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ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation Class Referenceabstract

This class contains the customisation points for the JUCE provided ARA document controller implementation. More...

#include <juce_ARADocumentController.h>

Inheritance diagram for ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation:

Public Member Functions

 ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation (const ARA::PlugIn::PlugInEntry *entry, const ARA::ARADocumentControllerHostInstance *instance)
virtual ~ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation ()
ARA::PlugIn::DocumentController * getDocumentController () noexcept
 Returns the underlying DocumentController object that references this specialisation.
template<typename DocumentType = ARADocument>
DocumentType * getDocument ()
 Returns a pointer to the ARA document root maintained by this document controller.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ARADocumentListener
virtual ~ARADocumentListener ()=default
virtual void willBeginEditing (ARADocument *document)
 Called before the document enters an editing state.
virtual void didEndEditing (ARADocument *document)
 Called after the document exits an editing state.
virtual void willNotifyModelUpdates (ARADocument *document)
 Called before sending model updates do the host.
virtual void didNotifyModelUpdates (ARADocument *document)
 Called after sending model updates do the host.
virtual void willUpdateDocumentProperties (ARADocument *document, ARA::PlugIn::PropertiesPtr< ARA::ARADocumentProperties > newProperties)
 Called before the document's properties are updated.
virtual void didUpdateDocumentProperties (ARADocument *document)
 Called after the document's properties are updated.
virtual void didAddMusicalContextToDocument (ARADocument *document, ARAMusicalContext *musicalContext)
 Called after a musical context is added to the document.
virtual void willRemoveMusicalContextFromDocument (ARADocument *document, ARAMusicalContext *musicalContext)
 Called before a musical context is removed from the document.
virtual void didReorderMusicalContextsInDocument (ARADocument *document)
 Called after the musical contexts are reordered in an ARA document.
virtual void didAddRegionSequenceToDocument (ARADocument *document, ARARegionSequence *regionSequence)
 Called after a region sequence is added to the document.
virtual void willRemoveRegionSequenceFromDocument (ARADocument *document, ARARegionSequence *regionSequence)
 Called before a region sequence is removed from the document.
virtual void didReorderRegionSequencesInDocument (ARADocument *document)
 Called after the region sequences are reordered in an ARA document.
virtual void didAddAudioSourceToDocument (ARADocument *document, ARAAudioSource *audioSource)
 Called after an audio source is added to the document.
virtual void willRemoveAudioSourceFromDocument (ARADocument *document, ARAAudioSource *audioSource)
 Called before an audio source is removed from the document.
virtual void willDestroyDocument (ARADocument *document)
 Called before the document is destroyed by the ARA host.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ARAMusicalContextListener
virtual ~ARAMusicalContextListener ()=default
virtual void willUpdateMusicalContextProperties (ARAMusicalContext *musicalContext, ARA::PlugIn::PropertiesPtr< ARA::ARAMusicalContextProperties > newProperties)
 Called before the musical context's properties are updated.
virtual void didUpdateMusicalContextProperties (ARAMusicalContext *musicalContext)
 Called after the musical context's properties are updated by the host.
virtual void doUpdateMusicalContextContent (ARAMusicalContext *musicalContext, ARAContentUpdateScopes scopeFlags)
 Called when the musical context's content (i.e tempo entries or chords) changes.
virtual void didAddRegionSequenceToMusicalContext (ARAMusicalContext *musicalContext, ARARegionSequence *regionSequence)
 Called after a region sequence is added to the musical context.
virtual void willRemoveRegionSequenceFromMusicalContext (ARAMusicalContext *musicalContext, ARARegionSequence *regionSequence)
 Called before a region sequence is removed from the musical context.
virtual void didReorderRegionSequencesInMusicalContext (ARAMusicalContext *musicalContext)
 Called after the region sequences are reordered in an ARA MusicalContext.
virtual void willDestroyMusicalContext (ARAMusicalContext *musicalContext)
 Called before the musical context is destroyed.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ARARegionSequenceListener
virtual ~ARARegionSequenceListener ()=default
virtual void willUpdateRegionSequenceProperties (ARARegionSequence *regionSequence, ARA::PlugIn::PropertiesPtr< ARA::ARARegionSequenceProperties > newProperties)
 Called before the region sequence's properties are updated.
virtual void didUpdateRegionSequenceProperties (ARARegionSequence *regionSequence)
 Called after the region sequence's properties are updated.
virtual void willRemovePlaybackRegionFromRegionSequence (ARARegionSequence *regionSequence, ARAPlaybackRegion *playbackRegion)
 Called before a playback region is removed from the region sequence.
virtual void didAddPlaybackRegionToRegionSequence (ARARegionSequence *regionSequence, ARAPlaybackRegion *playbackRegion)
 Called after a playback region is added to the region sequence.
virtual void willDestroyRegionSequence (ARARegionSequence *regionSequence)
 Called before the region sequence is destroyed.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ARAAudioSourceListener
virtual ~ARAAudioSourceListener ()=default
virtual void willUpdateAudioSourceProperties (ARAAudioSource *audioSource, ARA::PlugIn::PropertiesPtr< ARA::ARAAudioSourceProperties > newProperties)
 Called before the audio source's properties are updated.
virtual void didUpdateAudioSourceProperties (ARAAudioSource *audioSource)
 Called after the audio source's properties are updated.
virtual void doUpdateAudioSourceContent (ARAAudioSource *audioSource, ARAContentUpdateScopes scopeFlags)
 Called when the audio source's content (i.e.
virtual void didUpdateAudioSourceAnalysisProgress (ARAAudioSource *audioSource, ARA::ARAAnalysisProgressState state, float progress)
 Called to notify progress when an audio source is being analyzed.
virtual void willEnableAudioSourceSamplesAccess (ARAAudioSource *audioSource, bool enable)
 Called before access to an audio source's samples is enabled or disabled.
virtual void didEnableAudioSourceSamplesAccess (ARAAudioSource *audioSource, bool enable)
 Called after access to an audio source's samples is enabled or disabled.
virtual void willDeactivateAudioSourceForUndoHistory (ARAAudioSource *audioSource, bool deactivate)
 Called before an audio source is activated or deactivated when being removed / added from the host's undo history.
virtual void didDeactivateAudioSourceForUndoHistory (ARAAudioSource *audioSource, bool deactivate)
 Called after an audio source is activated or deactivated when being removed / added from the host's undo history.
virtual void didAddAudioModificationToAudioSource (ARAAudioSource *audioSource, ARAAudioModification *audioModification)
 Called after an audio modification is added to the audio source.
virtual void willRemoveAudioModificationFromAudioSource (ARAAudioSource *audioSource, ARAAudioModification *audioModification)
 Called before an audio modification is removed from the audio source.
virtual void willDestroyAudioSource (ARAAudioSource *audioSource)
 Called before the audio source is destroyed.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ARAAudioModificationListener
virtual ~ARAAudioModificationListener ()=default
virtual void willUpdateAudioModificationProperties (ARAAudioModification *audioModification, ARA::PlugIn::PropertiesPtr< ARA::ARAAudioModificationProperties > newProperties)
 Called before the audio modification's properties are updated.
virtual void didUpdateAudioModificationProperties (ARAAudioModification *audioModification)
 Called after the audio modification's properties are updated.
virtual void didUpdateAudioModificationContent (ARAAudioModification *audioModification, ARAContentUpdateScopes scopeFlags)
 Called when the audio modification's content (i.e.
virtual void willDeactivateAudioModificationForUndoHistory (ARAAudioModification *audioModification, bool deactivate)
 Called before an audio modification is activated or deactivated when being removed / added from the host's undo history.
virtual void didDeactivateAudioModificationForUndoHistory (ARAAudioModification *audioModification, bool deactivate)
 Called after an audio modification is activated or deactivated when being removed / added from the host's undo history.
virtual void didAddPlaybackRegionToAudioModification (ARAAudioModification *audioModification, ARAPlaybackRegion *playbackRegion)
 Called after a playback region is added to the audio modification.
virtual void willRemovePlaybackRegionFromAudioModification (ARAAudioModification *audioModification, ARAPlaybackRegion *playbackRegion)
 Called before a playback region is removed from the audio modification.
virtual void willDestroyAudioModification (ARAAudioModification *audioModification)
 Called before the audio modification is destroyed.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ARAPlaybackRegionListener
virtual ~ARAPlaybackRegionListener ()=default
virtual void willUpdatePlaybackRegionProperties (ARAPlaybackRegion *playbackRegion, ARA::PlugIn::PropertiesPtr< ARA::ARAPlaybackRegionProperties > newProperties)
 Called before the playback region's properties are updated.
virtual void didUpdatePlaybackRegionProperties (ARAPlaybackRegion *playbackRegion)
 Called after the playback region's properties are updated.
virtual void didUpdatePlaybackRegionContent (ARAPlaybackRegion *playbackRegion, ARAContentUpdateScopes scopeFlags)
 Called when the playback region's content (i.e.
virtual void willDestroyPlaybackRegion (ARAPlaybackRegion *playbackRegion)
 Called before the playback region is destroyed.

Static Public Member Functions

template<typename SpecialisationType >
static const ARA::ARAFactory * createARAFactory ()
 Helper function for implementing the global createARAFactory() function.
template<typename Specialisation = ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation>
static Specialisation * getSpecialisedDocumentController (ARA::PlugIn::DocumentController *dc)
 Returns a pointer to the ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation instance that is referenced by the provided DocumentController.

Protected Member Functions

virtual bool doRestoreObjectsFromStream (ARAInputStream &input, const ARARestoreObjectsFilter *filter)=0
 Read an ARADocument archive from a juce::InputStream.
virtual bool doStoreObjectsToStream (ARAOutputStream &output, const ARAStoreObjectsFilter *filter)=0
 Write an ARADocument archive to a juce::OutputStream.
virtual ARAPlaybackRendererdoCreatePlaybackRenderer ()
 Override to return a custom subclass instance of ARAPlaybackRenderer.
virtual ARAEditorRendererdoCreateEditorRenderer ()
 Override to return a custom subclass instance of ARAEditorRenderer.
virtual ARAEditorViewdoCreateEditorView ()
 Override to return a custom subclass instance of ARAEditorView.
virtual bool doIsAudioSourceContentAvailable (const ARA::PlugIn::AudioSource *audioSource, ARA::ARAContentType type)
 Override to implement isAudioSourceContentAvailable() for all your supported content types - the default implementation always returns false, preventing any calls to doGetAudioSourceContentGrade() and doCreateAudioSourceContentReader().
virtual ARA::ARAContentGrade doGetAudioSourceContentGrade (const ARA::PlugIn::AudioSource *audioSource, ARA::ARAContentType type)
 Override to implement getAudioSourceContentGrade() for all your supported content types.
virtual ARA::PlugIn::ContentReader * doCreateAudioSourceContentReader (ARA::PlugIn::AudioSource *audioSource, ARA::ARAContentType type, const ARA::ARAContentTimeRange *range)
 Override to implement createAudioSourceContentReader() for all your supported content types, returning a custom subclass instance of ContentReader providing data of the requested type.
virtual bool doIsAudioModificationContentAvailable (const ARA::PlugIn::AudioModification *audioModification, ARA::ARAContentType type)
 Override to implement isAudioModificationContentAvailable() for all your supported content types - the default implementation always returns false.
virtual ARA::ARAContentGrade doGetAudioModificationContentGrade (const ARA::PlugIn::AudioModification *audioModification, ARA::ARAContentType type)
 Override to implement getAudioModificationContentGrade() for all your supported content types.
virtual ARA::PlugIn::ContentReader * doCreateAudioModificationContentReader (ARA::PlugIn::AudioModification *audioModification, ARA::ARAContentType type, const ARA::ARAContentTimeRange *range)
 Override to implement createAudioModificationContentReader() for all your supported content types, returning a custom subclass instance of ContentReader providing data of the requested type.
virtual bool doIsPlaybackRegionContentAvailable (const ARA::PlugIn::PlaybackRegion *playbackRegion, ARA::ARAContentType type)
 Override to implement isPlaybackRegionContentAvailable() for all your supported content types - the default implementation always returns false.
virtual ARA::ARAContentGrade doGetPlaybackRegionContentGrade (const ARA::PlugIn::PlaybackRegion *playbackRegion, ARA::ARAContentType type)
 Override to implement getPlaybackRegionContentGrade() for all your supported content types.
virtual ARA::PlugIn::ContentReader * doCreatePlaybackRegionContentReader (ARA::PlugIn::PlaybackRegion *playbackRegion, ARA::ARAContentType type, const ARA::ARAContentTimeRange *range)
 Override to implement createPlaybackRegionContentReader() for all your supported content types, returning a custom subclass instance of ContentReader providing data of the requested type.
virtual void doGetPlaybackRegionHeadAndTailTime (const ARA::PlugIn::PlaybackRegion *playbackRegion, ARA::ARATimeDuration *headTime, ARA::ARATimeDuration *tailTime)
 Override to implement getPlaybackRegionHeadAndTailTime().
virtual bool doIsAudioSourceContentAnalysisIncomplete (const ARA::PlugIn::AudioSource *audioSource, ARA::ARAContentType type)
 Override to implement isAudioSourceContentAnalysisIncomplete().
virtual void doRequestAudioSourceContentAnalysis (ARA::PlugIn::AudioSource *audioSource, std::vector< ARA::ARAContentType > const &contentTypes)
 Override to implement requestAudioSourceContentAnalysis().
virtual ARA::ARAInt32 doGetProcessingAlgorithmsCount ()
 Override to implement getProcessingAlgorithmsCount().
virtual const ARA::ARAProcessingAlgorithmProperties * doGetProcessingAlgorithmProperties (ARA::ARAInt32 algorithmIndex)
 Override to implement getProcessingAlgorithmProperties().
virtual ARA::ARAInt32 doGetProcessingAlgorithmForAudioSource (const ARA::PlugIn::AudioSource *audioSource)
 Override to implement getProcessingAlgorithmForAudioSource().
virtual void doRequestProcessingAlgorithmForAudioSource (ARA::PlugIn::AudioSource *audioSource, ARA::ARAInt32 algorithmIndex)
 Override to implement requestProcessingAlgorithmForAudioSource().
virtual ARADocumentdoCreateDocument ()
 Override to return a custom subclass instance of ARADocument.
virtual ARAMusicalContextdoCreateMusicalContext (ARADocument *document, ARA::ARAMusicalContextHostRef hostRef)
 Override to return a custom subclass instance of ARAMusicalContext.
virtual ARARegionSequencedoCreateRegionSequence (ARADocument *document, ARA::ARARegionSequenceHostRef hostRef)
 Override to return a custom subclass instance of ARARegionSequence.
virtual ARAAudioSourcedoCreateAudioSource (ARADocument *document, ARA::ARAAudioSourceHostRef hostRef)
 Override to return a custom subclass instance of ARAAudioSource.
virtual ARAAudioModificationdoCreateAudioModification (ARAAudioSource *audioSource, ARA::ARAAudioModificationHostRef hostRef, const ARAAudioModification *optionalModificationToClone)
 Override to return a custom subclass instance of ARAAudioModification.
virtual ARAPlaybackRegiondoCreatePlaybackRegion (ARAAudioModification *modification, ARA::ARAPlaybackRegionHostRef hostRef)
 Override to return a custom subclass instance of ARAPlaybackRegion.

Detailed Description

This class contains the customisation points for the JUCE provided ARA document controller implementation.

Every ARA enabled plugin must provide its own document controller implementation. To do this, inherit from this class, and override its protected methods as needed. Then you need to implement a global function somewhere in your module called createARAFactory(). This function must return an ARAFactory* that will instantiate document controller objects using your specialisation. There are helper functions inside ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation, so the implementation of createARAFactory() can always be a simple one-liner. For example

class MyDocumentController : public ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation
const ARA::ARAFactory* JUCE_CALLTYPE createARAFactory()
return juce::ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation::createARAFactory<MyDocumentController>();
This class contains the customisation points for the JUCE provided ARA document controller implementa...
Definition juce_ARADocumentController.h:95
static const ARA::ARAFactory * createARAFactory()
Helper function for implementing the global createARAFactory() function.
Definition juce_ARADocumentController.h:127
This macro defines the C calling convention used as the standard for JUCE calls.
Definition juce_PlatformDefs.h:49

Most member functions have a default implementation so you can build up your required feature set gradually. The protected functions of this class fall in three distinct groups:

On top of the pure virtual functions, you will probably want to override doCreatePlaybackRenderer() at the very least if you want your plugin to play any sound. This function belongs to the first group.

If your plugin has analysis capabilities and wants to allow the host to access these, functions in the second group should be overridden.

The default implementation of the ARA model object classes - i.e. ARADocument, ARAMusicalContext, ARARegionSequence, ARAAudioSource, ARAAudioModification, ARAPlaybackRegion - should be sufficient for maintaining a representation of the ARA model graph, hence overriding the model object creation functions e.g. doCreateMusicalContext() is considered an advanced use case. Hence you should be able to get a lot done without overriding functions in the third group.

In order to react to the various ARA state changes you can override any of the ARA model object Listener functions that ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation inherits from. Such listener functions can be attached to one particular model objects instance, but the listener functions inside ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation will respond to the events of all instances of the model objects.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation()

ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation::ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation ( const ARA::PlugIn::PlugInEntry * entry,
const ARA::ARADocumentControllerHostInstance * instance )


Used internally by the ARAFactory implementation.

◆ ~ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation()

virtual ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation::~ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ getDocumentController()

ARA::PlugIn::DocumentController * ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation::getDocumentController ( )

Returns the underlying DocumentController object that references this specialisation.

◆ createARAFactory()

template<typename SpecialisationType >
static const ARA::ARAFactory * ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation::createARAFactory ( )

Helper function for implementing the global createARAFactory() function.

For example

class MyDocumentController : public ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation
const ARA::ARAFactory* JUCE_CALLTYPE createARAFactory()
return juce::ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation::createARAFactory<MyDocumentController>();

◆ getSpecialisedDocumentController()

template<typename Specialisation = ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation>
static Specialisation * ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation::getSpecialisedDocumentController ( ARA::PlugIn::DocumentController * dc)

Returns a pointer to the ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation instance that is referenced by the provided DocumentController.

You can use this function to access your specialisation from anywhere where you have access to ARA::PlugIn::DocumentController*.

◆ getDocument()

template<typename DocumentType = ARADocument>
DocumentType * ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation::getDocument ( )

Returns a pointer to the ARA document root maintained by this document controller.

◆ doRestoreObjectsFromStream()

virtual bool ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation::doRestoreObjectsFromStream ( ARAInputStream & input,
const ARARestoreObjectsFilter * filter )
protectedpure virtual

Read an ARADocument archive from a juce::InputStream.

inputData stream containing previously persisted data to be used when restoring the ARADocument
filterA filter to be applied to the stream

Return true if the operation is successful.

See also

◆ doStoreObjectsToStream()

virtual bool ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation::doStoreObjectsToStream ( ARAOutputStream & output,
const ARAStoreObjectsFilter * filter )
protectedpure virtual

Write an ARADocument archive to a juce::OutputStream.

outputData stream that should be used to write the persistent ARADocument data
filterA filter to be applied to the stream

Returns true if the operation is successful.

See also

◆ doCreatePlaybackRenderer()

virtual ARAPlaybackRenderer * ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation::doCreatePlaybackRenderer ( )

Override to return a custom subclass instance of ARAPlaybackRenderer.

◆ doCreateEditorRenderer()

virtual ARAEditorRenderer * ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation::doCreateEditorRenderer ( )

Override to return a custom subclass instance of ARAEditorRenderer.

◆ doCreateEditorView()

virtual ARAEditorView * ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation::doCreateEditorView ( )

Override to return a custom subclass instance of ARAEditorView.

◆ doIsAudioSourceContentAvailable()

virtual bool ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation::doIsAudioSourceContentAvailable ( const ARA::PlugIn::AudioSource * audioSource,
ARA::ARAContentType type )

Override to implement isAudioSourceContentAvailable() for all your supported content types - the default implementation always returns false, preventing any calls to doGetAudioSourceContentGrade() and doCreateAudioSourceContentReader().

This function's result is returned from ARA::PlugIn::DocumentControllerDelegate::doIsAudioSourceContentAvailable.

◆ doGetAudioSourceContentGrade()

virtual ARA::ARAContentGrade ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation::doGetAudioSourceContentGrade ( const ARA::PlugIn::AudioSource * audioSource,
ARA::ARAContentType type )

Override to implement getAudioSourceContentGrade() for all your supported content types.

This function's result is returned from ARA::PlugIn::DocumentControllerDelegate::doGetAudioSourceContentGrade.

◆ doCreateAudioSourceContentReader()

virtual ARA::PlugIn::ContentReader * ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation::doCreateAudioSourceContentReader ( ARA::PlugIn::AudioSource * audioSource,
ARA::ARAContentType type,
const ARA::ARAContentTimeRange * range )

Override to implement createAudioSourceContentReader() for all your supported content types, returning a custom subclass instance of ContentReader providing data of the requested type.

This function's result is returned from ARA::PlugIn::DocumentControllerDelegate::doCreateAudioSourceContentReader.

◆ doIsAudioModificationContentAvailable()

virtual bool ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation::doIsAudioModificationContentAvailable ( const ARA::PlugIn::AudioModification * audioModification,
ARA::ARAContentType type )

Override to implement isAudioModificationContentAvailable() for all your supported content types - the default implementation always returns false.

For read-only data directly inherited from the underlying audio source you can just delegate the call to the audio source, but user-editable modification data must be specifically handled here.

This function's result is returned from ARA::PlugIn::DocumentControllerDelegate::doIsAudioModificationContentAvailable.

◆ doGetAudioModificationContentGrade()

virtual ARA::ARAContentGrade ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation::doGetAudioModificationContentGrade ( const ARA::PlugIn::AudioModification * audioModification,
ARA::ARAContentType type )

Override to implement getAudioModificationContentGrade() for all your supported content types.

For read-only data directly inherited from the underlying audio source you can just delegate the call to the audio source, but user-editable modification data must be specifically handled here.

This function's result is returned from ARA::PlugIn::DocumentControllerDelegate::doGetAudioModificationContentGrade.

◆ doCreateAudioModificationContentReader()

virtual ARA::PlugIn::ContentReader * ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation::doCreateAudioModificationContentReader ( ARA::PlugIn::AudioModification * audioModification,
ARA::ARAContentType type,
const ARA::ARAContentTimeRange * range )

Override to implement createAudioModificationContentReader() for all your supported content types, returning a custom subclass instance of ContentReader providing data of the requested type.

For read-only data directly inherited from the underlying audio source you can just delegate the call to the audio source, but user-editable modification data must be specifically handled here.

This function's result is returned from ARA::PlugIn::DocumentControllerDelegate::doCreateAudioModificationContentReader.

◆ doIsPlaybackRegionContentAvailable()

virtual bool ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation::doIsPlaybackRegionContentAvailable ( const ARA::PlugIn::PlaybackRegion * playbackRegion,
ARA::ARAContentType type )

Override to implement isPlaybackRegionContentAvailable() for all your supported content types - the default implementation always returns false.

Typically, this call can directly delegate to the underlying audio modification, since most plug-ins will apply their modification data to the playback region with a transformation that does not affect content availability.

This function's result is returned from ARA::PlugIn::DocumentControllerDelegate::doIsPlaybackRegionContentAvailable.

◆ doGetPlaybackRegionContentGrade()

virtual ARA::ARAContentGrade ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation::doGetPlaybackRegionContentGrade ( const ARA::PlugIn::PlaybackRegion * playbackRegion,
ARA::ARAContentType type )

Override to implement getPlaybackRegionContentGrade() for all your supported content types.

Typically, this call can directly delegate to the underlying audio modification, since most plug-ins will apply their modification data to the playback region with a transformation that does not affect content grade.

This function's result is returned from ARA::PlugIn::DocumentControllerDelegate::doGetPlaybackRegionContentGrade.

◆ doCreatePlaybackRegionContentReader()

virtual ARA::PlugIn::ContentReader * ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation::doCreatePlaybackRegionContentReader ( ARA::PlugIn::PlaybackRegion * playbackRegion,
ARA::ARAContentType type,
const ARA::ARAContentTimeRange * range )

Override to implement createPlaybackRegionContentReader() for all your supported content types, returning a custom subclass instance of ContentReader providing data of the requested type.

This function's result is returned from ARA::PlugIn::DocumentControllerDelegate::doCreatePlaybackRegionContentReader.

◆ doGetPlaybackRegionHeadAndTailTime()

virtual void ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation::doGetPlaybackRegionHeadAndTailTime ( const ARA::PlugIn::PlaybackRegion * playbackRegion,
ARA::ARATimeDuration * headTime,
ARA::ARATimeDuration * tailTime )

Override to implement getPlaybackRegionHeadAndTailTime().

This function is called within ARA::PlugIn::DocumentControllerDelegate::doGetPlaybackRegionHeadAndTailTime.

◆ doIsAudioSourceContentAnalysisIncomplete()

virtual bool ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation::doIsAudioSourceContentAnalysisIncomplete ( const ARA::PlugIn::AudioSource * audioSource,
ARA::ARAContentType type )

Override to implement isAudioSourceContentAnalysisIncomplete().

This function's result is returned from ARA::PlugIn::DocumentControllerDelegate::doIsAudioSourceContentAnalysisIncomplete.

◆ doRequestAudioSourceContentAnalysis()

virtual void ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation::doRequestAudioSourceContentAnalysis ( ARA::PlugIn::AudioSource * audioSource,
std::vector< ARA::ARAContentType > const & contentTypes )

Override to implement requestAudioSourceContentAnalysis().

This function's called from ARA::PlugIn::DocumentControllerDelegate::doRequestAudioSourceContentAnalysis.

◆ doGetProcessingAlgorithmsCount()

virtual ARA::ARAInt32 ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation::doGetProcessingAlgorithmsCount ( )

Override to implement getProcessingAlgorithmsCount().

This function's result is returned from ARA::PlugIn::DocumentControllerDelegate::doGetProcessingAlgorithmsCount.

◆ doGetProcessingAlgorithmProperties()

virtual const ARA::ARAProcessingAlgorithmProperties * ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation::doGetProcessingAlgorithmProperties ( ARA::ARAInt32 algorithmIndex)

Override to implement getProcessingAlgorithmProperties().

This function's result is returned from ARA::PlugIn::DocumentControllerDelegate::doGetProcessingAlgorithmProperties.

◆ doGetProcessingAlgorithmForAudioSource()

virtual ARA::ARAInt32 ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation::doGetProcessingAlgorithmForAudioSource ( const ARA::PlugIn::AudioSource * audioSource)

Override to implement getProcessingAlgorithmForAudioSource().

This function's result is returned from ARA::PlugIn::DocumentControllerDelegate::doGetProcessingAlgorithmForAudioSource.

◆ doRequestProcessingAlgorithmForAudioSource()

virtual void ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation::doRequestProcessingAlgorithmForAudioSource ( ARA::PlugIn::AudioSource * audioSource,
ARA::ARAInt32 algorithmIndex )

Override to implement requestProcessingAlgorithmForAudioSource().

This function's called from ARA::PlugIn::DocumentControllerDelegate::doRequestProcessingAlgorithmForAudioSource.

◆ doCreateDocument()

virtual ARADocument * ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation::doCreateDocument ( )

Override to return a custom subclass instance of ARADocument.

◆ doCreateMusicalContext()

virtual ARAMusicalContext * ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation::doCreateMusicalContext ( ARADocument * document,
ARA::ARAMusicalContextHostRef hostRef )

Override to return a custom subclass instance of ARAMusicalContext.

◆ doCreateRegionSequence()

virtual ARARegionSequence * ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation::doCreateRegionSequence ( ARADocument * document,
ARA::ARARegionSequenceHostRef hostRef )

Override to return a custom subclass instance of ARARegionSequence.

◆ doCreateAudioSource()

virtual ARAAudioSource * ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation::doCreateAudioSource ( ARADocument * document,
ARA::ARAAudioSourceHostRef hostRef )

Override to return a custom subclass instance of ARAAudioSource.

◆ doCreateAudioModification()

virtual ARAAudioModification * ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation::doCreateAudioModification ( ARAAudioSource * audioSource,
ARA::ARAAudioModificationHostRef hostRef,
const ARAAudioModification * optionalModificationToClone )

Override to return a custom subclass instance of ARAAudioModification.

◆ doCreatePlaybackRegion()

virtual ARAPlaybackRegion * ARADocumentControllerSpecialisation::doCreatePlaybackRegion ( ARAAudioModification * modification,
ARA::ARAPlaybackRegionHostRef hostRef )

Override to return a custom subclass instance of ARAPlaybackRegion.

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