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Font Class Referencefinal

Represents a particular font, including its size, style, etc. More...

#include <juce_Font.h>

Public Types

enum  FontStyleFlags { plain = 0 , bold = 1 , italic = 2 , underlined = 4 }
 A combination of these values is used by the constructor to specify the style of font to use. More...

Public Member Functions

 Font (FontOptions options)
 Constructs a Font from a set of options describing the font.
 Font (float fontHeight, int styleFlags=plain)
 Creates a sans-serif font in a given size.
 Font (const String &typefaceName, float fontHeight, int styleFlags)
 Creates a font with a given typeface and parameters.
 Font (const String &typefaceName, const String &typefaceStyle, float fontHeight)
 Creates a font with a given typeface and parameters.
 Font (const Typeface::Ptr &typeface)
 Creates a font for a typeface.
 Font ()
 Creates a basic sans-serif font at a default height.
 Font (const Font &other) noexcept
 Creates a copy of another Font object.
 Font (Font &&other) noexcept
 Move constructor.
Fontoperator= (Font &&other) noexcept
 Move assignment operator.
Fontoperator= (const Font &other) noexcept
 Copies this font from another one.
bool operator== (const Font &other) const noexcept
bool operator!= (const Font &other) const noexcept
 ~Font () noexcept
void setTypefaceName (const String &faceName)
 Changes the font family of the typeface.
String getTypefaceName () const noexcept
 Returns the font family of the typeface that this font uses.
String getTypefaceStyle () const noexcept
 Returns the font style of the typeface that this font uses.
void setTypefaceStyle (const String &newStyle)
 Changes the font style of the typeface.
Font withTypefaceStyle (const String &newStyle) const
 Returns a copy of this font with a new typeface style.
StringArray getAvailableStyles () const
 Returns a list of the styles that this font can use.
void setPreferredFallbackFamilies (const StringArray &fallbacks)
 Sets the names of the fallback font families that should be tried, in order, when searching for glyphs that are missing in the main typeface, specified via setTypefaceName() or Font(const Typeface::Ptr&).
StringArray getPreferredFallbackFamilies () const
 Returns the names of the fallback font families.
void setFallbackEnabled (bool enabled)
 When drawing text using this Font, specifies whether glyphs that are missing in the main typeface should be replaced with glyphs from other fonts.
bool getFallbackEnabled () const
 Returns true if fallback is enabled, or false otherwise.
Font withHeight (float height) const
 Returns a copy of this font with a new height.
Font withPointHeight (float heightInPoints) const
 Returns a copy of this font with a new height, specified in points.
void setHeight (float newHeight)
 Changes the font's height.
void setPointHeight (float newHeight)
 Changes the font's height.
void setHeightWithoutChangingWidth (float newHeight)
 Changes the font's height without changing its width.
float getHeight () const noexcept
 Returns the total height of this font, in pixels.
float getHeightInPoints () const
 Returns the total height of this font, in points.
float getAscent () const
 Returns the height of the font above its baseline, in pixels.
float getAscentInPoints () const
 Returns the height of the font above its baseline, in points.
float getDescent () const
 Returns the amount that the font descends below its baseline, in pixels.
float getDescentInPoints () const
 Returns the amount that the font descends below its baseline, in points.
int getStyleFlags () const noexcept
 Returns the font's style flags.
Font withStyle (int styleFlags) const
 Returns a copy of this font with the given set of style flags.
void setStyleFlags (int newFlags)
 Changes the font's style.
void setBold (bool shouldBeBold)
 Makes the font bold or non-bold.
Font boldened () const
 Returns a copy of this font with the bold attribute set.
bool isBold () const noexcept
 Returns true if the font is bold.
void setItalic (bool shouldBeItalic)
 Makes the font italic or non-italic.
Font italicised () const
 Returns a copy of this font with the italic attribute set.
bool isItalic () const noexcept
 Returns true if the font is italic.
void setUnderline (bool shouldBeUnderlined)
 Makes the font underlined or non-underlined.
bool isUnderlined () const noexcept
 Returns true if the font is underlined.
TypefaceMetricsKind getMetricsKind () const noexcept
 Returns the kind of metrics used by this Font.
float getHorizontalScale () const noexcept
 Returns the font's horizontal scale.
Font withHorizontalScale (float scaleFactor) const
 Returns a copy of this font with a new horizontal scale.
void setHorizontalScale (float scaleFactor)
 Changes the font's horizontal scale factor.
float getExtraKerningFactor () const noexcept
 Returns the font's tracking, i.e.
Font withExtraKerningFactor (float extraKerning) const
 Returns a copy of this font with a new tracking factor.
void setExtraKerningFactor (float extraKerning)
 Changes the font's tracking.
std::optional< float > getAscentOverride () const noexcept
void setAscentOverride (std::optional< float >)
 This is designed to mirror CSS's ascent-override property.
std::optional< float > getDescentOverride () const noexcept
void setDescentOverride (std::optional< float >)
 This is designed to mirror CSS's descent-override property.
void setSizeAndStyle (float newHeight, int newStyleFlags, float newHorizontalScale, float newKerningAmount)
 Changes all the font's characteristics with one call.
void setSizeAndStyle (float newHeight, const String &newStyle, float newHorizontalScale, float newKerningAmount)
 Changes all the font's characteristics with one call.
int getStringWidth (const String &text) const
 Returns the total width of a string as it would be drawn using this font.
float getStringWidthFloat (const String &text) const
 Returns the total width of a string as it would be drawn using this font.
Typeface::Ptr getTypefacePtr () const
 Returns the main typeface used by this font.
Font findSuitableFontForText (const String &text, const String &language={}) const
 Attempts to locate a visually similar font that is capable of rendering the provided string.
String toString () const
 Creates a string to describe this font.
Native getNativeDetails () const

Static Public Member Functions

static const StringgetDefaultSansSerifFontName ()
 Returns a typeface font family that represents the default sans-serif font.
static const StringgetSystemUIFontName ()
 Returns a typeface font family that represents the system UI font.
static const StringgetDefaultSerifFontName ()
 Returns a typeface font family that represents the default serif font.
static const StringgetDefaultMonospacedFontName ()
 Returns a typeface font family that represents the default monospaced font.
static const StringgetDefaultStyle ()
 Returns a font style name that represents the default style.
static Typeface::Ptr getDefaultTypefaceForFont (const Font &font)
 Returns the default system typeface for the given font.
static float getDefaultMinimumHorizontalScaleFactor () noexcept
 Returns the minimum horizontal scale to which fonts may be squashed when trying to create a layout.
static void setDefaultMinimumHorizontalScaleFactor (float newMinimumScaleFactor) noexcept
 Sets the minimum horizontal scale to which fonts may be squashed when trying to create a text layout.
static void findFonts (Array< Font > &results)
 Creates an array of Font objects to represent all the fonts on the system.
static StringArray findAllTypefaceNames ()
 Returns a list of all the available typeface font families.
static StringArray findAllTypefaceStyles (const String &family)
 Returns a list of all the available typeface font styles.
static Font fromString (const String &fontDescription)
 Recreates a font from its stringified encoding.

Detailed Description

Represents a particular font, including its size, style, etc.

Apart from the typeface to be used, a Font object also dictates whether the font is bold, italic, underlined, how big it is, and its kerning and horizontal scale factor.

See also

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ FontStyleFlags

A combination of these values is used by the constructor to specify the style of font to use.


indicates a plain, non-bold, non-italic version of the font.

See also

boldens the font.

See also

finds an italic version of the font.

See also

underlines the font.

See also

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Font() [1/8]

Font::Font ( FontOptions options)

Constructs a Font from a set of options describing the font.

◆ Font() [2/8]

Font::Font ( float fontHeight,
int styleFlags = plain )

Creates a sans-serif font in a given size.

fontHeightthe height in pixels (can be fractional)
styleFlagsthe style to use - this can be a combination of the Font::bold, Font::italic and Font::underlined, or just Font::plain for the normal style.
See also
FontStyleFlags, getDefaultSansSerifFontName

◆ Font() [3/8]

Font::Font ( const String & typefaceName,
float fontHeight,
int styleFlags )

Creates a font with a given typeface and parameters.

typefaceNamethe font family of the typeface to use
fontHeightthe height in pixels (can be fractional)
styleFlagsthe style to use - this can be a combination of the Font::bold, Font::italic and Font::underlined, or just Font::plain for the normal style.
See also
FontStyleFlags, getDefaultSansSerifFontName

◆ Font() [4/8]

Font::Font ( const String & typefaceName,
const String & typefaceStyle,
float fontHeight )

Creates a font with a given typeface and parameters.

typefaceNamethe font family of the typeface to use
typefaceStylethe font style of the typeface to use
fontHeightthe height in pixels (can be fractional)

◆ Font() [5/8]

Font::Font ( const Typeface::Ptr & typeface)

Creates a font for a typeface.

◆ Font() [6/8]

Font::Font ( )

Creates a basic sans-serif font at a default height.

You should use one of the other constructors for creating a font that you're planning on drawing with - this constructor is here to help initialise objects before changing the font's settings later.

◆ Font() [7/8]

Font::Font ( const Font & other)

Creates a copy of another Font object.

◆ Font() [8/8]

Font::Font ( Font && other)

Move constructor.

◆ ~Font()

Font::~Font ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ operator=() [1/2]

Font & Font::operator= ( Font && other)

Move assignment operator.

◆ operator=() [2/2]

Font & Font::operator= ( const Font & other)

Copies this font from another one.

◆ operator==()

bool Font::operator== ( const Font & other) const

◆ operator!=()

bool Font::operator!= ( const Font & other) const

◆ setTypefaceName()

void Font::setTypefaceName ( const String & faceName)

Changes the font family of the typeface.

e.g. "Arial", "Courier", etc.

This may also be set to Font::getDefaultSansSerifFontName(), Font::getDefaultSerifFontName(), or Font::getDefaultMonospacedFontName(), which are not actual platform-specific font family names, but are generic font family names that are used to represent the various default fonts. If you need to know the exact typeface font family being used, you can call Font::getTypefacePtr()->getName(), which will give you the platform-specific font family.

If a suitable font isn't found on the machine, it'll just use a default instead.

◆ getTypefaceName()

String Font::getTypefaceName ( ) const

Returns the font family of the typeface that this font uses.

e.g. "Arial", "Courier", etc.

This may also be set to Font::getDefaultSansSerifFontName(), Font::getDefaultSerifFontName(), or Font::getDefaultMonospacedFontName(), which are not actual platform-specific font family names, but are generic font family names that are used to represent the various default fonts.

If you need to know the exact typeface font family being used, you can call Font::getTypefacePtr()->getName(), which will give you the platform-specific font family.

◆ getTypefaceStyle()

String Font::getTypefaceStyle ( ) const

Returns the font style of the typeface that this font uses.

See also
withTypefaceStyle, getAvailableStyles()

◆ setTypefaceStyle()

void Font::setTypefaceStyle ( const String & newStyle)

Changes the font style of the typeface.

See also

◆ withTypefaceStyle()

Font Font::withTypefaceStyle ( const String & newStyle) const

Returns a copy of this font with a new typeface style.

See also

◆ getAvailableStyles()

StringArray Font::getAvailableStyles ( ) const

Returns a list of the styles that this font can use.

◆ setPreferredFallbackFamilies()

void Font::setPreferredFallbackFamilies ( const StringArray & fallbacks)

Sets the names of the fallback font families that should be tried, in order, when searching for glyphs that are missing in the main typeface, specified via setTypefaceName() or Font(const Typeface::Ptr&).

◆ getPreferredFallbackFamilies()

StringArray Font::getPreferredFallbackFamilies ( ) const

Returns the names of the fallback font families.

◆ setFallbackEnabled()

void Font::setFallbackEnabled ( bool enabled)

When drawing text using this Font, specifies whether glyphs that are missing in the main typeface should be replaced with glyphs from other fonts.

To find missing glyphs, the typefaces for the preferred fallback families will be checked in order, followed by the system fallback fonts. The system fallback font is likely to be different on each platform.

Fallback is enabled by default.

◆ getFallbackEnabled()

bool Font::getFallbackEnabled ( ) const

Returns true if fallback is enabled, or false otherwise.

◆ getDefaultSansSerifFontName()

static const String & Font::getDefaultSansSerifFontName ( )

Returns a typeface font family that represents the default sans-serif font.

This is also the typeface that will be used when a font is created without specifying any typeface details.

Note that this method just returns a generic placeholder string that means "the default sans-serif font" - it's not the actual font family of this font.

See also
setTypefaceName, getDefaultSerifFontName, getDefaultMonospacedFontName

◆ getSystemUIFontName()

static const String & Font::getSystemUIFontName ( )

Returns a typeface font family that represents the system UI font.

Note that this method just returns a generic placeholder string that means "the default UI font" - it's not the actual font family of this font.

See also
getDefaultSansSerifFontName, setTypefaceName

◆ getDefaultSerifFontName()

static const String & Font::getDefaultSerifFontName ( )

Returns a typeface font family that represents the default serif font.

Note that this method just returns a generic placeholder string that means "the default serif font" - it's not the actual font family of this font.

See also
setTypefaceName, getDefaultSansSerifFontName, getDefaultMonospacedFontName

◆ getDefaultMonospacedFontName()

static const String & Font::getDefaultMonospacedFontName ( )

Returns a typeface font family that represents the default monospaced font.

Note that this method just returns a generic placeholder string that means "the default monospaced font" - it's not the actual font family of this font.

See also
setTypefaceName, getDefaultSansSerifFontName, getDefaultSerifFontName

◆ getDefaultStyle()

static const String & Font::getDefaultStyle ( )

Returns a font style name that represents the default style.

Note that this method just returns a generic placeholder string that means "the default font style" - it's not the actual name of the font style of any particular font.

See also

◆ getDefaultTypefaceForFont()

static Typeface::Ptr Font::getDefaultTypefaceForFont ( const Font & font)

Returns the default system typeface for the given font.

Note: This will only ever return the typeface for the font's "main" family. Before attempting to render glyphs from this typeface, it's a good idea to check that those glyphs are present in the typeface, and to select a different face if necessary.

◆ withHeight()

Font Font::withHeight ( float height) const

Returns a copy of this font with a new height.

◆ withPointHeight()

Font Font::withPointHeight ( float heightInPoints) const

Returns a copy of this font with a new height, specified in points.

◆ setHeight()

void Font::setHeight ( float newHeight)

Changes the font's height.

The font will be scaled so that the sum of the ascender and descender is equal to the provided height in logical pixels.

See also
setPointHeight, getHeight, withHeight, setHeightWithoutChangingWidth

◆ setPointHeight()

void Font::setPointHeight ( float newHeight)

Changes the font's height.

The argument specifies the size of the font's em-square in logical pixels.

See also
setHeight, getHeight, withHeight, setHeightWithoutChangingWidth

◆ setHeightWithoutChangingWidth()

void Font::setHeightWithoutChangingWidth ( float newHeight)

Changes the font's height without changing its width.

This alters the horizontal scale to compensate for the change in height.

◆ getHeight()

float Font::getHeight ( ) const

Returns the total height of this font, in pixels.

This is the maximum height, from the top of the ascent to the bottom of the descenders.

See also
withHeight, setHeightWithoutChangingWidth, getAscent

◆ getHeightInPoints()

float Font::getHeightInPoints ( ) const

Returns the total height of this font, in points.

This is the maximum height, from the top of the ascent to the bottom of the descenders.

See also
withPointHeight, getHeight

◆ getAscent()

float Font::getAscent ( ) const

Returns the height of the font above its baseline, in pixels.

This is the maximum height from the baseline to the top.

See also
getHeight, getDescent

◆ getAscentInPoints()

float Font::getAscentInPoints ( ) const

Returns the height of the font above its baseline, in points.

This is the maximum height from the baseline to the top.

See also
getHeight, getDescent

◆ getDescent()

float Font::getDescent ( ) const

Returns the amount that the font descends below its baseline, in pixels.

This is calculated as (getHeight() - getAscent()).

See also
getAscent, getHeight

◆ getDescentInPoints()

float Font::getDescentInPoints ( ) const

Returns the amount that the font descends below its baseline, in points.

This is calculated as (getHeight() - getAscent()).

See also
getAscent, getHeight

◆ getStyleFlags()

int Font::getStyleFlags ( ) const

Returns the font's style flags.

This will return a bitwise-or'ed combination of values from the FontStyleFlags enum, to describe whether the font is bold, italic, etc.

See also
FontStyleFlags, withStyle

◆ withStyle()

Font Font::withStyle ( int styleFlags) const

Returns a copy of this font with the given set of style flags.

styleFlagsa bitwise-or'ed combination of values from the FontStyleFlags enum.
See also
FontStyleFlags, getStyleFlags

◆ setStyleFlags()

void Font::setStyleFlags ( int newFlags)

Changes the font's style.

newFlagsa bitwise-or'ed combination of values from the FontStyleFlags enum.
See also
FontStyleFlags, withStyle

◆ setBold()

void Font::setBold ( bool shouldBeBold)

Makes the font bold or non-bold.

◆ boldened()

Font Font::boldened ( ) const

Returns a copy of this font with the bold attribute set.

If the font does not have a bold version, this will return the default font.

◆ isBold()

bool Font::isBold ( ) const

Returns true if the font is bold.

◆ setItalic()

void Font::setItalic ( bool shouldBeItalic)

Makes the font italic or non-italic.

◆ italicised()

Font Font::italicised ( ) const

Returns a copy of this font with the italic attribute set.

◆ isItalic()

bool Font::isItalic ( ) const

Returns true if the font is italic.

◆ setUnderline()

void Font::setUnderline ( bool shouldBeUnderlined)

Makes the font underlined or non-underlined.

◆ isUnderlined()

bool Font::isUnderlined ( ) const

Returns true if the font is underlined.

◆ getMetricsKind()

TypefaceMetricsKind Font::getMetricsKind ( ) const

Returns the kind of metrics used by this Font.

◆ getHorizontalScale()

float Font::getHorizontalScale ( ) const

Returns the font's horizontal scale.

A value of 1.0 is the normal scale, less than this will be narrower, greater than 1.0 will be stretched out.

See also

◆ withHorizontalScale()

Font Font::withHorizontalScale ( float scaleFactor) const

Returns a copy of this font with a new horizontal scale.

scaleFactora value of 1.0 is the normal scale, less than this will be narrower, greater than 1.0 will be stretched out.
See also

◆ setHorizontalScale()

void Font::setHorizontalScale ( float scaleFactor)

Changes the font's horizontal scale factor.

scaleFactora value of 1.0 is the normal scale, less than this will be narrower, greater than 1.0 will be stretched out.

◆ getDefaultMinimumHorizontalScaleFactor()

static float Font::getDefaultMinimumHorizontalScaleFactor ( )

Returns the minimum horizontal scale to which fonts may be squashed when trying to create a layout.

See also

◆ setDefaultMinimumHorizontalScaleFactor()

static void Font::setDefaultMinimumHorizontalScaleFactor ( float newMinimumScaleFactor)

Sets the minimum horizontal scale to which fonts may be squashed when trying to create a text layout.

See also

◆ getExtraKerningFactor()

float Font::getExtraKerningFactor ( ) const

Returns the font's tracking, i.e.

spacing applied between characters in addition to the kerning defined by the font.

This is the extra space added between adjacent characters, as a proportion of the font's height.

A value of zero is normal spacing, positive values will spread the letters out more, and negative values make them closer together.

◆ withExtraKerningFactor()

Font Font::withExtraKerningFactor ( float extraKerning) const

Returns a copy of this font with a new tracking factor.

extraKerninga multiple of the font's height that will be added to space between the characters. So a value of zero is normal spacing, positive values spread the letters out, negative values make them closer together.

◆ setExtraKerningFactor()

void Font::setExtraKerningFactor ( float extraKerning)

Changes the font's tracking.

extraKerninga multiple of the font's height that will be added to space between the characters. So a value of zero is normal spacing, positive values spread the letters out, negative values make them closer together.

◆ getAscentOverride()

std::optional< float > Font::getAscentOverride ( ) const

◆ setAscentOverride()

void Font::setAscentOverride ( std::optional< float > )

This is designed to mirror CSS's ascent-override property.

When the font size is specified in points (using setPointHeight(), FontOptions::withPointHeight(), etc.), then the font's ascent value in points will be equal to the font's size in points multiplied by the override value. That is, if the font size is 14pt and the ascent override is 0.5f, then the ascent will be 7pt.

When the font size is not specified in points (using setHeight(), FontOptions::withHeight(), etc.), then the behaviour is more subtle. The ascent override still specifies the size of the font's ascender as a proportion of the font's em size. However, the point size of the font is now found by multiplying the JUCE height by the height-to-point factor, where this factor is equal to (1.0f / (ascent-in-em-units + descent-in-em-units)). As an example, if the JUCE font height is 14, the ascent override is 0.5f, and the descent override is 0.5f, then the font size will be 14pt and the ascent will be 7pt. Changing the ascent override to 1.0f and the descent override to 0.0f will preserve the font size of 14pt but give an ascender of 14pt and a descender of 0pt. Changing the ascent and descent overrides both to 1.0f will result in the font's size changing to 7pt with an ascent of 3.5pt.

See also

◆ getDescentOverride()

std::optional< float > Font::getDescentOverride ( ) const

◆ setDescentOverride()

void Font::setDescentOverride ( std::optional< float > )

This is designed to mirror CSS's descent-override property.

Specifies a value to replace the built-in typeface descent metric. The final descent value will be found by multiplying the provided value by the font size. You may also pass std::nullopt to use the descent value specified in the typeface.

The documentation for setAscentOverride() includes a more thorough discussion of the mechanism used for overriding.

See also

◆ setSizeAndStyle() [1/2]

void Font::setSizeAndStyle ( float newHeight,
int newStyleFlags,
float newHorizontalScale,
float newKerningAmount )

Changes all the font's characteristics with one call.

◆ setSizeAndStyle() [2/2]

void Font::setSizeAndStyle ( float newHeight,
const String & newStyle,
float newHorizontalScale,
float newKerningAmount )

Changes all the font's characteristics with one call.

◆ getStringWidth()

int Font::getStringWidth ( const String & text) const

Returns the total width of a string as it would be drawn using this font.

For a more accurate floating-point result, use getStringWidthFloat().

This function does not take font fallback into account. If this font doesn't include glyphs to represent all characters in the string, then the width will be computed as though those characters were replaced with the "glyph not found" character.

If you are trying to find the amount of space required to display a given string, you'll get more accurate results by actually measuring the results of whichever text layout engine (e.g. GlyphArrangement, TextLayout) you'll use when displaying the string.

See also
TextLayout::getStringWidth(), GlyphArrangement::getStringWidthInt()

◆ getStringWidthFloat()

float Font::getStringWidthFloat ( const String & text) const

Returns the total width of a string as it would be drawn using this font.

See also

This function does not take font fallback into account. If this font doesn't include glyphs to represent all characters in the string, then the width will be computed as though those characters were replaced with the "glyph not found" character.

If you are trying to find the amount of space required to display a given string, you'll get more accurate results by actually measuring the results of whichever text layout engine (e.g. GlyphArrangement, TextLayout) you'll use when displaying the string.

See also
TextLayout::getStringWidth(), GlyphArrangement::getStringWidth()

◆ getTypefacePtr()

Typeface::Ptr Font::getTypefacePtr ( ) const

Returns the main typeface used by this font.

Note: This will only ever return the typeface for the "main" family. Before attempting to render glyphs from this typeface, it's a good idea to check that those glyphs are present in the typeface, and to select a different face if necessary.

◆ findFonts()

static void Font::findFonts ( Array< Font > & results)

Creates an array of Font objects to represent all the fonts on the system.

If you just need the font family names of the typefaces, you can also use findAllTypefaceNames() instead.

resultsthe array to which new Font objects will be added.

◆ findAllTypefaceNames()

static StringArray Font::findAllTypefaceNames ( )

Returns a list of all the available typeface font families.

The names returned can be passed into setTypefaceName().

You can use this instead of findFonts() if you only need their font family names, and not font objects.

◆ findAllTypefaceStyles()

static StringArray Font::findAllTypefaceStyles ( const String & family)

Returns a list of all the available typeface font styles.

The names returned can be passed into setTypefaceStyle().

You can use this instead of findFonts() if you only need their styles, and not font objects.

◆ findSuitableFontForText()

Font Font::findSuitableFontForText ( const String & text,
const String & language = {} ) const

Attempts to locate a visually similar font that is capable of rendering the provided string.

If fallback is disabled on this Font by setFallbackEnabled(), then this will always return a copy of the current Font.

Otherwise, the current font, then each of the fallback fonts specified by setPreferredFallbackFamilies() will be checked, and the first Font that is capable of rendering the string will be returned. If none of these fonts is suitable, then the system font fallback mechanism will be used to locate a font from the currently installed fonts. If the system also cannot find any suitable font, then a copy of the original Font will be returned.

Note that most fonts don't contain glyphs for all possible unicode codepoints, and instead may contain e.g. just the glyphs required for a specific script. So, if the provided text would be displayed using several scripts (multiple languages, emoji, etc.) then there's a good chance that no single font will be able to render the entire text. Shorter strings will generally produce better fallback results than longer strings, with the caveat that the system may take control characters such as combining marks and variation selectors into account when selecting suitable fonts, so querying fallbacks character-by-character is likely to produce poor results.

◆ toString()

String Font::toString ( ) const

Creates a string to describe this font.

The string will contain information to describe the font's typeface, size, and style. To recreate the font from this string, use fromString().

◆ fromString()

static Font Font::fromString ( const String & fontDescription)

Recreates a font from its stringified encoding.

This method takes a string that was created by toString(), and recreates the original font.

◆ getNativeDetails()

Native Font::getNativeDetails ( ) const

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