This is the complete list of members for Font, including all inherited members.
bold enum value | Font | |
boldened() const | Font | |
findAllTypefaceNames() | Font | static |
findAllTypefaceStyles(const String &family) | Font | static |
findFonts(Array< Font > &results) | Font | static |
findSuitableFontForText(const String &text, const String &language={}) const | Font | |
Font(FontOptions options) | Font | |
Font(float fontHeight, int styleFlags=plain) | Font | |
Font(const String &typefaceName, float fontHeight, int styleFlags) | Font | |
Font(const String &typefaceName, const String &typefaceStyle, float fontHeight) | Font | |
Font(const Typeface::Ptr &typeface) | Font | |
Font() | Font | |
Font(const Font &other) noexcept | Font | |
Font(Font &&other) noexcept | Font | |
FontStyleFlags enum name | Font | |
fromString(const String &fontDescription) | Font | static |
getAscent() const | Font | |
getAscentInPoints() const | Font | |
getAscentOverride() const noexcept | Font | |
getAvailableStyles() const | Font | |
getDefaultMinimumHorizontalScaleFactor() noexcept | Font | static |
getDefaultMonospacedFontName() | Font | static |
getDefaultSansSerifFontName() | Font | static |
getDefaultSerifFontName() | Font | static |
getDefaultStyle() | Font | static |
getDefaultTypefaceForFont(const Font &font) | Font | static |
getDescent() const | Font | |
getDescentInPoints() const | Font | |
getDescentOverride() const noexcept | Font | |
getExtraKerningFactor() const noexcept | Font | |
getFallbackEnabled() const | Font | |
getHeight() const noexcept | Font | |
getHeightInPoints() const | Font | |
getHorizontalScale() const noexcept | Font | |
getMetricsKind() const noexcept | Font | |
getNativeDetails() const | Font | |
getPreferredFallbackFamilies() const | Font | |
getStringWidth(const String &text) const | Font | |
getStringWidthFloat(const String &text) const | Font | |
getStyleFlags() const noexcept | Font | |
getSystemUIFontName() | Font | static |
getTypefaceName() const noexcept | Font | |
getTypefacePtr() const | Font | |
getTypefaceStyle() const noexcept | Font | |
isBold() const noexcept | Font | |
isItalic() const noexcept | Font | |
isUnderlined() const noexcept | Font | |
italic enum value | Font | |
italicised() const | Font | |
operator!=(const Font &other) const noexcept | Font | |
operator=(Font &&other) noexcept | Font | |
operator=(const Font &other) noexcept | Font | |
operator==(const Font &other) const noexcept | Font | |
plain enum value | Font | |
setAscentOverride(std::optional< float >) | Font | |
setBold(bool shouldBeBold) | Font | |
setDefaultMinimumHorizontalScaleFactor(float newMinimumScaleFactor) noexcept | Font | static |
setDescentOverride(std::optional< float >) | Font | |
setExtraKerningFactor(float extraKerning) | Font | |
setFallbackEnabled(bool enabled) | Font | |
setHeight(float newHeight) | Font | |
setHeightWithoutChangingWidth(float newHeight) | Font | |
setHorizontalScale(float scaleFactor) | Font | |
setItalic(bool shouldBeItalic) | Font | |
setPointHeight(float newHeight) | Font | |
setPreferredFallbackFamilies(const StringArray &fallbacks) | Font | |
setSizeAndStyle(float newHeight, int newStyleFlags, float newHorizontalScale, float newKerningAmount) | Font | |
setSizeAndStyle(float newHeight, const String &newStyle, float newHorizontalScale, float newKerningAmount) | Font | |
setStyleFlags(int newFlags) | Font | |
setTypefaceName(const String &faceName) | Font | |
setTypefaceStyle(const String &newStyle) | Font | |
setUnderline(bool shouldBeUnderlined) | Font | |
toString() const | Font | |
underlined enum value | Font | |
withExtraKerningFactor(float extraKerning) const | Font | |
withHeight(float height) const | Font | |
withHorizontalScale(float scaleFactor) const | Font | |
withPointHeight(float heightInPoints) const | Font | |
withStyle(int styleFlags) const | Font | |
withTypefaceStyle(const String &newStyle) const | Font | |
~Font() noexcept | Font |