| ~DrawableShape () override |
| Destructor.
void | setFill (const FillType &newFill) |
| Sets a fill type for the path.
const FillType & | getFill () const noexcept |
| Returns the current fill type.
void | setStrokeFill (const FillType &newStrokeFill) |
| Sets the fill type with which the outline will be drawn.
const FillType & | getStrokeFill () const noexcept |
| Returns the current stroke fill.
void | setStrokeType (const PathStrokeType &newStrokeType) |
| Changes the properties of the outline that will be drawn around the path.
void | setStrokeThickness (float newThickness) |
| Changes the stroke thickness.
const PathStrokeType & | getStrokeType () const noexcept |
| Returns the current outline style.
void | setDashLengths (const Array< float > &newDashLengths) |
| Provides a set of dash lengths to use for stroking the path.
const Array< float > & | getDashLengths () const noexcept |
| Returns the set of dash lengths that the path is using.
Rectangle< float > | getDrawableBounds () const override |
| Returns the area that this drawable covers.
void | paint (Graphics &) override |
| Components can override this method to draw their content.
bool | hitTest (int x, int y) override |
| Tests whether a given point is inside the component.
bool | replaceColour (Colour originalColour, Colour replacementColour) override |
| Recursively replaces a colour that might be used for filling or stroking.
Path | getOutlineAsPath () const override |
| Creates a path that describes the outline of this drawable.
| ~Drawable () override |
| Destructor.
virtual std::unique_ptr< Drawable > | createCopy () const =0 |
| Creates a deep copy of this Drawable object.
void | draw (Graphics &g, float opacity, const AffineTransform &transform=AffineTransform()) const |
| Renders this Drawable object.
void | drawAt (Graphics &g, float x, float y, float opacity) const |
| Renders the Drawable at a given offset within the Graphics context.
void | drawWithin (Graphics &g, Rectangle< float > destArea, RectanglePlacement placement, float opacity) const |
| Renders the Drawable within a rectangle, scaling it to fit neatly inside without changing its aspect-ratio.
void | setOriginWithOriginalSize (Point< float > originWithinParent) |
| Resets any transformations on this drawable, and positions its origin within its parent component.
void | setTransformToFit (const Rectangle< float > &areaInParent, RectanglePlacement placement) |
| Sets a transform for this drawable that will position it within the specified area of its parent component.
DrawableComposite * | getParent () const |
| Returns the DrawableComposite that contains this object, if there is one.
void | setClipPath (std::unique_ptr< Drawable > drawableClipPath) |
| Sets a the clipping region of this drawable using another drawable.
void | setDrawableTransform (const AffineTransform &transform) |
| Sets a transformation that applies to the same coordinate system in which the rest of the draw calls are made.
| Component () noexcept |
| Creates a component.
| ~Component () override |
| Destructor.
| Component (const String &componentName) noexcept |
| Creates a component, setting its name at the same time.
String | getName () const noexcept |
| Returns the name of this component.
virtual void | setName (const String &newName) |
| Sets the name of this component.
String | getComponentID () const noexcept |
| Returns the ID string that was set by setComponentID().
void | setComponentID (const String &newID) |
| Sets the component's ID string.
virtual void | setVisible (bool shouldBeVisible) |
| Makes the component visible or invisible.
bool | isVisible () const noexcept |
| Tests whether the component is visible or not.
virtual void | visibilityChanged () |
| Called when this component's visibility changes.
bool | isShowing () const |
| Tests whether this component and all its parents are visible.
virtual void | addToDesktop (int windowStyleFlags, void *nativeWindowToAttachTo=nullptr) |
| Makes this component appear as a window on the desktop.
void | removeFromDesktop () |
| If the component is currently showing on the desktop, this will hide it.
bool | isOnDesktop () const noexcept |
| Returns true if this component is currently showing on the desktop.
ComponentPeer * | getPeer () const |
| Returns the heavyweight window that contains this component.
virtual void | userTriedToCloseWindow () |
| For components on the desktop, this is called if the system wants to close the window.
virtual void | minimisationStateChanged (bool isNowMinimised) |
| Called for a desktop component which has just been minimised or un-minimised.
virtual float | getDesktopScaleFactor () const |
| Returns the default scale factor to use for this component when it is placed on the desktop.
void | toFront (bool shouldAlsoGainKeyboardFocus) |
| Brings the component to the front of its siblings.
void | toBack () |
| Changes this component's z-order to be at the back of all its siblings.
void | toBehind (Component *other) |
| Changes this component's z-order so that it's just behind another component.
void | setAlwaysOnTop (bool shouldStayOnTop) |
| Sets whether the component should always be kept at the front of its siblings.
bool | isAlwaysOnTop () const noexcept |
| Returns true if this component is set to always stay in front of its siblings.
int | getX () const noexcept |
| Returns the x coordinate of the component's left edge.
int | getY () const noexcept |
| Returns the y coordinate of the top of this component.
int | getWidth () const noexcept |
| Returns the component's width in pixels.
int | getHeight () const noexcept |
| Returns the component's height in pixels.
int | getRight () const noexcept |
| Returns the x coordinate of the component's right-hand edge.
Point< int > | getPosition () const noexcept |
| Returns the component's top-left position as a Point.
int | getBottom () const noexcept |
| Returns the y coordinate of the bottom edge of this component.
Rectangle< int > | getBounds () const noexcept |
| Returns this component's bounding box.
Rectangle< int > | getLocalBounds () const noexcept |
| Returns the component's bounds, relative to its own origin.
Rectangle< int > | getBoundsInParent () const noexcept |
| Returns the area of this component's parent which this component covers.
int | getScreenX () const |
| Returns this component's x coordinate relative the screen's top-left origin.
int | getScreenY () const |
| Returns this component's y coordinate relative the screen's top-left origin.
Point< int > | getScreenPosition () const |
| Returns the position of this component's top-left corner relative to the screen's top-left.
Rectangle< int > | getScreenBounds () const |
| Returns the bounds of this component, relative to the screen's top-left.
Point< int > | getLocalPoint (const Component *sourceComponent, Point< int > pointRelativeToSourceComponent) const |
| Converts a point to be relative to this component's coordinate space.
Point< float > | getLocalPoint (const Component *sourceComponent, Point< float > pointRelativeToSourceComponent) const |
| Converts a point to be relative to this component's coordinate space.
Rectangle< int > | getLocalArea (const Component *sourceComponent, Rectangle< int > areaRelativeToSourceComponent) const |
| Converts a rectangle to be relative to this component's coordinate space.
Rectangle< float > | getLocalArea (const Component *sourceComponent, Rectangle< float > areaRelativeToSourceComponent) const |
| Converts a rectangle to be relative to this component's coordinate space.
Point< int > | localPointToGlobal (Point< int > localPoint) const |
| Converts a point relative to this component's top-left into a screen coordinate.
Point< float > | localPointToGlobal (Point< float > localPoint) const |
| Converts a point relative to this component's top-left into a screen coordinate.
Rectangle< int > | localAreaToGlobal (Rectangle< int > localArea) const |
| Converts a rectangle from this component's coordinate space to a screen coordinate.
Rectangle< float > | localAreaToGlobal (Rectangle< float > localArea) const |
| Converts a rectangle from this component's coordinate space to a screen coordinate.
void | setTopLeftPosition (int x, int y) |
| Moves the component to a new position.
void | setTopLeftPosition (Point< int > newTopLeftPosition) |
| Moves the component to a new position.
void | setTopRightPosition (int x, int y) |
| Moves the component to a new position.
void | setTopRightPosition (Point< int >) |
| Moves the component to a new position.
void | setSize (int newWidth, int newHeight) |
| Changes the size of the component.
void | setBounds (int x, int y, int width, int height) |
| Changes the component's position and size.
void | setBounds (Rectangle< int > newBounds) |
| Changes the component's position and size.
void | setBoundsRelative (float proportionalX, float proportionalY, float proportionalWidth, float proportionalHeight) |
| Changes the component's position and size in terms of fractions of its parent's size.
void | setBoundsRelative (Rectangle< float > proportionalArea) |
| Changes the component's position and size in terms of fractions of its parent's size.
void | setBoundsInset (BorderSize< int > borders) |
| Changes the component's position and size based on the amount of space to leave around it.
void | setBoundsToFit (Rectangle< int > targetArea, Justification justification, bool onlyReduceInSize) |
| Positions the component within a given rectangle, keeping its proportions unchanged.
void | setCentrePosition (int x, int y) |
| Changes the position of the component's centre.
void | setCentrePosition (Point< int > newCentrePosition) |
| Changes the position of the component's centre.
void | setCentreRelative (float x, float y) |
| Changes the position of the component's centre.
void | centreWithSize (int width, int height) |
| Changes the component's size and centres it within its parent.
void | setTransform (const AffineTransform &transform) |
| Sets a transform matrix to be applied to this component.
AffineTransform | getTransform () const |
| Returns the transform that is currently being applied to this component.
bool | isTransformed () const noexcept |
| Returns true if a non-identity transform is being applied to this component.
int | proportionOfWidth (float proportion) const noexcept |
| Returns a proportion of the component's width.
int | proportionOfHeight (float proportion) const noexcept |
| Returns a proportion of the component's height.
int | getParentWidth () const noexcept |
| Returns the width of the component's parent.
int | getParentHeight () const noexcept |
| Returns the height of the component's parent.
Rectangle< int > | getParentMonitorArea () const |
| Returns the screen coordinates of the monitor that contains this component.
int | getNumChildComponents () const noexcept |
| Returns the number of child components that this component contains.
Component * | getChildComponent (int index) const noexcept |
| Returns one of this component's child components, by it index.
int | getIndexOfChildComponent (const Component *child) const noexcept |
| Returns the index of this component in the list of child components.
const Array< Component * > & | getChildren () const noexcept |
| Provides access to the underlying array of child components.
Component * | findChildWithID (StringRef componentID) const noexcept |
| Looks for a child component with the specified ID.
void | addChildComponent (Component *child, int zOrder=-1) |
| Adds a child component to this one.
void | addChildComponent (Component &child, int zOrder=-1) |
| Adds a child component to this one.
void | addAndMakeVisible (Component *child, int zOrder=-1) |
| Adds a child component to this one, and also makes the child visible if it isn't already.
void | addAndMakeVisible (Component &child, int zOrder=-1) |
| Adds a child component to this one, and also makes the child visible if it isn't already.
void | addChildAndSetID (Component *child, const String &componentID) |
| Adds a child component to this one, makes it visible, and sets its component ID.
void | removeChildComponent (Component *childToRemove) |
| Removes one of this component's child-components.
Component * | removeChildComponent (int childIndexToRemove) |
| Removes one of this component's child-components by index.
void | removeAllChildren () |
| Removes all this component's children.
void | deleteAllChildren () |
| Removes and deletes all of this component's children.
Component * | getParentComponent () const noexcept |
| Returns the component which this component is inside.
template<class TargetClass > |
TargetClass * | findParentComponentOfClass () const |
| Searches the parent components for a component of a specified class.
Component * | getTopLevelComponent () const noexcept |
| Returns the highest-level component which contains this one or its parents.
bool | isParentOf (const Component *possibleChild) const noexcept |
| Checks whether a component is anywhere inside this component or its children.
virtual void | childrenChanged () |
| Subclasses can use this callback to be told when children are added or removed, or when their z-order changes.
virtual WindowControlKind | findControlAtPoint (Point< float >) const |
| For components that are added to the desktop, this may be called to determine what kind of control is at particular locations in the window.
virtual void | windowControlClickedClose () |
| For components that are added to the desktop, this may be called to indicate that the mouse was clicked inside the area of the "close" control.
virtual void | windowControlClickedMinimise () |
| For components that are added to the desktop, this may be called to indicate that the mouse was clicked inside the area of the "minimise" control.
virtual void | windowControlClickedMaximise () |
| For components that are added to the desktop, this may be called to indicate that the mouse was clicked inside the area of the "maximise" control.
void | setInterceptsMouseClicks (bool allowClicksOnThisComponent, bool allowClicksOnChildComponents) noexcept |
| Changes the default return value for the hitTest() method.
void | getInterceptsMouseClicks (bool &allowsClicksOnThisComponent, bool &allowsClicksOnChildComponents) const noexcept |
| Retrieves the current state of the mouse-click interception flags.
bool | contains (Point< int > localPoint) |
| Returns true if a given point lies within this component or one of its children.
bool | contains (Point< float > localPoint) |
| Returns true if a given point lies within this component or one of its children.
bool | reallyContains (Point< int > localPoint, bool returnTrueIfWithinAChild) |
| Returns true if a given point lies in this component, taking any overlapping siblings into account.
bool | reallyContains (Point< float > localPoint, bool returnTrueIfWithinAChild) |
| Returns true if a given point lies in this component, taking any overlapping siblings into account.
Component * | getComponentAt (int x, int y) |
| Returns the component at a certain point within this one.
Component * | getComponentAt (Point< int > position) |
| Returns the component at a certain point within this one.
Component * | getComponentAt (Point< float > position) |
| Returns the component at a certain point within this one.
void | repaint () |
| Marks the whole component as needing to be redrawn.
void | repaint (int x, int y, int width, int height) |
| Marks a subsection of this component as needing to be redrawn.
void | repaint (Rectangle< int > area) |
| Marks a subsection of this component as needing to be redrawn.
void | setBufferedToImage (bool shouldBeBuffered) |
| Makes the component use an internal buffer to optimise its redrawing.
Image | createComponentSnapshot (Rectangle< int > areaToGrab, bool clipImageToComponentBounds=true, float scaleFactor=1.0f) |
| Generates a snapshot of part of this component.
void | paintEntireComponent (Graphics &context, bool ignoreAlphaLevel) |
| Draws this component and all its subcomponents onto the specified graphics context.
void | setPaintingIsUnclipped (bool shouldPaintWithoutClipping) noexcept |
| This allows you to indicate that this component doesn't require its graphics context to be clipped when it is being painted.
bool | isPaintingUnclipped () const noexcept |
| Returns true if this component doesn't require its graphics context to be clipped when it is being painted.
void | setComponentEffect (ImageEffectFilter *newEffect) |
| Adds an effect filter to alter the component's appearance.
ImageEffectFilter * | getComponentEffect () const noexcept |
| Returns the current component effect.
LookAndFeel & | getLookAndFeel () const noexcept |
| Finds the appropriate look-and-feel to use for this component.
void | setLookAndFeel (LookAndFeel *newLookAndFeel) |
| Sets the look and feel to use for this component.
FontOptions | withDefaultMetrics (FontOptions opt) const |
| Returns a copy of the FontOptions with the default metrics kind from the component's LookAndFeel.
virtual void | lookAndFeelChanged () |
| Called to let the component react to a change in the look-and-feel setting.
void | sendLookAndFeelChange () |
| Calls the methods repaint(), lookAndFeelChanged(), and colourChanged() in this component and all its children recursively.
void | setOpaque (bool shouldBeOpaque) |
| Indicates whether any parts of the component might be transparent.
bool | isOpaque () const noexcept |
| Returns true if no parts of this component are transparent.
void | setBroughtToFrontOnMouseClick (bool shouldBeBroughtToFront) noexcept |
| Indicates whether the component should be brought to the front when clicked.
bool | isBroughtToFrontOnMouseClick () const noexcept |
| Indicates whether the component should be brought to the front when clicked-on.
void | setExplicitFocusOrder (int newFocusOrderIndex) |
| Sets the focus order of this component.
int | getExplicitFocusOrder () const |
| Returns the focus order of this component, if one has been specified.
void | setFocusContainerType (FocusContainerType containerType) noexcept |
| Sets whether this component is a container for components that can have their focus traversed, and the type of focus traversal that it supports.
bool | isFocusContainer () const noexcept |
| Returns true if this component has been marked as a focus container.
bool | isKeyboardFocusContainer () const noexcept |
| Returns true if this component has been marked as a keyboard focus container.
Component * | findFocusContainer () const |
| Returns the focus container for this component.
Component * | findKeyboardFocusContainer () const |
| Returns the keyboard focus container for this component.
void | setWantsKeyboardFocus (bool wantsFocus) noexcept |
| Sets a flag to indicate whether this component wants keyboard focus or not.
bool | getWantsKeyboardFocus () const noexcept |
| Returns true if the component is interested in getting keyboard focus.
void | setMouseClickGrabsKeyboardFocus (bool shouldGrabFocus) |
| Chooses whether a click on this component automatically grabs the focus.
bool | getMouseClickGrabsKeyboardFocus () const noexcept |
| Returns the last value set with setMouseClickGrabsKeyboardFocus().
void | grabKeyboardFocus () |
| Tries to give keyboard focus to this component.
void | giveAwayKeyboardFocus () |
| If this component or any of its children currently have the keyboard focus, this will defocus it, send a focus change notification, and try to pass the focus to the next component.
bool | hasKeyboardFocus (bool trueIfChildIsFocused) const |
| Returns true if this component currently has the keyboard focus.
void | moveKeyboardFocusToSibling (bool moveToNext) |
| Tries to move the keyboard focus to one of this component's siblings.
virtual std::unique_ptr< ComponentTraverser > | createFocusTraverser () |
| Creates a ComponentTraverser object to determine the logic by which focus should be passed from this component.
virtual std::unique_ptr< ComponentTraverser > | createKeyboardFocusTraverser () |
| Creates a ComponentTraverser object to use to determine the logic by which keyboard focus should be passed from this component.
void | setHasFocusOutline (bool hasFocusOutline) noexcept |
| Use this to indicate that the component should have an outline drawn around it when it has keyboard focus.
bool | hasFocusOutline () const noexcept |
| Returns true if this component should have a focus outline.
bool | isEnabled () const noexcept |
| Returns true if the component (and all its parents) are enabled.
void | setEnabled (bool shouldBeEnabled) |
| Enables or disables this component.
virtual void | enablementChanged () |
| Callback to indicate that this component has been enabled or disabled.
float | getAlpha () const noexcept |
| Returns the component's current transparency level.
void | setAlpha (float newAlpha) |
| Changes the transparency of this component.
virtual void | alphaChanged () |
| Called when setAlpha() is used to change the alpha value of this component.
void | setMouseCursor (const MouseCursor &cursorType) |
| Changes the mouse cursor shape to use when the mouse is over this component.
virtual MouseCursor | getMouseCursor () |
| Returns the mouse cursor shape to use when the mouse is over this component.
void | updateMouseCursor () const |
| Forces the current mouse cursor to be updated.
virtual void | paintOverChildren (Graphics &g) |
| Components can override this method to draw over the top of their children.
void | mouseMove (const MouseEvent &event) override |
| Called when the mouse moves inside a component.
void | mouseEnter (const MouseEvent &event) override |
| Called when the mouse first enters a component.
void | mouseExit (const MouseEvent &event) override |
| Called when the mouse moves out of a component.
void | mouseDown (const MouseEvent &event) override |
| Called when a mouse button is pressed.
void | mouseDrag (const MouseEvent &event) override |
| Called when the mouse is moved while a button is held down.
void | mouseUp (const MouseEvent &event) override |
| Called when a mouse button is released.
void | mouseDoubleClick (const MouseEvent &event) override |
| Called when a mouse button has been double-clicked on a component.
void | mouseWheelMove (const MouseEvent &event, const MouseWheelDetails &wheel) override |
| Called when the mouse-wheel is moved.
void | mouseMagnify (const MouseEvent &event, float scaleFactor) override |
| Called when a pinch-to-zoom mouse-gesture is used.
void | setRepaintsOnMouseActivity (bool shouldRepaint) noexcept |
| Causes automatic repaints when the mouse enters or exits this component.
void | addMouseListener (MouseListener *newListener, bool wantsEventsForAllNestedChildComponents) |
| Registers a listener to be told when mouse events occur in this component.
void | removeMouseListener (MouseListener *listenerToRemove) |
| Deregisters a mouse listener.
void | addKeyListener (KeyListener *newListener) |
| Adds a listener that wants to hear about keypresses that this component receives.
void | removeKeyListener (KeyListener *listenerToRemove) |
| Removes a previously-registered key listener.
virtual bool | keyPressed (const KeyPress &key) |
| Called when a key is pressed.
virtual bool | keyStateChanged (bool isKeyDown) |
| Called when a key is pressed or released.
virtual void | modifierKeysChanged (const ModifierKeys &modifiers) |
| Called when a modifier key is pressed or released.
virtual void | focusGained (FocusChangeType cause) |
| Called to indicate that this component has just acquired the keyboard focus.
virtual void | focusGainedWithDirection (FocusChangeType cause, FocusChangeDirection direction) |
| Called to indicate that this component has just acquired the keyboard focus.
virtual void | focusLost (FocusChangeType cause) |
| Called to indicate that this component has just lost the keyboard focus.
virtual void | focusOfChildComponentChanged (FocusChangeType cause) |
| Called to indicate a change in whether or not this component is the parent of the currently-focused component.
bool | isMouseOver (bool includeChildren=false) const |
| Returns true if the mouse is currently over this component.
bool | isMouseButtonDown (bool includeChildren=false) const |
| Returns true if the mouse button is currently held down in this component.
bool | isMouseOverOrDragging (bool includeChildren=false) const |
| True if the mouse is over this component, or if it's being dragged in this component.
Point< int > | getMouseXYRelative () const |
| Returns the mouse's current position, relative to this component.
virtual void | resized () |
| Called when this component's size has been changed.
virtual void | moved () |
| Called when this component's position has been changed.
virtual void | childBoundsChanged (Component *child) |
| Called when one of this component's children is moved or resized.
virtual void | parentSizeChanged () |
| Called when this component's immediate parent has been resized.
virtual void | broughtToFront () |
| Called when this component has been moved to the front of its siblings.
void | addComponentListener (ComponentListener *newListener) |
| Adds a listener to be told about changes to the component hierarchy or position.
void | removeComponentListener (ComponentListener *listenerToRemove) |
| Removes a component listener.
void | postCommandMessage (int commandId) |
| Dispatches a numbered message to this component.
virtual void | handleCommandMessage (int commandId) |
| Called to handle a command that was sent by postCommandMessage().
int | runModalLoop () |
| Runs a component modally, waiting until the loop terminates.
void | enterModalState (bool takeKeyboardFocus=true, ModalComponentManager::Callback *callback=nullptr, bool deleteWhenDismissed=false) |
| Puts the component into a modal state.
void | exitModalState (int returnValue=0) |
| Ends a component's modal state.
bool | isCurrentlyModal (bool onlyConsiderForemostModalComponent=true) const noexcept |
| Returns true if this component is the modal one.
bool | isCurrentlyBlockedByAnotherModalComponent () const |
| Checks whether there's a modal component somewhere that's stopping this one from receiving messages.
virtual bool | canModalEventBeSentToComponent (const Component *targetComponent) |
| When a component is modal, this callback allows it to choose which other components can still receive events.
virtual void | inputAttemptWhenModal () |
| Called when the user tries to click on a component that is blocked by another modal component.
NamedValueSet & | getProperties () noexcept |
| Returns the set of properties that belong to this component.
const NamedValueSet & | getProperties () const noexcept |
| Returns the set of properties that belong to this component.
Colour | findColour (int colourID, bool inheritFromParent=false) const |
| Looks for a colour that has been registered with the given colour ID number.
void | setColour (int colourID, Colour newColour) |
| Registers a colour to be used for a particular purpose.
void | removeColour (int colourID) |
| If a colour has been set with setColour(), this will remove it.
bool | isColourSpecified (int colourID) const |
| Returns true if the specified colour ID has been explicitly set for this component using the setColour() method.
void | copyAllExplicitColoursTo (Component &target) const |
| This looks for any colours that have been specified for this component, and copies them to the specified target component.
virtual void | colourChanged () |
| This method is called when a colour is changed by the setColour() method, or when the look-and-feel is changed by the setLookAndFeel() or sendLookAndFeelChanged() methods.
void * | getWindowHandle () const |
| Returns the underlying native window handle for this component.
Positioner * | getPositioner () const noexcept |
| Returns the Positioner object that has been set for this component.
void | setPositioner (Positioner *newPositioner) |
| Sets a new Positioner object for this component.
void | setCachedComponentImage (CachedComponentImage *newCachedImage) |
| Gives the component a CachedComponentImage that should be used to buffer its painting.
CachedComponentImage * | getCachedComponentImage () const noexcept |
| Returns the object that was set by setCachedComponentImage().
void | setViewportIgnoreDragFlag (bool ignoreDrag) noexcept |
| Sets a flag to indicate whether mouse drag events on this Component should be ignored when it is inside a Viewport with drag-to-scroll functionality enabled.
bool | getViewportIgnoreDragFlag () const noexcept |
| Retrieves the current state of the Viewport drag-to-scroll functionality flag.
String | getTitle () const noexcept |
| Returns the title text for this component.
void | setTitle (const String &newTitle) |
| Sets the title for this component.
String | getDescription () const noexcept |
| Returns the description for this component.
void | setDescription (const String &newDescription) |
| Sets the description for this component.
String | getHelpText () const noexcept |
| Returns the help text for this component.
void | setHelpText (const String &newHelpText) |
| Sets the help text for this component.
void | setAccessible (bool shouldBeAccessible) |
| Sets whether this component and its children are visible to accessibility clients.
bool | isAccessible () const noexcept |
| Returns true if this component and its children are visible to accessibility clients.
AccessibilityHandler * | getAccessibilityHandler () |
| Returns the accessibility handler for this component, or nullptr if this component is not accessible.
void | invalidateAccessibilityHandler () |
| Invalidates the AccessibilityHandler that is currently being used for this component.
virtual std::unique_ptr< AccessibilityHandler > | createAccessibilityHandler () |
| Override this method to return a custom AccessibilityHandler for this component.
virtual | ~MouseListener ()=default |
| Destructor.