No Matches


class  OSCAddress
 An OSC address. More...
class  OSCAddressPattern
 An OSC address pattern. More...
class  OSCArgument
 An OSC argument. More...
class  OSCBundle
 An OSC bundle. More...
class  OSCBundle::Element
 An OSC bundle element. More...
class  OSCMessage
 An OSC Message. More...
class  OSCReceiver
 A class for receiving OSC data. More...
class  OSCReceiver::Listener< CallbackType >
 A class for receiving OSC data from an OSCReceiver. More...
class  OSCReceiver::ListenerWithOSCAddress< CallbackType >
 A class for receiving only those OSC messages from an OSCReceiver that match a given OSC address. More...
class  OSCSender
 An OSC message sender. More...
class  OSCTimeTag
 An OSC time tag. More...
class  OSCTypes
 The definitions of supported OSC types and their associated OSC type tags, as defined in the OpenSoundControl 1.0 specification. More...
struct  OSCColour
 Holds a 32-bit RGBA colour for passing to and from an OSCArgument. More...
struct  OSCException
 Base class for exceptions that can be thrown by methods in the OSC module. More...
struct  OSCFormatError
 Exception type thrown when the OSC module fails to parse something because of a data format not compatible with the OpenSoundControl 1.0 specification. More...
struct  OSCInternalError
 Exception type thrown in cases of unexpected errors in the OSC module. More...


using OSCType = char
 The type used for OSC type tags.
using OSCTypeList = Array<OSCType>
 The type used for OSC type tag strings.


template<typename Arg1 , typename... Args>
 OSCMessage::OSCMessage (const OSCAddressPattern &ap, Arg1 &&arg1, Args &&... args)
 Constructs an OSCMessage object with the given address pattern and list of arguments.
template<typename... Args>
bool OSCSender::send (const OSCAddressPattern &address, Args &&... args)
 Creates a new OSC message with the specified address pattern and list of arguments, and sends it to the target.
template<typename... Args>
bool OSCSender::sendToIPAddress (const String &targetIPAddress, int targetPortNumber, const OSCAddressPattern &address, Args &&... args)
 Creates a new OSC message with the specified address pattern and list of arguments, and sends it to the target.

Detailed Description

Typedef Documentation

◆ OSCType

using OSCType = char

The type used for OSC type tags.

◆ OSCTypeList

The type used for OSC type tag strings.

Function Documentation

◆ OSCMessage()

template<typename Arg1 , typename... Args>
OSCMessage::OSCMessage ( const OSCAddressPattern & ap,
Arg1 && arg1,
Args &&... args )

Constructs an OSCMessage object with the given address pattern and list of arguments.

apthe address pattern of the message. This must be a valid OSC address (starting with a forward slash) and may contain OSC wildcard expressions. You can pass in a string literal or a juce String (they will be converted to an OSCAddressPattern automatically).
arg1the first argument of the message.
argsan optional list of further arguments to add to the message.

◆ send()

template<typename... Args>
bool OSCSender::send ( const OSCAddressPattern & address,
Args &&... args )

Creates a new OSC message with the specified address pattern and list of arguments, and sends it to the target.

addressThe OSC address pattern of the message (you can use a string literal here).
argsThe list of arguments for the message.

References OSCSender::send().

◆ sendToIPAddress()

template<typename... Args>
bool OSCSender::sendToIPAddress ( const String & targetIPAddress,
int targetPortNumber,
const OSCAddressPattern & address,
Args &&... args )

Creates a new OSC message with the specified address pattern and list of arguments, and sends it to the target.

targetIPAddressThe IP address to send to
targetPortNumberThe target port number
addressThe OSC address pattern of the message (you can use a string literal here).
argsThe list of arguments for the message.

References OSCSender::sendToIPAddress().

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