struct | dsp::FastMathApproximations |
| This class contains various fast mathematical function approximations. More...
class | dsp::LogRampedValue< FloatType > |
| Utility class for logarithmically smoothed linear values. More...
class | dsp::LookupTable< FloatType > |
| Class for efficiently approximating expensive arithmetic operations. More...
class | dsp::LookupTableTransform< FloatType > |
| Class for approximating expensive arithmetic operations. More...
class | dsp::Matrix< ElementType > |
| General matrix and vectors class, meant for classic math manipulation such as additions, multiplications, and linear systems of equations solving. More...
struct | dsp::Phase< Type > |
| Represents an increasing phase value between 0 and 2*pi. More...
class | dsp::Polynomial< FloatingType > |
| A class representing a polynomial. More...
struct | dsp::SpecialFunctions |
| Contains miscellaneous filter design and windowing functions. More...