No Matches
Point< ValueType > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Point< ValueType >, including all inherited members.

addXY(ValueType xToAdd, ValueType yToAdd) noexceptPoint< ValueType >
applyTransform(const AffineTransform &transform) noexceptPoint< ValueType >
FloatType typedefPoint< ValueType >
getAngleToPoint(Point other) const noexceptPoint< ValueType >
getDistanceFrom(Point other) const noexceptPoint< ValueType >
getDistanceFromOrigin() const noexceptPoint< ValueType >
getDistanceSquaredFrom(Point other) const noexceptPoint< ValueType >
getDistanceSquaredFromOrigin() const noexceptPoint< ValueType >
getDotProduct(Point other) const noexceptPoint< ValueType >
getPointOnCircumference(float radius, float angle) const noexceptPoint< ValueType >
getPointOnCircumference(float radiusX, float radiusY, float angle) const noexceptPoint< ValueType >
getX() const noexceptPoint< ValueType >
getY() const noexceptPoint< ValueType >
isFinite() const noexceptPoint< ValueType >
isOrigin() const noexceptPoint< ValueType >
operator!=(Point other) const noexceptPoint< ValueType >
operator*(Point< OtherType > other) const noexceptPoint< ValueType >
operator*(OtherType multiplier) const noexceptPoint< ValueType >
operator*=(Point< OtherType > other) noexceptPoint< ValueType >
operator*=(FloatType multiplier) noexceptPoint< ValueType >
operator+(Point other) const noexceptPoint< ValueType >
operator+=(Point other) noexceptPoint< ValueType >
operator-(Point other) const noexceptPoint< ValueType >
operator-() const noexceptPoint< ValueType >
operator-=(Point other) noexceptPoint< ValueType >
operator/(Point< OtherType > other) const noexceptPoint< ValueType >
operator/(OtherType divisor) const noexceptPoint< ValueType >
operator/=(Point< OtherType > other) noexceptPoint< ValueType >
operator/=(FloatType divisor) noexceptPoint< ValueType >
operator=(const Point &)=defaultPoint< ValueType >
operator==(Point other) const noexceptPoint< ValueType >
Point()=defaultPoint< ValueType >
Point(const Point &)=defaultPoint< ValueType >
Point(ValueType initialX, ValueType initialY) noexceptPoint< ValueType >
rotatedAboutOrigin(ValueType angleRadians) const noexceptPoint< ValueType >
roundToInt() const noexceptPoint< ValueType >
setX(ValueType newX) noexceptPoint< ValueType >
setXY(ValueType newX, ValueType newY) noexceptPoint< ValueType >
setY(ValueType newY) noexceptPoint< ValueType >
toDouble() const noexceptPoint< ValueType >
toFloat() const noexceptPoint< ValueType >
toInt() const noexceptPoint< ValueType >
toString() constPoint< ValueType >
transformedBy(const AffineTransform &transform) const noexceptPoint< ValueType >
translated(ValueType deltaX, ValueType deltaY) const noexceptPoint< ValueType >
withX(ValueType newX) const noexceptPoint< ValueType >
withY(ValueType newY) const noexceptPoint< ValueType >
xPoint< ValueType >
yPoint< ValueType >
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