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class  MarkerList
 Holds a set of named marker points along a one-dimensional axis. More...
class  MarkerList::Marker
 Represents a marker in a MarkerList. More...
class  MarkerList::Listener
 A class for receiving events when changes are made to a MarkerList. More...
struct  MarkerList::MarkerListHolder
 A base class for objects that want to provide a MarkerList. More...
class  MarkerList::ValueTreeWrapper
 Forms a wrapper around a ValueTree that can be used for storing a MarkerList. More...
class  RelativeCoordinate
 Expresses a coordinate as a dynamically evaluated expression. More...
struct  RelativeCoordinate::Strings
 A set of static strings that are commonly used by the RelativeCoordinate class. More...
struct  RelativeCoordinate::StandardStrings
class  RelativeCoordinatePositionerBase
 Base class for Component::Positioners that are based upon relative coordinates. More...
class  RelativeCoordinatePositionerBase::ComponentScope
 Used for resolving a RelativeCoordinate expression in the context of a component. More...
class  RelativeParallelogram
 A parallelogram defined by three RelativePoint positions. More...
class  RelativePoint
 An X-Y position stored as a pair of RelativeCoordinate values. More...
class  RelativePointPath
 A path object that consists of RelativePoint coordinates rather than the normal fixed ones. More...
class  RelativePointPath::ElementBase
 Base class for the elements that make up a RelativePointPath. More...
class  RelativePointPath::StartSubPath
 Class for the start sub path element. More...
class  RelativePointPath::CloseSubPath
 Class for the close sub path element. More...
class  RelativePointPath::LineTo
 Class for the line to element. More...
class  RelativePointPath::QuadraticTo
 Class for the quadratic to element. More...
class  RelativePointPath::CubicTo
 Class for the cubic to element. More...
class  RelativeRectangle
 A rectangle stored as a set of RelativeCoordinate values. More...

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