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StandardApplicationCommandIDs Namespace Reference

A set of general-purpose application command IDs. More...


enum  {
  quit = 0x1001 , del = 0x1002 , cut = 0x1003 , copy = 0x1004 ,
  paste = 0x1005 , selectAll = 0x1006 , deselectAll = 0x1007 , undo = 0x1008 ,
  redo = 0x1009

Detailed Description

A set of general-purpose application command IDs.

Because these commands are likely to be used in most apps, they're defined here to help different apps to use the same numeric values for them.

Of course you don't have to use these, but some of them are used internally by JUCE - e.g. the quit ID is recognised as a command by the JUCEApplication class.

See also
ApplicationCommandInfo, ApplicationCommandManager, ApplicationCommandTarget, KeyPressMappingSet

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

This command ID should be used to send a "Quit the App" command.

This command is recognised by the JUCEApplication class, so if it is invoked and no other ApplicationCommandTarget handles the event first, the JUCEApplication object will catch it and call JUCEApplicationBase::systemRequestedQuit().


The command ID that should be used to send a "Delete" command.


The command ID that should be used to send a "Cut" command.


The command ID that should be used to send a "Copy to clipboard" command.


The command ID that should be used to send a "Paste from clipboard" command.


The command ID that should be used to send a "Select all" command.


The command ID that should be used to send a "Deselect all" command.


The command ID that should be used to send a "undo" command.


The command ID that should be used to send a "redo" command.

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