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class  ComponentDragger
 An object to take care of the logic for dragging components around with the mouse. More...
class  DragAndDropContainer
 Enables drag-and-drop behaviour for a component and all its sub-components. More...
class  DragAndDropTarget
 Components derived from this class can have things dropped onto them by a DragAndDropContainer. More...
class  DragAndDropTarget::SourceDetails
 Contains details about the source of a drag-and-drop operation. More...
class  FileDragAndDropTarget
 Components derived from this class can have files dropped onto them by an external application. More...
class  LassoSource< SelectableItemType >
 A class used by the LassoComponent to manage the things that it selects. More...
class  LassoComponent< SelectableItemType >
 A component that acts as a rectangular selection region, which you drag with the mouse to select groups of objects (in conjunction with a SelectedItemSet). More...
class  MouseCursor
 Represents a mouse cursor image. More...
class  MouseEvent
 Contains position and status information about a mouse event. More...
struct  MouseWheelDetails
 Contains status information about a mouse wheel event. More...
struct  PenDetails
 Contains status information about a pen event. More...
class  MouseInactivityDetector
 This object watches for mouse-events happening within a component, and if the mouse remains still for long enough, triggers an event to indicate that it has become inactive. More...
class  MouseInactivityDetector::Listener
 Classes should implement this to receive callbacks from a MouseInactivityDetector when the mouse becomes active or inactive. More...
class  MouseInputSource
 Represents a linear source of mouse events from a mouse device or individual finger in a multi-touch environment. More...
class  MouseListener
 A MouseListener can be registered with a component to receive callbacks about mouse events that happen to that component. More...
class  SelectedItemSet< SelectableItemType >
 Manages a list of selectable items. More...
class  TextDragAndDropTarget
 Components derived from this class can have text dropped onto them by an external application. More...
class  TooltipClient
 Components that want to use pop-up tooltips should implement this interface. More...
class  SettableTooltipClient
 An implementation of TooltipClient that stores the tooltip string and a method for changing it. More...

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