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class  AnimatedAppComponent
 A base class for writing simple one-page graphical apps. More...
class  AppleRemoteDevice
 Receives events from an Apple IR remote control device (Only available in OSX!). More...
class  BubbleMessageComponent
 A speech-bubble component that displays a short message. More...
class  ColourSelector
 A component that lets the user choose a colour. More...
class  KeyMappingEditorComponent
 A component to allow editing of the keymaps stored by a KeyPressMappingSet object. More...
class  PreferencesPanel
 A component with a set of buttons at the top for changing between pages of preferences. More...
class  PushNotifications
 Singleton class responsible for push notifications functionality. More...
struct  PushNotifications::Notification
 Represents a notification that can be sent or received. More...
struct  PushNotifications::Notification::Action
 Represents an action on a notification that can be presented as a button or a text input. More...
struct  PushNotifications::Notification::Progress
 Used to represent a progress of some operation. More...
struct  PushNotifications::Notification::LedBlinkPattern
 Allows to control the time the device's led is on and off. More...
struct  PushNotifications::Settings
 Describes settings we want to use for current device. More...
struct  PushNotifications::Settings::Category
 Describes a category of a notification. More...
struct  PushNotifications::Channel
 Android API level 26 or higher only: Represents notification channel through which notifications will be sent. More...
struct  PushNotifications::ChannelGroup
 Android API level 26 or higher only: represents a channel group. More...
struct  PushNotifications::Listener
 Register a listener (ideally on application startup) to receive information about notifications received and any callbacks to async functions called. More...
class  RecentlyOpenedFilesList
 Manages a set of files for use as a list of recently-opened documents. More...
class  SplashScreen
 A component for showing a splash screen while your app starts up. More...
class  SystemTrayIconComponent
 This component sits in the taskbar tray as a small icon. More...
class  WebViewLifetimeListener
 Type for a listener registered with WebBrowserComponent::Options::withWebViewLifetimeListener. More...
class  WebBrowserComponent
 A component that displays an embedded web browser. More...
struct  WebBrowserComponent::Resource
 A resource returned by a ResourceProvider. More...
class  WebBrowserComponent::Options
 Options to configure WebBrowserComponent. More...
class  WebBrowserComponent::Options::WinWebView2
 Options specific to the WebView2 backend. More...
class  WebBrowserComponent::Options::AppleWkWebView
 Options specific to the WkWebView backend used on Apple systems. More...
class  WebBrowserComponent::EvaluationResult
 On MacOS, iOS and Linux getResult will return a nullptr if the evaluation failed. More...
struct  WebBrowserComponent::EvaluationResult::Error
 A simple error type class. More...
class  WebControlParameterIndexReceiver
 This is a helper class for implementing AudioProcessorEditor::getControlParameterIndex with GUIs using a WebBrowserComponent. More...
class  WebSliderRelay
 Helper class that relays audio parameter information to an object inside a WebBrowserComponent. More...
struct  WebSliderRelay::Listener
class  WebToggleButtonRelay
 Helper class that relays audio parameter information to an object inside a WebBrowserComponent. More...
struct  WebToggleButtonRelay::Listener
class  WebComboBoxRelay
 Helper class that relays audio parameter information to an object inside a WebBrowserComponent. More...
struct  WebComboBoxRelay::Listener


#define JUCE_LIVE_CONSTANT(initialValue)    (juce::LiveConstantEditor::getValue (__FILE__, __LINE__ - 1, initialValue).get())
 This macro wraps a primitive constant value in some cunning boilerplate code that allows its value to be interactively tweaked in a popup window while your application is running.

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation


#define JUCE_LIVE_CONSTANT ( initialValue)     (juce::LiveConstantEditor::getValue (__FILE__, __LINE__ - 1, initialValue).get())

This macro wraps a primitive constant value in some cunning boilerplate code that allows its value to be interactively tweaked in a popup window while your application is running.

In a release build, this macro disappears and is replaced by only the constant that it wraps, but if JUCE_ENABLE_LIVE_CONSTANT_EDITOR is enabled, it injects a class wrapper that automatically pops-up a window containing an editor that allows the value to be tweaked at run-time. The editor window will also force all visible components to be resized and repainted whenever a value is changed, so that if you use this to wrap a colour or layout parameter, you'll be able to immediately see the effects of changing it.

The editor will also load the original source-file that contains each JUCE_LIVE_CONSTANT macro, and will display a preview of the modified source code as you adjust the values.

Things to note:

  • Only one of these per line! The FILE and LINE macros are used to identify the value, so things will get confused if you have more than one per line
  • Obviously because it needs to load the source code based on the FILE macro, it'll only work if the source files are stored locally in the same location as they were when you compiled the program.
  • It's only designed to cope with simple types: primitives, string literals, and the Colour class, so if you try using it for other classes or complex expressions, good luck!
  • The editor window will get popped up whenever a new value is used for the first time. You can close the window, but there's no way to get it back without restarting the app!

e.g. in this example the colours, font size, and text used in the paint method can all be adjusted live:

void MyComp::paint (Graphics& g) override
g.fillAll (JUCE_LIVE_CONSTANT (Colour (0xffddddff)));
Colour fontColour = JUCE_LIVE_CONSTANT (Colour (0xff005500));
float fontSize = JUCE_LIVE_CONSTANT (16.0f);
g.setColour (fontColour);
g.setFont (fontSize);
g.drawFittedText (JUCE_LIVE_CONSTANT ("Hello world!"),
getLocalBounds(), Justification::centred, 2);
Represents a colour, also including a transparency value.
Definition juce_Colour.h:50
A graphics context, used for drawing a component or image.
Definition juce_GraphicsContext.h:57
void setFont(const Font &newFont)
Changes the font to use for subsequent text-drawing functions.
void drawFittedText(const String &text, int x, int y, int width, int height, Justification justificationFlags, int maximumNumberOfLines, float minimumHorizontalScale=0.0f) const
Tries to draw a text string inside a given space.
void fillAll() const
Fills the context's entire clip region with the current colour or brush.
void setColour(Colour newColour)
Changes the current drawing colour.
@ centred
Indicates that the item should be centred vertically and horizontally.
Definition juce_Justification.h:150
#define JUCE_LIVE_CONSTANT(initialValue)
This macro wraps a primitive constant value in some cunning boilerplate code that allows its value to...
Definition juce_LiveConstantEditor.h:308


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