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struct  AudioSourceChannelInfo
 Used by AudioSource::getNextAudioBlock(). More...
class  AudioSource
 Base class for objects that can produce a continuous stream of audio. More...
class  BufferingAudioSource
 An AudioSource which takes another source as input, and buffers it using a thread. More...
class  ChannelRemappingAudioSource
 An AudioSource that takes the audio from another source, and re-maps its input and output channels to a different arrangement. More...
class  IIRFilterAudioSource
 An AudioSource that performs an IIR filter on another source. More...
class  MemoryAudioSource
 An AudioSource which takes some float audio data as an input. More...
class  MixerAudioSource
 An AudioSource that mixes together the output of a set of other AudioSources. More...
class  PositionableAudioSource
 A type of AudioSource which can be repositioned. More...
class  ResamplingAudioSource
 A type of AudioSource that takes an input source and changes its sample rate. More...
class  ReverbAudioSource
 An AudioSource that uses the Reverb class to apply a reverb to another AudioSource. More...
class  ToneGeneratorAudioSource
 A simple AudioSource that generates a sine wave. More...

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