int midiNoteNumber)

Returns the standard name of a channel 10 percussion sound, or nullptr if unknown for this note number.

midiNoteNumberthe key number, 35 to 81

◆ getControllerName()

static const char * MidiMessage::getControllerName ( int controllerNumber)

Returns the name of a controller type number, or nullptr if unknown for this controller number.

See also

◆ floatValueToMidiByte()

static uint8 MidiMessage::floatValueToMidiByte ( float valueBetween0and1)

Converts a floating-point value between 0 and 1 to a MIDI 7-bit value between 0 and 127.

◆ pitchbendToPitchwheelPos()

static uint16 MidiMessage::pitchbendToPitchwheelPos ( float pitchbendInSemitones,
float pitchbendRangeInSemitones )

Converts a pitchbend value in semitones to a MIDI 14-bit pitchwheel position value.

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