No Matches
Rectangle< ValueType > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Rectangle< ValueType >, including all inherited members.

constrainedWithin(Rectangle areaToFitWithin) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
contains(ValueType xCoord, ValueType yCoord) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
contains(Point< ValueType > point) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
contains(Rectangle other) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
enlargeIfAdjacent(Rectangle other) noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
expand(ValueType deltaX, ValueType deltaY) noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
expanded(ValueType deltaX, ValueType deltaY) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
expanded(ValueType delta) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
findAreaContainingPoints(const Point< ValueType > *points, int numPoints) noexceptRectangle< ValueType >static
fromString(StringRef stringVersion)Rectangle< ValueType >static
getAspectRatio(bool widthOverHeight=true) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
getBottom() const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
getBottomLeft() const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
getBottomRight() const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
getCentre() const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
getCentreX() const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
getCentreY() const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
getConstrainedPoint(Point< ValueType > point) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
getHeight() const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
getHorizontalRange() const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
getIntersection(Rectangle other) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
getPosition() const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
getProportion(Rectangle< FloatType > proportionalRect) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
getRelativePoint(FloatType relativeX, FloatType relativeY) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
getRight() const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
getSmallestIntegerContainer() const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
getTopLeft() const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
getTopRight() const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
getUnion(Rectangle other) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
getVerticalRange() const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
getWidth() const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
getX() const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
getY() const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
intersectRectangle(ValueType &otherX, ValueType &otherY, ValueType &otherW, ValueType &otherH) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
intersectRectangle(Rectangle< ValueType > &rectangleToClip) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
intersectRectangles(ValueType &x1, ValueType &y1, ValueType &w1, ValueType &h1, ValueType x2, ValueType y2, ValueType w2, ValueType h2) noexceptRectangle< ValueType >static
intersects(Rectangle other) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
intersects(const Line< ValueType > &line) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
isEmpty() const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
isFinite() const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
leftTopRightBottom(ValueType left, ValueType top, ValueType right, ValueType bottom) noexceptRectangle< ValueType >static
operator!=(const Rectangle &other) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
operator*(FloatType scaleFactor) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
operator*=(FloatType scaleFactor) noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
operator*=(Point< FloatType > scaleFactor) noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
operator+(Point< ValueType > deltaPosition) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
operator+=(Point< ValueType > deltaPosition) noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
operator-(Point< ValueType > deltaPosition) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
operator-=(Point< ValueType > deltaPosition) noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
operator/(FloatType scaleFactor) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
operator/=(FloatType scaleFactor) noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
operator/=(Point< FloatType > scaleFactor) noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
operator=(const Rectangle &)=defaultRectangle< ValueType >
operator==(const Rectangle &other) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
proportionOfHeight(FloatType proportion) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
proportionOfWidth(FloatType proportion) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
Rectangle()=defaultRectangle< ValueType >
Rectangle(const Rectangle &)=defaultRectangle< ValueType >
Rectangle(ValueType initialX, ValueType initialY, ValueType width, ValueType height) noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
Rectangle(ValueType width, ValueType height) noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
Rectangle(Point< ValueType > corner1, Point< ValueType > corner2) noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
reduce(ValueType deltaX, ValueType deltaY) noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
reduced(ValueType deltaX, ValueType deltaY) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
reduced(ValueType delta) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
reduceIfPartlyContainedIn(Rectangle other) noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
removeFromBottom(ValueType amountToRemove) noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
removeFromLeft(ValueType amountToRemove) noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
removeFromRight(ValueType amountToRemove) noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
removeFromTop(ValueType amountToRemove) noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
setBottom(ValueType newBottom) noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
setBounds(ValueType newX, ValueType newY, ValueType newWidth, ValueType newHeight) noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
setCentre(ValueType newCentreX, ValueType newCentreY) noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
setCentre(Point< ValueType > newCentre) noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
setHeight(ValueType newHeight) noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
setHorizontalRange(Range< ValueType > range) noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
setLeft(ValueType newLeft) noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
setPosition(Point< ValueType > newPos) noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
setPosition(ValueType newX, ValueType newY) noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
setRight(ValueType newRight) noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
setSize(ValueType newWidth, ValueType newHeight) noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
setTop(ValueType newTop) noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
setVerticalRange(Range< ValueType > range) noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
setWidth(ValueType newWidth) noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
setX(ValueType newX) noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
setY(ValueType newY) noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
toDouble() const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
toFloat() const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
toNearestInt() const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
toNearestIntEdges() const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
toString() constRectangle< ValueType >
toType() const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
transformedBy(const AffineTransform &transform) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
translate(ValueType deltaX, ValueType deltaY) noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
translated(ValueType deltaX, ValueType deltaY) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
withBottom(ValueType newBottom) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
withBottomY(ValueType newBottomY) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
withCentre(Point< ValueType > newCentre) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
withHeight(ValueType newHeight) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
withLeft(ValueType newLeft) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
withPosition(ValueType newX, ValueType newY) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
withPosition(Point< ValueType > newPos) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
withRight(ValueType newRight) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
withRightX(ValueType newRightX) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
withSize(ValueType newWidth, ValueType newHeight) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
withSizeKeepingCentre(ValueType newWidth, ValueType newHeight) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
withTop(ValueType newTop) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
withTrimmedBottom(ValueType amountToRemove) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
withTrimmedLeft(ValueType amountToRemove) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
withTrimmedRight(ValueType amountToRemove) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
withTrimmedTop(ValueType amountToRemove) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
withWidth(ValueType newWidth) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
withX(ValueType newX) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
withY(ValueType newY) const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
withZeroOrigin() const noexceptRectangle< ValueType >
~Rectangle()=defaultRectangle< ValueType >
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