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class  ArrowButton
 A button with an arrow in it. More...
class  Button
 A base class for buttons. More...
class  Button::Listener
 Used to receive callbacks when a button is clicked. More...
struct  Button::LookAndFeelMethods
 This abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes to provide button-drawing functionality. More...
class  DrawableButton
 A button that displays a Drawable. More...
class  HyperlinkButton
 A button showing an underlined weblink, that will launch the link when it's clicked. More...
class  ImageButton
 As the title suggests, this is a button containing an image. More...
struct  ImageButton::LookAndFeelMethods
 This abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes. More...
class  ShapeButton
 A button that contains a filled shape. More...
class  TextButton
 A button that uses the standard lozenge-shaped background with a line of text on it. More...
class  ToggleButton
 A button that can be toggled on/off. More...
class  ToolbarButton
 A type of button designed to go on a toolbar. More...

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